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majaczek 2012-07-29 11:35

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
I still have the KP50, and recently having problems with batterry/heat.
Recently installed new CSSU update and bnf but it went fine for a few days.
(Read: I didn't yet updated to kp51 but have similair problem, i think it is not the case).
To prevent my device wear off I locked it to 500 and plugged out the cable. My batterry temperature dropped from 44 to safe 32 celsius but it discharged. Any help appreciated.

freemangordon 2012-07-29 11:38

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by majaczek (Post 1244511)
I still have the KP50, and recently having problems with batterry/heat.
Recently installed new CSSU update and bnf but it went fine for a few days.
(Read: I didn't yet updated to kp51 but have similair problem, i think it is not the case).
To prevent my device wear off I locked it to 500 and plugged out the cable. My batterry temperature dropped from 44 to safe 32 celsius but it discharged. Any help appreciated.

Upgrade to KP51 and if the problem continues, please provide some data, starting with powertop output

majaczek 2012-07-29 18:46

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
Seems I'm acting dumb. I recently used a few times my N900 as cellular modem for my Laptop. Last time I mistakenly put the phone where the only fan air output of my laptop is, and it heated up to 52 Celsius. Seems like false alarm of mine. Now I'll try to finish download and not kill my phone, later I will make sure if anything is okay while my phone is in a safer place. I may consider an upgrade of KP but I am hospitalised and there's no free wifi here (and for me GPRS packets are a bit costful).

EDIT: now is 38 celsius on only charger detached aside of not puttingin hot air flow. It seems most of things are okay after an hour (charger was detached for faster cooling).

Estel 2012-07-29 20:12

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
Pali, according to:

...there was version 15 of kernel-power-settings (I even have it installed on one of my devices), but it was removed manually by X-Fade. do you know anything about it?

It creates kinda fubar situation - now, kernel-power-settings is only one package in whole repositories, that doesn't have -devel installation candidate at all - it lives only in -testing and extras, as version 14. -devel is literally empty, when it comes to kernel-power-settings

This situations is present for almost month already, mind You.


majaczek 2012-07-29 20:32

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
Either I broken my charging chip/batterry or there actually is a bug/incompability in KP51r1.
I upgraded in last minute, and nokia default batterry meter shows broken "almost empty", while bnf confirmed it is still 33% full (it perhaps uses i2c method once when run and closes).
Seems some new driver version miraclously conflict with bme (and now checked my fool steps and were none).
Anyway it seems even faster than before perceptfully. Hope that confused bme wouldn't decide to shutdown.

Edit: it shows "calibration needed : 0" and measured batterry capacity changed, but I didn't run the calibration script, could it have calibrated naturally via long charging or it indicates something broken here (it could broke something after me beeing so blunt to allow 50 celsius and not shutdown instantly to prevent overheat).
It shows "almost empty" again and again, will ccheck after next reboot.

bennypr0fane 2012-07-29 20:58

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel
I can't boot kp51 with U-Boot. It gets to "starting kernel", then screen goes black, powers off. My U-Boot version is "U-Boot with Nokia PR1.3 kernel 2012.04-1" Maybe there is a newer version?
The stock kernel boots fine.
I had kp50 before that, in U-Boot bootimage, this used to work.
After updating extras-devel, kp51 became available in HAM, but kernel-power-bootimg is not there - I was able to install it via apt-get though.

misiak 2012-07-29 22:49

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1244253)
Thanks for finding, but it wouldn't it be easier/better/one-time-neccessary to do that

gconftool-2 --set /apps/wlan_driver_selector/driver_folder --type string "/opt/packet-injection-modules/current"

I don't have "/opt/packet-injection-modules/current" directory (symlink) on my N900, only /opt/packet-injection-modules/

Nobless 2012-07-29 23:32

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by bennypr0fane (Post 1244727)
I can't boot kp51 with U-Boot. It gets to "starting kernel", then screen goes black, powers off. My U-Boot version is "U-Boot with Nokia PR1.3 kernel 2012.04-1" Maybe there is a newer version?
The stock kernel boots fine.
I had kp50 before that, in U-Boot bootimage, this used to work.
After updating extras-devel, kp51 became available in HAM, but kernel-power-bootimg is not there - I was able to install it via apt-get though.

Edit kp51 item file in folder /etc/bootmenu.d/


because kp51 bootimg item file is applied to work with newest 2012.04-2 version not 2012.04-1

then u-boot-update-bootmenu and happy using. :)
P.S why you don't use latest version of u-boot 2012.04-2 ?

bennypr0fane 2012-07-30 01:15

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by Nobless (Post 1244765)
then u-boot-update-bootmenu :)

you mean install u-boot-update-bootmenu? or update it? :confused:


Originally Posted by Nobless (Post 1244765)
P.S why you don't use latest version of u-boot 2012.04-2 ?

I wasn't aware there was a newer version of U-Boot. I didn't get a notification in HAM - or after running apt-get update.
How do I upgrade? After I do, do I still need to make those changes to kp51, or should it work as-is then?

peterleinchen 2012-07-30 09:00

Re: [Announce] kernel-power stable v51 in Extras-Devel

Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1244754)
I don't have "/opt/packet-injection-modules/current" directory (symlink) on my N900, only /opt/packet-injection-modules/

Yes, sorry for being misunderstandable.
Of course I meant to create a symlink on your own.
Or even better by installation script of kp and then use this "/opt/packet-injection-modules/current" directly (so gconf editing only needed once, maybe also via kp installation, pali?).

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