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waldo 2012-12-15 01:02

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

evujumenuk 2012-12-15 10:11

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
Here's my third (and current) wallpaper.

Wait for it...

Don't worry, my other two wallpapers are a little bit more... complex.

Blimer 2012-12-15 11:15

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by waldo (Post 1304685)

this weather is working? Or this is a picture?

AMD 2012-12-15 11:22

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by Blimer (Post 1304786)
this weather is working? Or this is a picture?

It's working, and it's an app called "MeeCast". Install it, then go to settings and enable the lockscreen widget..

waldo 2013-01-02 05:19

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

HELLASISGREECE 2013-02-04 23:36

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
1 Attachment(s)
This is my current one


Yisroel491 2013-02-05 00:54

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
1 Attachment(s)
it was on the default until i saw this thread.

devian 2013-02-05 02:47

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
3 Attachment(s)
My N9 looks like this right now :)

kumardodla 2013-02-07 16:41

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by quantumboredom (Post 1132295)
Nice and simple.

While GNU/Linux (or is it BusyBox/Linux :p) isn't UNIX, the N9 is still better than any other phone out there and probably the most "unix-like" we are likely to see in a while :)

Can u please send the wallpaper to me....i really liked it:)

TMavica 2013-02-07 16:47

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
who have the wallpaper that is the opening of N9? the dark background with a long ball in middle

Burlone 2013-02-07 18:04

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
1 Attachment(s)
In memory of Amiga.

zlatko 2013-02-26 11:17

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
2 Attachment(s)
Waiting for first Jolla/SailfishOS devices to be released, I made a lock screen image for my white N9 :)

PS. @gsalone Here is a link to my dropbox folder:

gsalone 2013-02-26 11:23

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by zlatko (Post 1325340)
Waiting for first Jolla/SailfishOS devices to be released, I made a lock screen image for my white N9 :)

Would you mind to share it in attachement? I would like to use too!
TY! :)

Schturman 2013-02-26 13:40

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
Can someone know where i can find nice backgrounds 854*854 px ?

MK99 2013-02-26 14:28

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1325367)
Can someone know where i can find nice backgrounds 854*854 px ? ;)
Not 854*854, but allmost.

efion 2013-02-26 14:41

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
1 Attachment(s)
Sailfish by LogonAniket

pious_momin 2013-02-26 18:19

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by warrentaye (Post 1135169)

How do I get this 3.5G icon? I don't have this in my device

Eztran 2013-02-27 01:11

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by pious_momin (Post 1325462)
How do I get this 3.5G icon? I don't have this in my device

You mean in the status bar? It's there by default, AFAIK.

guillermorojaz 2013-02-27 13:43

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1325367)
Can someone know where i can find nice backgrounds 854*854 px ?

480x854 px, I hope you serve :cool:

nbedford 2013-02-27 13:47

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
3.5G = HSDPA, most Android's display a H icon, but I like my N9's 3.5G squircle icon :)

uros 2013-02-27 14:22

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
I`m newbie on N9, and recently noticed that my custom wallpaper is somehow out of focus until start sliding, when is fine. What is proper solution, please, I do searching, but without luck.

pious_momin 2013-02-27 19:50

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by Eztran (Post 1325553)
You mean in the status bar? It's there by default, AFAIK.

Then why doesn't show in my device? my network mode is set to: Dual but nothing shows up

What is wrong with my device

sillieidiot 2013-02-27 22:31

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by pious_momin (Post 1325778)
Then why doesn't show in my device? my network mode is set to: Dual but nothing shows up

What is wrong with my device

are you looking at it when youare connected to the internet? mine usually only shows if something is accessing data. otherwise there is no icon.

greenstorm 2013-02-28 11:59

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
Using that one for a while now:

pious_momin 2013-02-28 13:06

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by sillieidiot (Post 1325802)
are you looking at it when youare connected to the internet? mine usually only shows if something is accessing data. otherwise there is no icon.

Yes I was looking at when it connected to WiFi not to Data connection

Thanks mate

pious_momin 2013-02-28 13:13

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
1 Attachment(s)
Can I know why my album art are not shown in my player instead showing titles


waldo 2013-02-28 13:26

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by pious_momin (Post 1325954)
Can I know why my album art are not shown in my player instead showing titles


you're in the wrong thread, but download an app called coverup, it will fix your album art issue

pious_momin 2013-02-28 13:36

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
^^ From Nokia store or TMO?

mrsellout 2013-02-28 13:44

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
2 Attachment(s)
I had the first attachment for quite a while, then, after reading this, I created the second to allow for for full landscape. It's not quite good enough, and I must get round to a better crop, but it'll do.

pious_momin 2013-02-28 13:46

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
I have my album art into mp3s when I play into my laptop it shows but not in my N9

lorenzo 2013-02-28 17:36

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1325367)
Can someone know where i can find nice backgrounds 854*854 px ?

those are mine

Schturman 2013-03-22 16:16

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
my background themes:

MarcAnton 2013-03-23 13:01

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
find some cool sailfish wallpapers here:

and some more here:

herdem09 2013-04-05 00:37

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
I just took the photo today and it looks perfect on amoled.

Forged 2013-04-09 06:28

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
2 Attachment(s)
here are the two i like the most

Ta76eem 2013-04-25 08:19

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
1 Attachment(s)
just a basic wallpaper

Callum.Brierly 2013-05-14 15:58

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper
2 Attachment(s)
'Nokia N9, it's not a f**cking lumia!' on my standby screen, and sailfish logo in the background of default apps. I'm also using the interactive starfield from home screen settings for my home screen background.

Akkumaru 2013-05-15 06:23

What file do you replace with for the background in the settings app? Thanks :)

Eminem 2013-05-15 19:51

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by Callum.Brierly (Post 1343567)
'Nokia N9, it's not a f**cking lumia!' on my standby screen, and sailfish logo in the background of default apps. I'm also using the interactive starfield from home screen settings for my home screen background.

How do you get the background in the settings window?

lorenzo 2013-05-15 19:55

Re: whats your n9 wallpaper

Originally Posted by Eminem (Post 1343888)
How do you get the background in the settings window?

probably trasparent theme

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