![]() |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I keep leaving out stuff, forgive me. You have to enable R&D mode before flashing.
flasher-3.5 --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags=no-omap-wd,no-ext-wd -R |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I tried compiling my own kernel for the N900 this morning, following http://natisbad.org/N900/n900-custom-kernel.html and patching it with the android patches posted earlier in this thread.
However, my modules are frickin huuuge! For comparison: My nfs.ko: 3622kb Titan's nfs.ko: 300kb Anyone have any idea how I can reduce the size of these gigantic modules? Right now I can't even fit them all on / on my N900. |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
newer kern = new modules = bigger - you have enabled the compile for small ystems option in general settings havent you ? and modules should not be an issue as they are put in /lib/modules not as part of kernel
and you could always symlink the modules folder to your emmc in theory |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
The problem is that I can't even fit them on the filesystem.
And me and Titan's kernel is the same version from the same sources, still a huge size difference. And I used Nokia's default config-file with the exception of the additions from the android patches and adding a localversion. However, I just noticed that CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL was set to y, disabling that and attempting to recompile. I would tho honestly expect a good working config to be shipped with the kernel sources, but oh-well. |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
yep debug symbols would be a good cause of el huge files
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
All modules are just over 3 MB now. :)
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
sounds better, im trying to slim down my kernel too just over 2.2mb and i need it to be closer to 1.9
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
But that's just the kernel? Not the modules too, I hope?
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
yep just kernel, modules i aint worried about as i got 2gb mem card they be goin on once i get kernel bootin
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Tell me, all the modules you put in /lib/modules/`uname -r` will be automatically loaded right? As long as you do the proper depmod routine etc. aswell.
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Has anyone ever seen this before?
Kernel sources from SDK, patched with android patches from bdogg64, disabled kernel debugging, enabled fbcon (unable to read anything from just before this happens as the screen backlight turns off after a few seconds) and added a local version. Modules are all in the right place, as far as I know. Touchscreen is WAY off, bottom right corner of the screen hits 7, the rest of the screen hits nothing as far as I can tell. Keyboard isnt working either. First theory is that the modules are not being loaded, but I'm not sure why not since they should be in the correct place. I've also run depmod <kernel name> to generate all the correct modules.* files. The console output I do however get to see does not give me any errors of missing modules/drivers when it starts to load, but it did this before I ran depmod <kernel name>, which is why I think the modules are in the correct place. Any idea? Oh, and please let me know if I should move this to a new thread, I just thought of posting it here since it has the android patches and might be related. Has anyone started Maemo with a kernel with the android patches? http://lh5.ggpht.com/_w8rjbGSzmxs/S5...2021.30.16.jpg |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
This screenshot seems like an Maemo initial screen just without the theme applied to it (I think this happens when you mess up the current theme)
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I havent touched anything besides the kernel and module.
If I flash Titan's zImage from Compiling custom kernels for P1.1 (with fiasco-gen) everything is back to normal. |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Besides, if it's just the theme, shouldn't the touchscreen/keyboard be working?
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
1 Attachment(s)
I uploaded a new patched kernel based on the latest maemo sdk kernel source with the android patches. I'm assuming this is the same kernel on the PR 1.1.1 firmware
http://nitdroid.loadsofspace.net/zImage-20100307 md5: 2d9983ee38f675a12162b1dcb02f304e I also attached an updated patch file. Here are the instructions of what I did. This assumes you have the up-to-date maemo 5 sdk installed, and are already logged in (e.g. /scratchbox/login) Code:
mkdir android-kernel FYI: In order for the touchscreen to work, you need to backup the original tsc2005.ko module in the /lib/modules/current directory before replacing with the modules from the android kernel. After replacing the modules, place the original tsc2005.ko module back into the /lib/modules/current directory. The patched android touchscreen module conflicts with the maemo touchscreen module. http://www.natisbad.org/N900/n900-custom-kernel.html has an updated tutorial on replacing the modules on the N900 also. |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
just found some code here you might find of interest it has to do with pageflipping in the omap fb driver Code:
Index: linux-omap-2_6_23/drivers/video/omap/omapfb_main.c |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Did that exactly! Except that I crosscompiled with arm-linux-gnueabi- instead of arm-none-linux-gnueabi-. Moved the modules in place, ran depmod and tried to boot maemo. Got the same unthemed pincode screen with a terribly uncalibrated touchscreen.
Sigh! |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Funny thing, if I boot while in R&D mode, I get the theme but still no usable touchscreen. If I boot in production mode, I get no theme and no usable touchscreen.
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I'm not sure whats going on with the keyboard, as mine wasn't affected after patching. Hope this helps |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
right excuse the lack of updates last few days, busy with work :( bdogg can you send me the omap drivers for n900 and ill see if i can look at them for you
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I played with a friend's droid (not a euphemism) tonight. Man, that thing looks awesome. I'm not in love with the hardware, but the OS looks like a blast. Dual booting meego + android 2.x on the n900? All win.
This project is very exciting. I still couldn't get bootmenu to load the android kernel, but I'm trying again soon. Keep up the good work fellas! Much appreciated. |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
update time: been examining the contents of the original nitdroid patch for the android userspace and noticed one thing in one of the files thats a bit wrong in my opin :
file these are in is vendor/nokia/nit/BoardConfig.mk Code:
TARGET_HARDWARE_3D := false i know for a fact the sound subsystem on the n8x0 runs via alsa so ive enabled that, also we all know the n900 and n800 both have internel 3d graphics hardware so thats enabled to. am compiling a android 2.1r2 system now, wont get to test until i get home from work ~8pm tonight though |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
thanks for the updates guys. Steve i am interested to see what works after your changes.
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
http://pdk.android.com/online-pdk/guide/index.html |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I don't know if this will help with the android kernel, but this guy seems to do a good job with the linux kernel on n8x0
http://franciscoalecrim.com/blog/category/n810/ see the first post to see how he got 2.6.33 working partially see the second post to see how he got 2.6.29-omap working with full(?) hardware support on n810 I am new to maemo.org, and apologize if I posted something you already new all the time :) |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I'm sorry i did read a few pages but i can't read all the 27 pages ... so i have a question : are you guys trying to boot the nokia kernel patched with android patchs, but with the maemo rootfs ? If so, wouldn't it be easier to boot the patched android kernel with an android rootfs hosted on an microSD partition ?
Else i did successfully boot android on the pandora gaming console, and latest kernel use dss2 too. What i did is select the old omap-fb driver instead the dss one in the kernel configuration ( you have to disable the dss2 driver in kernel config before beeing able to see the omap-fb driver ) then patched it with the previous omapfb patchs posted here. Well, i'm interessed in having android on the n900, could someone sumarize the current progress to see if i can help ? |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I can't believe the WinMobile community is already ahead of us!! Mainly because WinMobile sucks so bad. See the link: http://pocketnow.com/tweaks-hacks/an...-pro2-it-rocks
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
probably because 90% of winmobile phones are made by htc so porting android to htc isnt particually hard as they released the first android phone :) (which i have). havent made much progress myself yet still arguing with alsa and making it compile
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
currently we have a working port but it is very slow and as far as i know bluetooth/sound/calls dont work, but i dont have a n900 so i am not sure - you best off checking the www.nitdroid.com site for info |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Hey dj, good to hear from you again. Don't mind Callensunny, I think he is jealous they can run it and not us yet. I feel his pain as well :) Keep at it, ALSA is bound to give in eventually. I'm surprised we have not received any word from the people in #nitdroid. I can see if they were disinterested, but I was hoping for them to say they were and not ignore us:)
Edit, you mentioned its running slow on the N900, how does it run on the older hardware? |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I'll help soon. |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
UPDATE No 1: ok compile is now proceeding properly with all alsa libs included, once this builds i will be trying the new rootfs and seeing what happens, hopefully it should work and may even have sound to boot :) |
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
On the nitroid page, you guys talk about a static build of busybox. Where should i find it ?
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
google does usually help. their a few dotted about
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
I do ask for a good reason ...
Re: [Android] Eclair NITDroid (WIP)
i dont have a n900 so i cant help in that respect, (n8x0 and n900 are diff cpus etc)) bdogg64 most likely has a build in the rootfs he uploaded a few pages back though :)
UPDATE: ok have had to go backwards somewhat, downloading a fresh version of the android 2.1_r2 source as i was getting piles of random java compile errors with the eclair branch, so ill be patchign and merging alsa back in again once this downloads (this is where i need a decent internet connection lol) |
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