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xprism 2013-01-23 14:42

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
Thank you guys for your dedicated hard works keeping our beloved maemo alive.I wish i could donate some bucks to TMO via Liberty Reserve coz i didn't have any pp.May GBU all of you.

Schumbi 2013-01-23 15:01

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1314588)
As some of you already might have noticed, this forum as well as all * infra is going to move to a new home, due to Nokia not providing/supporting any hosting on Nokia servers for it anymore (well, for tmo the case is slightly different, but that's irrelevant here).


[update11 2013-01-23_12:00UTC]
Some tuning on FW got done. 30 minutes ago we enabled repository.m.o VM. Heavy traffic drives the connection to its limit and causes extreme load times or even connection rejects. The rest of infra nevertheless seems to stay stable. We'll watch the situation and see how long it takes til those hungry 40000 devices out there slowly decay their DDoS attack.

Thanks a lot, guys.

anthonie 2013-01-23 15:52

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server

Repositories (application catalogues ) are temporarily not working due to migration to community driven infrastructure. They may come up for some test and vanish again.

See this thread for more info!

We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Your - Team
Sorry? There is so no need to be sorry!

* bows to the team _O_ *

panjgoori 2013-01-23 16:00

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
Thanks for the notice. Atleast this will now stop users to create more threads for for the same issue over and over again.

and as anthonie said there is no need to be sorry team. you people are doing a really great job. We appreciate your important time and hard work you people are giving to this community.

PWN900 2013-01-24 13:40

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
temp comm.

temp xt devel
free non-free

temp extra
free non-free

These temporary repositories are working for me. I believe there are a few more available ie testing, extra-devel... Do a web search for skerion repositories and they should show up. :D

ashyu 2013-01-25 06:44

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
Does anyone know where I might be able to find the eMMC and/or fiasco images for the N900 now? The site seems to have gone away.

I'm supposed to be selling my N900 to someone tomorrow and need to reflash...

I have the flasher utility, but I didn't seem to keep a copy of the images...!

ashyu 2013-01-25 07:09

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
Ooh nevermind, found it here:

Man... I'm going to miss this little guy! But cash is cash...

j0zeph 2013-01-25 14:06

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
I have the following version :

if you're interested

lma 2013-01-25 14:52

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
Are the mailing lists supposed to be working? Do you need any help with anything?

NiQ 2013-01-26 02:32

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
Is there any problem currently? The main site as well as the wiki seem to be down. Only talk is working...

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