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willi6868 2016-03-11 10:19

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by willi6868 (Post 1500688)
I enabled the persistent storage for journalctl now and will check it if it happens again. :)

This is really strange - even with persistent journalctl logging the logs before this scenario will be vanished.

This also seems to not depend on the battery percentage since my Tablet also shut down with full battery.

velox 2016-03-11 11:03

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
My first few experiences as a user:
  • The Display: Looks great, especially directly next to the Jolla Phone. Brightness settings are… barely affecting anything. Maximum Level is too dark and minimum level is too bright. The promised "Split Screen" feature would be pretty useful, since most of the time I get a feeling of driving around a Truck having loaded a pillow when looking at simple Applications.
  • The Speed: Launching Apps is a lot faster than on the Phone. But it always feels like it's fighting to fill all those pixels fluidly. Animations get sluggish, scrolling sometimes is a bit like on the n900, when everyone was just figuring out how this fluid/kinetic scrolling thing is supposed to work.
  • The System: I never noticed how badly SFOS is translated on my phone (German version). At times it reads like child-speak or dumbed-down dialect without genitive case where it belongs.
  • The Applications: Well, there aren't that many, but it's not as bad as it could have been. I miss Kodimote, but either some day I'll get someone to help me figure out how to compile it or there'll be a i486 release until then.
  • The Custom stuff: Patchmanager works, my favourite patches (thanks again to coderus, ancelad et al.) work. Awesome!
  • The Android: There's that. Lock screen media controls seem to work, which is awesome. (Tried amazon music only.) Scrolling in normal apps is a bit worse compared to native ones. Android Games work well if they use pixel doubling.
  • The Size: Feels a lot bigger than a Nexus7 (either generation). I don't know how people with small hands can hold it comfortably.

All in all, I am much more pleased than the previous lines would let you believe. It is a nice device.

velox 2016-03-11 12:42

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Quick addendum:
After trying to install the Quicksilver Browser Demo in my lunch break, the device didn't start new applications anymore. Boot freezes at the "jolla/intel" screen. I can not recommend trying Quicksilver at this point – the developer does not recommend it as well. ;) I might have to try to flash the device this weekend. I don't like flashing stuff.
Oh well, that's what you get for trying stuff before thinking.

coderus 2016-03-11 12:51

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
there is similar recovery mode in tablet, you can reset to default or telnet to it to fix problem manually :)

m4r0v3r 2016-03-11 12:59

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by velox (Post 1501152)
My first few experiences as a user:
  • The Display: Looks great, especially directly next to the Jolla Phone. Brightness settings are… barely affecting anything. Maximum Level is too dark and minimum level is too bright. The promised "Split Screen" feature would be pretty useful, since most of the time I get a feeling of driving around a Truck having loaded a pillow when looking at simple Applications.
  • The Speed: Launching Apps is a lot faster than on the Phone. But it always feels like it's fighting to fill all those pixels fluidly. Animations get sluggish, scrolling sometimes is a bit like on the n900, when everyone was just figuring out how this fluid/kinetic scrolling thing is supposed to work.
  • The System: I never noticed how badly SFOS is translated on my phone (German version). At times it reads like child-speak or dumbed-down dialect without genitive case where it belongs.
  • The Applications: Well, there aren't that many, but it's not as bad as it could have been. I miss Kodimote, but either some day I'll get someone to help me figure out how to compile it or there'll be a i486 release until then.
  • The Custom stuff: Patchmanager works, my favourite patches (thanks again to coderus, ancelad et al.) work. Awesome!
  • The Android: There's that. Lock screen media controls seem to work, which is awesome. (Tried amazon music only.) Scrolling in normal apps is a bit worse compared to native ones. Android Games work well if they use pixel doubling.
  • The Size: Feels a lot bigger than a Nexus7 (either generation). I don't know how people with small hands can hold it comfortably.

All in all, I am much more pleased than the previous lines would let you believe. It is a nice device.

So was a bit bored, saw this post and thought hey ho, want to quickly test kodimote i486 please?

obvious disclaimer of some sort that releases me from any responsibility :P

velox 2016-03-11 13:14

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1501159)
there is similar recovery mode in tablet, you can reset to default or telnet to it to fix problem manually :)

Nice hint, thanks! I suspect I just have to somehow reinstall the system version of qt5-qtwayland-wayland_egl. Will try telnet tomorrow.


Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1501160)
So was a bit bored, saw this post and thought hey ho, want to quickly test kodimote i486 please? […]

Wonderful. Will absolutely try that as soon as things work again. Kodimote is one of the most-used applications on my phone.

Schturman 2016-03-11 13:19

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1500544)
usb otg works just fine. but didnt tried such big usb drives, only small ones. i need to mount it manually.

Coderus, can you explain please how to do this and how to unmount at the end?
And when I connect it, how to check what it do?

coderus 2016-03-11 13:47

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1501162)
Coderus, can you explain please how to do this and how to unmount at the end?
And when I connect it, how to check what it do?


mkdir /usb
mount /dev/sda1 /usb
### ......
umount /usb

Schturman 2016-03-11 14:56

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1501163)

mkdir /usb
mount /dev/sda1 /usb
### ......
umount /usb

I need to do this as root or user ?

Schturman 2016-03-11 15:06

Re: Jolla TABLET User Experience Thread
Ok, it should be as root...
I get this error:

[root@Jolla ~]# mount /dev/sda1 /home/nemo/USBmount
mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist
[root@Jolla ~]#

What the problem ?

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