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marmistrz 2013-11-16 19:07

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1378902)
did manage to get a vm set up and working yesterday. i like the ui that was in the original maemo preview as it was similar to microb. i think it would be better sticking with something like that but in qt not qml.

i can't remember the exact reason for not using gtk (issue gl canvas is floating around in my head), but we have some underlying components of microb reverse engineered, jonwill iirc did some. would it not be better to aim at making it a drop in replacement for what we already have.

Well, after some research, qml might not be the best option: bugs in qt components. But I'll try out updated qt components and let know

As for me it'd be the best to check if the current harmattan UI, whether it works. Then we can debate what to do next.

Well, using the microb ui would be good too.

Android_808 2013-11-16 21:07

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle
I will admit I haven't got round to delving to deep into it as of yet. If API is still compatible with microb UI I think it would make sense to just rebase microb patchset against latest xulrunner/FF sources or the latest LTS/Enterprise release (or whatever their calling it). The patches aren't that complicated to follow what their aim is. Some (eg. gstreamer) have updated versions kicking about on Mozilla mailing lists. Doing this will clean up where all the functionality needs to be added/edited to replace Hildon/GTK UI embedded in the engine itself if you decide on QT/QML. Mainly dialogue boxes IIRC.

I know there are some internal changes stopping the patches applying cleanly without some minor editing (last checked against FF7/8) but as long as the functions called by the closed source UI packages are unchanged it may be workable. This way at least we would have an up to date, secure(r) base on which to work. If API has changed then the existing UI would have to be RE'd/replaced.

Estel 2013-11-16 22:00

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1386973)
If API is still compatible with microb UI I think it would make sense to just rebase microb patchset against latest xulrunner/FF sources or the latest LTS/Enterprise release (or whatever their calling it).

No radical changes in API during so many years in something FF-related? I really doubt that, sadly. IIRC freeman&co checked it, once, and it was totally incompatible, but I may be referring to something only vaguely related, so don't quote me on it.

But, having open backend and "only" frontend" closed, can't we compare how "old" open backend communicate with closed UI, as related to "new" backend API? Or am I missing something?


Android_808 2013-11-16 23:39

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle
without looking into it further, i wouldn't know what parts of API have changed. maybe it would have been better to say I know there have been some (java), but i don't know how they affect the subset of functions used by the UI.

marmistrz 2013-11-17 17:31

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1386986)
without looking into it further, i wouldn't know what parts of API have changed. maybe it would have been better to say I know there have been some (java), but i don't know how they affect the subset of functions used by the UI.

Well, nevertheless we need to find out how to build it! We can discuss infinite-long about "which ui to use", but it'll be nothing if we can't build the app!

When we have everything built, then we can discuss "what to do next". Can you try to do it, as I failed the time I tried?

freemangordon 2013-11-17 17:45

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1386986)
without looking into it further, i wouldn't know what parts of API have changed. maybe it would have been better to say I know there have been some (java), but i don't know how they affect the subset of functions used by the UI.

GtkMozEmbed is not in the tree for long time. And that's what microb uses.

*Maybe* it is possible to tell gecko to render to bc-cat texture which has its memory from a GTK pixmap, and somehow "lie" microb to show that pixmap, but I don't think we can achieve something like that without someone knowing the internals of both microb and gecko.

The other option is to rewrite microbui with Qt, that's what qwazix started to do...

bennypr0fane 2013-11-17 18:20

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle
cool, so this project is not dead after all! Last time I visited here, I only saw months-old posts, and not promising ones.
Kudos to all of you who look into this!

misiak 2013-11-17 18:41

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1387099)
Well, nevertheless we need to find out how to build it! We can discuss infinite-long about "which ui to use", but it'll be nothing if we can't build the app!

When we have everything built, then we can discuss "what to do next". Can you try to do it, as I failed the time I tried?

+1, I wanted to build the app for non-thumb, but failed due to lack of instructions what to do (code in 4 linked repos differed, and I failed to cleanly build all 4 version in scratchbox - there might be a slight chance that my setup's broken, but I don't remember any other package that failed to build, and I compile a lot of stuff for my own purposes, so I doubt).

Edit: the best option would be to have the source packages (tgz + dsc) uploaded somewhere - then it would be trivial to recompile (or definitely blame building toolchain for failures).

Another edit: oh, I see there are "debian" directories in the repositories (at least the tmeshkova version has one), I'm gonna try again quite soon :)

freemangordon 2013-11-17 19:40

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle

Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1387118)
+1, I wanted to build the app for non-thumb, but failed due to lack of instructions what to do (code in 4 linked repos differed, and I failed to cleanly build all 4 version in scratchbox - there might be a slight chance that my setup's broken, but I don't remember any other package that failed to build, and I compile a lot of stuff for my own purposes, so I doubt).

Edit: the best option would be to have the source packages (tgz + dsc) uploaded somewhere - then it would be trivial to recompile (or definitely blame building toolchain for failures).

Another edit: oh, I see there are "debian" directories in the repositories (at least the tmeshkova version has one), I'm gonna try again quite soon :)

you can't build latest gecko with 4.2.1, IIRC the minimum required version is 4.4

you'll need python2.7 and export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2.7

debian dir on tmeshkova supports maemo5 build under cssu-thumb target, never tried it in stock SB armel target

It was a while I tried to build gecko for maemo5 for the last time, latest code might not compile or run

Android_808 2013-11-17 20:06

Re: [WIP] Alopex: a mozilla embedlite implementation on fremantle
I've tried pulling in and running ./build -t fremantle. It looks as though it should be pulling in the other repos from tmeshkova repo as well.

1. can't pull https git clone. even with devkit, and symlink in /usr/share/curl. Worked with git://
2. requires a sb target called FREMANTLE_ARMEL_GCC472. I have this installed as part of FREMANTLE_THUMB target. I cheated by symlinking target directory for now, just to see how far it would go.
3. fremantle build target calls a routine to check for sb2. I don't have this setup.

freemangordon, you posted gcc info whilst i was typing

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