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thebtman 2012-01-21 22:40

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by philh (Post 1153725)
After owning the N900 for almost two years last Autumn I went for the N8 after I learned it will get Belle, the camera was a massive factor as well. I was thinking about going Android but I just couldn't, even when I found a phone I could see myself owning there always was the "but it hasn't got the N8 camera" cloud hanging above it. So as a day to day phone so far the N8 was brilliant, love the aluminum body, the way it looks, the camera of course, satnav is amazing (who needs sygic) etc and Belle will make it hundred times better.

I still have the N900 sim free and am unable to part with it, I can't imagine someone else getting it for some pathetic £100 after being so brilliant for me since I bought it so I reflashed it, apart from overclocking it to 900mhz and installing cutetube and simple brightness left it stock and it is now serving as a great little tablet.

For the amount of photo blogging I do I'd probably consider the N8 as well. Sounds like a good choice.

What is the quality like?...I've lived with the N900 and been pretty happy with the results...

bsd1101 2012-01-22 00:15

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
A buddy of mine told me about the n900 months before it went on sale. Saw its openness but didn't know what to think of it at first. I was on sprint with a blackberry; if I remember correctly. I was sick of Sprints horrible customer service and did not want to sign another contract. After having Windows phones and blackberries I jumped the gun and got myself this amazing piece of technology; switched to TMobile. I've had my N900 for over two years now and it's still going strong. The more I see this question the more worried I become about it. I can't see myself owning a non-open phone ever again. My friends have droids but it's just not the same. The only phone i'm currently considering is the N9. Not having a keyboard really kills me though. If and when my n900 dies I will seek out an N9 unless something "better" comes along. My friends said I was crazy when I bought this phone; thinking I would buy another one in no more than a year.

N900 - till death do us part.

eight 2012-01-22 00:37

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I'm really late, have the N900 for a month now and never expected such a great Debian-System behind it. Best Smartphone I ever had. :)

Got mine for 130€ in really great condition, with screen protector, used with silicon case, and 6 month waranty left.
Bought it just before Christmas, prices were really low and are higher now, was a good time to buy on the spur of the moment.

I <3 my N900, as a maemo newbie there's so much to explore and learn, time will bring another open (tizen?) device with keyboard. If not, I would bet i'm happy with my (third) N900 in two years and will have fun with it.


Originally Posted by xalted13 (Post 1153831)
I can't see myself owning a non-open phone ever again.
N900 - till death do us part.

Exactly also my experience with the N900. :D

ibrakalifa 2012-01-22 01:47

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
its not about n900, its all about maemo inside, stupid dummy nokia abandoned the best OS ever, i hate nokia!!

eight 2012-01-22 03:57

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
They bet on winmob as upper class and not one phone with android? How lame is this?

Roth 2012-01-22 05:40

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
After the N900, I would love to get a hold of an N950, but it seems a little farfetched. If anything, I'd probably hold on to my N900 and N810 until we see what Intel/Samsung will come up with Tizen handset. Galaxy SIII, perhaps?

// Roth

los_tannoury 2012-08-17 11:36

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
wish i can get n950 ,n900 till death

nodevel 2012-08-17 12:34

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Most likely another N900. A friend of mine is going to do the same thing.

independent 2012-08-17 20:23

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
Another n900. For basic phones the X1-00 is very good and highly recommended. It seems to have a more efficient charging system off a 2mm plug even with a 5v (USB -> 2mm no upverter) output and also uses the BL-5J battery.

HELLASISGREECE 2012-08-17 20:40

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I cannot decide

Another N900?
or my N9?
or an E7?
Xperia P is also cool but.. has Android.. meh

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