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3llipsis 2011-12-15 12:35

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-3
Almedhi, you were asking what you could add to your already good script. i think of two things: adding new fonts and colors to the terminal (like courrier, courrier bold, monaco). it would be nice. the default font won't suit everyone.

this alsamixer thing is a bit of a mix. should be great to ear from nokia if putting the sound to 100% will damage the phone. transient sounds may create a mess in there for instance...

F2thaK 2011-12-15 12:37

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-3
its been done to N900 with little to no problems

luisfigo 2011-12-15 13:22

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-3
Brilliant software, thanks!

3llipsis 2011-12-15 13:48

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-3

Originally Posted by F2thaK (Post 1137805)
its been done to N900 with little to no problems

so let's pray. the n9 is so nice. don't want to damage it.

another thing: using 450px icons in lock screen. looks great but won't move a lot so some part of the screen will never switch off. could it damage the screen anyhow? all those questions. i'm looking right now for amoled screen specifications.

AlMehdi 2011-12-15 14:07

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-3

Originally Posted by 3llipsis (Post 1137804)
Almedhi, you were asking what you could add to your already good script. i think of two things: adding new fonts and colors to the terminal (like courrier, courrier bold, monaco). it would be nice. the default font won't suit everyone.

this alsamixer thing is a bit of a mix. should be great to ear from nokia if putting the sound to 100% will damage the phone. transient sounds may create a mess in there for instance...

Hmm.. you mean like for normal use? Or just the app? I have Zsh (improved bash) as a hidden install in it for those who like thinkering in terminal. I will improve that installer for next version but still keep it hidden. I also need a new Icon. Will see if i try to get something together myself or if i use the one F2thak provided.

It is probably okay to use the predriv alsamixer boost but noway of beeing sure. If you are unsure.. then it is better not to use that tweak. Better safe than sorry ;)

AlMehdi 2011-12-15 14:16

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-3

Originally Posted by 3llipsis (Post 1137836)
so let's pray. the n9 is so nice. don't want to damage it.

another thing: using 450px icons in lock screen. looks great but won't move a lot so some part of the screen will never switch off. could it damage the screen anyhow? all those questions. i'm looking right now for amoled screen specifications.

Not sure what you mean here.. The operator logo hack that Frals did LPMCustomizer for? As that already is an app i have not included it in n9tweak.

3llipsis 2011-12-15 15:10

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-3

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 1137845)
Not sure what you mean here.. The operator logo hack that Frals did LPMCustomizer for? As that already is an app i have not included it in n9tweak.

yes i know. i've modified the logo size manually in the proper css file. i was just asking because the n9 is so open we can mess both with software and hardware. the default logo size is 120 square but we change the size to 450. in that case the logo won't move much and therefore part of it always light on the lockscreen (i hope i'm clear!)

as for the terminal tweak i didn't look into your hidden option. but i will !

AlMehdi 2011-12-15 15:22

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-3

Originally Posted by 3llipsis (Post 1137856)
yes i know. i've modified the logo size manually in the proper css file. i was just asking because the n9 is so open we can mess both with software and hardware. the default logo size is 120 square but we change the size to 450. in that case the logo won't move much and therefore part of it always light on the lockscreen (i hope i'm clear!)

as for the terminal tweak i didn't look into your hidden option. but i will !

Pretty sure it does not harm the screen.. nothing i am aware of anyway. You should speak to Frals so he implement the resize option in LPMCustomizer. It would be a better fit i think.

Those options are hidden by a reason ;)

3llipsis 2011-12-15 15:27

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-3
ok thanks. i've tried to install zsh. aegis rejects libcap and zsh. you have any idea? i've set up the extra repo and i'm on 1.1.

3llipsis 2011-12-15 15:34

Re: [Announce] N9Tweak v0.2-3
and by theming the terminal i was referring to the... default terminal with it's 3 themes: green, white and black on yellow

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