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zlatko 2010-04-08 08:44

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I rebooted my phone and since then CallNotify is working fine. Was busy recently and not able to test extensively, but I will come up with any findings.

omeriko9 2010-04-08 11:37

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by rcastberg (Post 599969)

I had similar problems and tried both the debug and the error checking.
This gave me 2 lines:
PHP Code:

2010-04-07 22:18:26.286043readConfigurationFile started
-04-07 22:18:26.289033checkForConfigFile started 

Running the error checing gave me a problem:
PHP Code: python /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/ 
(most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/hildon-desktop/"line 19in __init__
File "/usr/lib/hildon-desktop/"line 80in readConfigurationFile
.interval float(raw_set[3])
ValueErrorinvalid literal for float(): 5,
~ $ 

Converting the 5,0 to 5.0 in the conf.txt seemed like it got rid of the problem, and i am guessing this might have something to do with the regional settings on the phone? as in Norway (where i am) we prefer to use a comma as a decimal seperator (don't ask why, its annoying)

In any case the debug becomes a lot longer, sample:
PHP Code:

2010-04-07 22:38:54.240816constructor
-04-07 22:38:54.241609loadImages started
-04-07 22:38:54.288270constructor end
-04-07 22:38:56.210908startDbusListeners started
-04-07 22:38:57.771058handleMissedCall started
-04-07 22:38:57.771882getMissedCallsCount startedagrsFalse
-04-07 22:38:58.000734handleMissedCall started
-04-07 22:38:58.001588getMissedCallsCount startedagrsFalse

But it seems to work now


Thank you very much! I would have never thought of that!

Fixed in version 0.0.9-1, I hope :)
Available in extras devel.

Thanks again!

(If you don't upgrade, just don't forget to change the Debug to False again , otherwise the trace will fill up your disk :) )

omeriko9 2010-04-08 11:39

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zaedej (Post 600317)
Thanks for the info dude. So, when are you planning to have the finals version the refined one?

I got the phone 3 days back and it's a hassle to deal with miss calls and sms' man!:(

Thanks a lot.

Cheerz!! keep up the good work man!:)


Basically it depends on the stability of the app and on the testers (which is everyone who download it from the extras-devel or extras-testing repository).
I've published the link in the first page for "vote" - and there are some rules about voting. Once the application is stable enough, I'll get enough votes and it will move from extras-testing to extras repository (and then you could download it without doing anything special except enabling the extras repository, if it's not enabled yet).

zaedej 2010-04-08 16:39

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Got it man! I will vote for it. :)

skalogre 2010-04-08 17:18

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Latest available version (0.9.1) works for me now! Good work.

rcastberg 2010-04-08 19:08

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 600841)
Thank you very much! I would have never thought of that!

Fixed in version 0.0.9-1, I hope :)
Available in extras devel.

Thanks again!

(If you don't upgrade, just don't forget to change the Debug to False again , otherwise the trace will fill up your disk :) )

Thanks for the quick update,
works nicely, i can adjust the time in the settings and it still apprears as a "x,x" in conf but the application recognizes it and works.

aspora.isernia 2010-04-09 08:16

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Finally, updated version 0.0.9-1 works like a charm. Many thanks!!

zomby 2010-04-09 14:30

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 600841)
version 0.0.9-1
Available in extras devel.

Works well for me, thank you!

zaedej 2010-04-09 16:23

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Great it works for me.

JCN 2010-04-09 16:54

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Just wanted to say I'm trying to install callnotify 0.0.9-1 and it fails. It says I'm missing python2.5-xml (>=0.8.4-1osso8) and I can't find that anywhere (and to be honest I don't even know what it is... :rolleyes:

zlatko 2010-04-09 17:10

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
You have to install python first. CallNotify needs it. Look in repository, just search for python.

JCN 2010-04-09 18:01

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Thanks! :) I installed maemo-python-device-env and now it works!

omeriko9 2010-04-09 19:33

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by JCN (Post 603222)
Thanks! :) I installed maemo-python-device-env and now it works!

Thanks! I'll add this dependency to the next release.

ceevee 2010-04-10 06:12

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Running 0.0.9-1. After installing, I tested it and it worked perfectly. After rebooting, it was not working. It would only notify my missed calls.

I had to change settings, save, then undo the changes, and save for it to get back to fully working.

Also I did not need to install maemo-python-device-env for it to work. Never asked me to. Don't know if that is something.

Add: Rebooted again. Works fine without any changing of settings.

May post logs later.

omeriko9 2010-04-10 08:52

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by ceevee (Post 603808)
Running 0.0.9-1. After installing, I tested it and it worked perfectly. After rebooting, it was not working. It would only notify my missed calls.

I had to change settings, save, then undo the changes, and save for it to get back to fully working.

Also I did not need to install maemo-python-device-env for it to work. Never asked me to. Don't know if that is something.

That's strange - If it's working for missed call, it should also work for SMS's, and changing the settings shouldn't matter.

Where you testing it while the conversation app was open? Or did you send an SMS to yourself?

Regarding maemo-python-device-env, you probably had this package from a different app you installed, this is why you didn't need it.

omeriko9 2010-04-10 09:33

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by JCN (Post 603222)
Thanks! :) I installed maemo-python-device-env and now it works!

I apt-get the maemo-python-device-env - and aperantly I didn't had this package, just installed it.

So I guess the package you were missing was python-runtime, which is a dependency of maemo-python-device-env, and wasn't a dependency for CallNotify.

So I'll add it.
Thanks again!

dragon_788 2010-04-11 18:29

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Taomyn (Post 590903)
Another request if I may please. Could the vibrate option be set to "Vibrate with profile" so it only vibrates if the main phone profile is set to do so?

This would then fall in line with any profile changes you make on the phone and always how this sort of app has worked on my previous Nokia handsets.

Having set mine to only ring on calls last night (by using Tweakr and setting all the other volumes to 0, with no vibrate) to then be woken by hearing the phone vibrate was a little frustrating.

omeriko9, not sure if you caught this many pages back, but this would be a fantastic addition to your script. It would also allow for a bit more flexibility with the notification settings if it could inherit them from the current profile setting once coupled with a profiling timing app like alarmed or silencer.

omeriko9 2010-04-12 07:41

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by dragon_788 (Post 605709)
omeriko9, not sure if you caught this many pages back, but this would be a fantastic addition to your script. It would also allow for a bit more flexibility with the notification settings if it could inherit them from the current profile setting once coupled with a profiling timing app like alarmed or silencer.

@dragon_788 thanks, I thought I did answered that, apparently not.

Regarding Taomyn's offer, to synchronize the vibration and sound with the devices profile - I think it has sense. More needs to be determined on how exactly the device settings will override the CallNotify's settings, but basically it does make sense that if the device is on silence-no-vibrate mode, it shouldn't vibrate.

Before adding any extension to the current app, I prefer to see a stable and working version for the functionalities that currently exists, and only after they are proved to be working well and the app will be in the extras repository, I'll continue adding new features.

Taomyn 2010-04-12 08:01

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 606478)
Before adding any extension to the current app, I prefer to see a stable and working version for the functionalities that currently exists, and only after they are proved to be working well and the app will be in the extras repository, I'll continue adding new features.

I agree, it's been a rocky few weeks for this app and well worth waiting a little longer for new additions.

foobar 2010-04-12 11:26

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I have 0.0.9-1 installed and it seems to work fine for me. now there is 0.1.0-1 in the app manager and it adds python-runtime, python-pygame and python-bluez as dependencies. I wonder whether these are really necessary?

omeriko9 2010-04-12 11:31

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by foobar (Post 606767)
I have 0.0.9-1 installed and it seems to work fine for me. now there is 0.1.0-1 in the app manager and it adds python-runtime, python-pygame and python-bluez as dependencies. I wonder whether these are really necessary?

It doesn't add python-pygame and python-bluez, you can see it does not appear in the package description.

It does add python-runtime and python-xml because I've received complains about these missing dependencies.

HRZ 2010-04-13 09:03

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
for awhile my battery was draining super fast (the past week)
then i installed 0.0.9-1 everything was back to normal, couldnt believe how much battery life I was missing when using the previous version. Then last night i installed the latest one .1.0-1 and i realized my battery was draining really fast again. I am sure it was callnotify because i havent installed anything else, except for FMMS's updates in the past week. anyway, im back to using .9-1 and will post back with what happens.

Switch_ 2010-04-14 07:31

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Hi omeriko, primarily I love your app, it's superb and works like a dream - all apart from one small thing... Forgive me if this has been answered before (yes I have trawled about 12 pages of this thread looking for the answer but it eludes me) but having missed a call, how do I get rid of the call notification...?

I have someone call me every day to let me know that they are on their way, but it's always only a one-ring call - hence I miss it on purpose. Callnotify then lets me know that I have missed the call exactly as I have configured it, every ten minutes. However, even after I go into my recent calls list and delete the missed calls it still continues to notify me. I currently have 5 missed calls, but not a single missed call in my recent calls list....? There is not a "reset notifications" option that I can find either in the desktop sub-menu, or the main settings>extras>callnotify menu.

It's disabled the notification after a reboot but to have to reboot my phone every time is getting tedious. Tomorrow after they call I'm going to be stuck on 6 missed calls - without having a single missed call in the recent calls list... Bug? Or am I missing something?

Point me in the right direction?

And keep up the good work :D

omeriko9 2010-04-14 07:55

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
@HRZ, The only noticable change between 0.0.9 to 0.1.0 is the addition of two dependencies, that were missing in 0.0.8 as well.
So I don't think it's the version. If the battery drain has anything to do with notify, maybe you've received notification only when using 0.0.8 & 0.1.0 ?
If that's not the case, I'm pretty sure it's not CallNotify who drains the battery. Perhaps it's not something you installed rather than a way you use your device?
I might be wrong, so if anyone is experiencing the same please post here.

@Behemoth, I'm a bit confused - CallNotify has nothing to do with GPS - so it's very weird that you get notification about GPS not available. Perhaps you are referring to a different application?

@Switch_, The clean up of the notification from the status menu is done when closing the yellow notification window after a missed call. You don't need to delete the call from the call log, and actually CallNotify does not listen to these kind of events in order to clean the notification.
Another option to manually reset the notification is to open and close the conversation window.
But, as I said before, the notification should be removed after closing the yellow window that tells you about the missed call.
Anyway - you shouldn't reset every time. Worst case, if nothing helps and you still get the notification even after trying both methods, you can use the x-term and run as root:
killall -9 hildon-status-menu
and then:
killall hildon-status-menu
Use this only if there's no other way to make the notifications go away - although they should go away using one of the ways I described before.

Thank you all for trying and help testing it!

Switch_ 2010-04-14 08:50

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Thanks omeriko, I'll try that next time :D

FYI what I have been doing is using the yellow notification to open the small "call log" and then using that to go straight to the phone, then delete the call, before returning to desktop - maybe it is doing this rather than simply closing the notification....

Cheers though

Behemoth 2010-04-14 13:21

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
@omeriko9: I'm sorry! Don't know how this could happen. My post was for the fahrplan app. There must have been something in my coffe that morning. Sorry again! Will delete my post.

Scullyno10 2010-04-15 00:42

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I installed 1.0.1, didn't appear to work so I uninstalled. Now I have no SMS or missed call notifications at all - no sound, no LED, no entry in missed call list. When I receive a text the "conversations" app opens (and displays the new text) and that's it! Tried reinstalling 1.0.1, still nothing regardless of settings and multiple reboots. Going round in circles here - help!?

zlatko 2010-04-15 05:36

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Try to reboot your phone.

I've been testing CallNotify recently - works as supposed. The only glitch I noticed is some inconsistency in SMS notification. For ~1 of 10 received SMSes I don't get notification. I noticed that this happens only for SMS that auto generated(like GSM operator service messages, email2sms etc.). They are coming from short numbers like 1111, 1011 etc. I really don't need notification and reminder for them, but only sharing my observations.
When app is considered stable, I see only one improvement - make sound and vibra notification profile dependent.
Once again - thanks for this app!

omeriko9 2010-04-15 06:42

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 611292)
Try to reboot your phone.

I've been testing CallNotify recently - works as supposed. The only glitch I noticed is some inconsistency in SMS notification. For ~1 of 10 received SMSes I don't get notification. I noticed that this happens only for SMS that auto generated(like GSM operator service messages, email2sms etc.). They are coming from short numbers like 1111, 1011 etc. I really don't need notification and reminder for them, but only sharing my observations.
When app is considered stable, I see only one improvement - make sound and vibra notification profile dependent.
Once again - thanks for this app!

That's interesting.

What I do in order to get notifications for SMS's, is register to the d-bus "MessageReceived" signal.
Then, I check if the only parameter returned by this signal (which is a dictionary) has a key with the name "message-type".
I do this to verify this is a message and not a call.

Perhaps, those service messages you're talking about don't have this key.

Can you initiate these kind of messages?
If you can, I'd like to check the dbus signal for them (I'll give you instructions on how to do that).

omeriko9 2010-04-15 06:44

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 609874)
Thanks omeriko, I'll try that next time :D

FYI what I have been doing is using the yellow notification to open the small "call log" and then using that to go straight to the phone, then delete the call, before returning to desktop - maybe it is doing this rather than simply closing the notification....

Cheers though

Hmm... I checked it on my phone - called myself and then clicked the yellow notification which opened the call log.
Then returned to the desktop and the notification was gone...

Scullyno10 2010-04-15 10:52

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I've rebooted numerous times and have even restored the phone to a number of previous back ups. Still no notifications for calls or texts. Email notifications working fine.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled callnotify several times. With or without it I am sadly notification free. Extremely frustrating. :(

omeriko9 2010-04-15 16:21

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Something I should have done long time ago, but better later than never, right?

CallNotify troubleshooting steps guide

Continue to the next step only if previous step succeeded :)

Step 1 - Does the software installs correctly?
If not, what error do you see during installation?

Step 2 - Go to Settings -> Extras -> CallNotify.
Can you see the app settings?
First, try this and check again.

Then, check for the existence of configuration file at:

If the file exists and it still doesn't work, it's probably a dependency issue.
Try Checking for missing dependencies.
If the scripts doesn't run properly, post the error here.
If no errors occurs, try this method for running the file manually from x-term (file located at /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/
Also, you can try checking for python errors on N900 start up and post them here.

Step 3 - Check permissions for files (should look something like this).

Step 4 - Check for debug messages, as explained here, and post them.

Step 5 - Maybe you have a problem running a pythin desktop application. Try this to see if you can run these kind of apps properly.

If Step 5 failed, it means that you have a general problem running python desktop apps, make sure you have CallNotify with version greater than 0.0.9-1 - which contains the proper dependency for running python desktop apps.

Please post the step that failed here with any relevant output.

Thank you for helping me testing CallNotify! :)

Novurania 2010-04-16 15:57

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
I had installed callnotify, but before using it, I uninstalled it.
Now when I try to reinstall, it get the error Installation file corrupted.

The app manager log show size mismatch on python-bluez_0.15-1.1

Other apps install without issue.

Any thoughts on how to correct this?

Thank you.

AlMehdi 2010-04-16 16:04

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Novurania (Post 613649)
I had installed callnotify, but before using it, I uninstalled it.
Now when I try to reinstall, it get the error Installation file corrupted.

The app manager log show size mismatch on python-bluez_0.15-1.1

Any thoughts on how to correct this?

Thank you.

It has nothing with Call Notify to do. They are updating the Autobuilder.. wait an hour and try again.

Novurania 2010-04-16 16:05

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Bad timing. Thank you.

oved_etzot 2010-05-03 07:51

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
Omer, Thanks so much for this great app!
I have two questions - maybe I missed these on the long thread.
1/ Will call notify notify me about voicemail? (If not does anyone know where I can get such notification? My old motorola Razorv3 had a small icon about voicemail on the screen untill I checked).
2/ Will I got notice of missed calls when my phone was off or in tablet mode or in a place with no recption (I mean of course after I turn the phone back on)? In other words does the notification come from the phone itself having received the call or from the phone company (excuse me if this is a silly question).

omeriko9 2010-05-06 11:34

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by oved_etzot (Post 639854)
Omer, Thanks so much for this great app!
I have two questions - maybe I missed these on the long thread.
1/ Will call notify notify me about voicemail? (If not does anyone know where I can get such notification? My old motorola Razorv3 had a small icon about voicemail on the screen untill I checked).
2/ Will I got notice of missed calls when my phone was off or in tablet mode or in a place with no recption (I mean of course after I turn the phone back on)? In other words does the notification come from the phone itself having received the call or from the phone company (excuse me if this is a silly question).

hi Oved-etzot, nice nickname ;)

I think that the network notification for a new voice-mail message does not exists in GSM only CDMA, but I'm not sure as I don't have voice mail for years...

Anyway, CallNotify does not provide any network based notification, but using only the N900 framework to notify of missed call. To answer your second question - If the phone if off or is unavailable with no signal, the phone cannot know you had a missed call, and any way to know so must be implemented as a network service I believe. So CallNotify cannot know about these kind of missed calls as well, unfortunately.

oved_etzot 2010-05-06 11:45

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by omeriko9 (Post 646268)
hi Oved-etzot, nice nickname ;)

I think that the network notification for a new voice-mail message does not exists in GSM only CDMA, but I'm not sure as I don't have voice mail for years...


About the voicemail icon- I used to have this with my carrier (Orange 054) that uses GSM - so I will check with them how to support this - if it's available.

Too bad about the other issue. I now turn off the phone frequently for meetings and classes.and have no way of knowing if I missed a call or got a message
I guess I will have to leave it on in a silent profile (or stop using voicemail).


Taomyn 2010-05-06 12:20

Re: [Announce] Call Notify
[QUOTE=omeriko9;646268I think that the network notification for a new voice-mail message does not exists in GSM only CDMA, but I'm not sure as I don't have voice mail for years...[/QUOTE]

Yes, it's supported by GSM, it just depends on the carrier, which is really annoying. In the UK, Orange sends voicemail alerts using this, but the other networks use an SMS. Sadly, all the providers here where I am in Luxembourg use SMS.

I just wish they would all use the voicemail alert as SMSes can be forgotten once you read them, plus it's handy that the alert stays on the screen until you have read all your messages to remind you.

When I used to have line 2 with Orange it would even show which line the message was on by filling in one side or the other of the symbol. For those that haven't seen this, on Nokia phones it's a small reel-to-reel tape symbol like you sometimes see on the 1 key of the dial-pad.

oved_etzot 2010-05-06 15:18

Re: [Announce] Call Notify

Originally Posted by Taomyn (Post 646299)
Yes, it's supported by GSM, it just depends on the carrier,

For those that haven't seen this, on Nokia phones it's a small reel-to-reel tape symbol like you sometimes see on the 1 key of the dial-pad.

I wonder what it would take to have this supported on the n900 if the carrier does support this with other phones they sell? On other phones how is this handled? Is this "pushed" by the carrier or is it "pulled" by the phone, and how and when?
I bought my n900 from amazon - untied to a contract, and transferred my sim card from my old cheap phone. Given that the n900 isn't sold and supported by my phone carrier - what do I need to find out to see how to get such notification?
[I also don't know if you (Omer) would be interested in integrating such a feature]
Can anyone share experience with how voicemail is handled by the n900 on other carriers?

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