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thedead1440 2012-04-18 15:53

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 1193834)
It isn't down to the number, at least (I just tested it with 4k contacts, though that will keep my device warm enough that I can turn the heater off for a while... :))

Can you tell me more about where (& how many) these contacts come from? What details you have on them? How long does it take to crash? etc.

I used MfE to add contacts to my phone. after i deleted the account, the contacts remained in the phone without being linked to any account.

on re-adding the MfE account, i had 2 copies of those 1353 contacts. tried to do the merge but immediately on pressing refresh, the app closes. no merge is done. i've to manually merge the contacts. even a manual merge is temporary meaning if i manually merged 50 contacts, upon reboot those 50 contacts are un-merged.

its irritating so i've to delete my MfE account then delete all contacts. however, after marking all contacts for deletion, the app crashes when i press delete.

finally i'd to reflash and added the MfE account.

that's why i wanted to know what is the limit on the contacts app. it is surprising the app's functionality is so limited when even older nokias on symbian are able to do this seamlessly.

w00t 2012-04-18 16:55

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1193894)
even a manual merge is temporary meaning if i manually merged 50 contacts, upon reboot those 50 contacts are un-merged.

that implies to me that the store is still working, possibly still processing your merge(s) - there was a bug prior to 1.2 that could make merges extremely slow (or fail altogether) which may have been impacting you here.

the application _should_ never crash, I'm aware of a few crashes fixed since 1.2, but I am unable to tell off the top of my head if you'd have been running into any of them.

thedead1440 2012-04-18 17:03

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
thanks for the reply

ziller 2012-04-19 07:17

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Woo, someone is alive =D

I've already asked abustany a dozen times about this (and opened this bug report: ), but the answer has always been "we're working on it".

It's pretty much the only issue I have with my N9, can you confirm that the issue *is* in fact being worked on, maybe even fixed in 1.3?

w00t 2012-04-19 07:33

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by ziller (Post 1194210)
I've already asked abustany a dozen times about this (and opened this bug report: ), but the answer has always been "we're working on it".

I don't know the situation myself, but I'll try find out.

alephito 2012-04-19 12:00

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 1193795)
This was fixed with 1.2, but it may take some time for your database to return to 'normal' after upgrading.

Good news.

Upgrading to 1.2 right now.

mdengler 2012-04-19 12:18

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Hi w00t - thanks very much for helping us out. I was wondering if you had any hints for keeping the n950 / n9 contacts in sync with a linux desktop; GNOME etc. Is there anything you can recommend trying out? I'd rather not export and import vcards manually.

thedead1440 2012-04-19 13:58

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
hi w00t could you help with twitter too? i've reflashed my phone 3 times resetting all user data yet whenever i try to authorize the app, it just keeps showing the spinning circle in the web page and the stops.

even 3rd party app QNeptunea is unable to go thro the authorization. could you tell me what is wrong with it?

this bug was prevalent till pr1.1 but fixed 1.1.1 onwards. i'm running pr1.2 but still having it.

w00t 2012-04-19 15:06

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by mdengler (Post 1194323)
Hi w00t - thanks very much for helping us out. I was wondering if you had any hints for keeping the n950 / n9 contacts in sync with a linux desktop; GNOME etc. Is there anything you can recommend trying out? I'd rather not export and import vcards manually.

Difficult question. I personally throw everything into Google (and use MfE to handle sync) + various hacks to actually get at the data on desktop as needed. Even though this is a really crap solution, I haven't found anything easier / that works better.

w00t 2012-04-19 15:07

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by alephito (Post 1194319)
Good news.

Upgrading to 1.2 right now.

Keep in mind the "it takes a while" bit. It might even take a few days for your phone to settle down after the update. The cleaning process is quite resource-intensive, so we weren't able to do it instantly - instead, it does it a piece at a time every X minutes until there's nothing more to do, so as to not harm the responsiveness of your device.

w00t 2012-04-19 15:08

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1194365)
hi w00t could you help with twitter too? i've reflashed my phone 3 times resetting all user data yet whenever i try to authorize the app, it just keeps showing the spinning circle in the web page and the stops.

Can't say I've heard of that personally. @frals on twitter might be able to help (or direct you to the right person).

w00t 2012-04-19 15:09

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by ziller (Post 1194210)
It's pretty much the only issue I have with my N9, can you confirm that the issue *is* in fact being worked on, maybe even fixed in 1.3?

I found what I think is the issue internally; but I don't have good news. It looks like it may not be addressed (=> WONTFIX) - but I'm not certain of that. I'd not be too hopeful though.

thp 2012-04-19 15:46

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
I've got a problem with a Skype contact and birthday display/notifications: The Skype contact has entered a birthday of April 22 (this is the real date) - I can see this date when I'm in edit mode for the contact. But:

In the view mode of the contact, I see the birthday as 21.04.2012.
A notification of the birthday was shown today at noon (today is April 19).

This happens at least for another contact (2012-02-26 is the real birthday, displayed as such in edit mode, with 2012-02-25 in view mode) and doesn't happen for a third contact (2012-02-27 is displayed both in edit and in view mode).

On a side note (not sure if this is related), I've modified the time zone at least two times since the last reboot.

thedead1440 2012-04-19 16:01

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 1194401)
Can't say I've heard of that personally. @frals on twitter might be able to help (or direct you to the right person).

got it fixed, i was using a ad-hoc network to connect to the internet. connecting to an infrastructure network instead solved the problem.

if only had done it before the 3 re-flashes....

ziller 2012-04-19 16:32

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 1194403)
I found what I think is the issue internally; but I don't have good news. It looks like it may not be addressed (=> WONTFIX) - but I'm not certain of that. I'd not be too hopeful though.

Oh no :(

I guess that might mean for me (and everyone else syncing MfE contacts over bluetooth) that I'd have to find a non-mfe way of keeping my contacts up-to-date.

Can you poke around and try to find a bit more information about this? Is it only the MfE protocol that restricts synchronising contacts over bluetooth or will I be facing the same problem with any synchronising service?

billranton 2012-04-20 09:08

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Thanks very much for picking this thread up! I Have a question...
I regularly get the message '5 contacts merged' on my contacts app with no apparent changes. The merge icon isn't visible on any contact. Is there any way I can find out why this is happening? Any log of the merge procedure anywhere? I think it's coming from mfe, but I can't be sure?

w00t 2012-04-20 09:42

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by thp (Post 1194436)
I've got a problem with a Skype contact and birthday display/notifications: The Skype contact has entered a birthday of April 22 (this is the real date) - I can see this date when I'm in edit mode for the contact. But:

In the view mode of the contact, I see the birthday as 21.04.2012.
A notification of the birthday was shown today at noon (today is April 19).

This happens at least for another contact (2012-02-26 is the real birthday, displayed as such in edit mode, with 2012-02-25 in view mode) and doesn't happen for a third contact (2012-02-27 is displayed both in edit and in view mode).

On a side note (not sure if this is related), I've modified the time zone at least two times since the last reboot.

That there is a discrepancy in the value of the field is interesting, as I don't see anything obviously different in the handling of the two. Both pass through a QContactBirthday -> QDateTime -> MLocale::formatDateTime process to be stringified, so I'd have to guess that there's probably something crooked in the way the date is retrieved in the editor case (...I can't go into vast technical detail, I'll leave it at "it's complicated").

With it being a fairly minor bug in terms of effect (and unfortunately seemingly complicated), I can't promise a fix. I will raise a bug for this internally if I can't find one already open though.

With regards to the birthday notifications, I don't think there's really much funky that goes on there. We just create events and let the event screen display them when it feels like. Presumably, it does that early to give you some advance warning :)

The plugin for birthday creation is open source, and can be found at: if you're curious about how it's put together.

w00t 2012-04-20 09:43

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by ziller (Post 1194470)
Can you poke around and try to find a bit more information about this? Is it only the MfE protocol that restricts synchronising contacts over bluetooth or will I be facing the same problem with any synchronising service?

Honestly, I don't know who I could ask anymore. I can try, but no promises. If I don't report back, it's likely that I wasn't able to find anything out.

w00t 2012-04-20 09:45

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by billranton (Post 1194789)
I regularly get the message '5 contacts merged' on my contacts app with no apparent changes. The merge icon isn't visible on any contact. Is there any way I can find out why this is happening? Any log of the merge procedure anywhere? I think it's coming from mfe, but I can't be sure?

You might be able to find some sync information by asking the sync thread about it (I seem to remember there's a way to switch logging on somehow). Unfortunately, sync isn't what handles the merging, and we have no such debug logging available on public devices.

Can you give some more information about what accounts you have on the device? About the contacts that are automerged? etc.

Also, which PR release are you running?

billranton 2012-04-21 15:42

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
It's been happening since PR1.2. I have lots of IM accounts as well as Facebook, twitter and mfe, and I can't see which contacts are being merged. I tried exporting to vcard to see if I got 5 unusually large files but no luck. Guess I'll live...

w00t 2012-04-21 17:17

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by billranton (Post 1195412)
It's been happening since PR1.2. I have lots of IM accounts as well as Facebook, twitter and mfe, and I can't see which contacts are being merged. I tried exporting to vcard to see if I got 5 unusually large files but no luck. Guess I'll live...

Can you estimate roughly how often it happens?

billranton 2012-04-22 12:22

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 1195452)
Can you estimate roughly how often it happens?

I'd say about once per day. I'll keep an eye on it to see if I can be more specific.

skrech 2012-06-25 09:57

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Hi, I've deleted 80 contacts from facebook and waiting for the contact list on my n9 to reflect the change, but nothing happens. Is there a way to manually refresh the contact list? Or, can anybody explain how the sync'ing is done with facebook and other services?

Watchmaker 2012-06-25 12:15

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by skrech (Post 1227065)
Hi, I've deleted 80 contacts from facebook and waiting for the contact list on my n9 to reflect the change, but nothing happens. Is there a way to manually refresh the contact list? Or, can anybody explain how the sync'ing is done with facebook and other services?

Login to Facebook IM via the availability menu, contacts will be synchronized.

skrech 2012-06-26 09:44

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
nope, that doesn't work

Watchmaker 2012-06-26 20:42

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by skrech (Post 1227559)
nope, that doesn't work

Odd, that's how it works for me. But I always did this after adding contacts, not after deleting, that's the only thing I can think of.

I think you can delete and re-add your facebook account in the accounts manager, that should do the trick. I don't know if by doing so you'd lose your chat history though.

aglio 2012-06-29 22:02

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Hi all,
since this is thread for contacts/IM, figured its the right post for the issues I have wit my N9.
First, setting a ringtone-per-group can't be done, i.e. I want all my company contacts to have same ringtone since they are all in one group (did it manually for each and every one :(
Second, i have family using fring (combines fring, gtalk, aim, ...) and when they try to call me on Gtalk, the call is started but no voice from my side goes to the other party. When I call Gtalk on PC, everything is OK. Any idea why is this happening?
Also, any info if the fring is coming to the N9?

PhatApteryx 2012-06-30 02:04

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here

Originally Posted by aglio (Post 1229192)
Hi all,
since this is thread for contacts/IM, figured its the right post for the issues I have wit my N9.
First, setting a ringtone-per-group can't be done, i.e. I want all my company contacts to have same ringtone since they are all in one group (did it manually for each and every one :(
Second, i have family using fring (combines fring, gtalk, aim, ...) and when they try to call me on Gtalk, the call is started but no voice from my side goes to the other party. When I call Gtalk on PC, everything is OK. Any idea why is this happening?
Also, any info if the fring is coming to the N9?

Dont know about the fring issue but afaik, you can only set ringtones by individual unless there is some hack way or maybe someone could write an applet...

ZogG 2012-07-03 23:53

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
Hmm, as i deleted accounts and re-added them, my gmail account is partly working. i can use it for chat, but mail app is not downloading any mails, it even doesn't show the sync in transfers menu. I thought update to pr1.3 may fix it, but even after rootfs only flash it didn't. Maybe there is info stored in /home/user dir that used by mail app (AFAIK fenix), maybe i could clear it or some other solutions are welcome.

ZogG 2012-07-04 00:39

Re: N9/N950 Contacts/IM - Get help & give feedback here
solved it: delete ~/.qmf (mail cache data - would delete all emails from phone, so if you don't have copy on server, not recommended) and account and rebooted. Added it back and it's working. Thanks to Elleo and Avengence

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