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mikee805 2012-02-27 22:56

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by royster70 (Post 1170685)
I was getting a similar error getting stuck 0% and then failing with the OTA update.

In addition to disabling the repositories after seeing the comment earlier in the thread (I had a app for that :) - MeeCatalog), I also disabled developer mode in security - and that seemed to work for me and the update worked.

I disabled repositories using MeegCatalog and switched off dev. mode in one go - so I cannot be sure if this is was the change needed to get the update to continue.

I was getting the "update interrupted" error and was able to get pasted it by moving all of my .list file from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ except the aegis one which is Nokia. I did not have to turn off developer mode. MeeCatalog did not work me since I have other repos installed through debs that are not listed there.


bltcool 2012-02-27 23:03

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by sugardad (Post 1170984)
Try Installing the MesInput and Install some Keyboards

did that actually and it didn't work, no matter wat keyboard u install it doesn't show up in text input setting

pgamaleri 2012-02-27 23:08

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1170959)
Downloading now... I'm in Argentina

Quick question:
Will I loose my contacts, photos and installed apps?

What company do u have? I'm in argentina and no update available

ZogG 2012-02-27 23:11

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by gransport65 (Post 1170982)
Same for me Just gives me "Write new values error". Now I have no product code. It doesn't save my old one either.

yeah, did you get into local (it says yes sometimes but you would see Nokia logo and local written below) than try to write and if it didn't help reconnect usb cable (did the trcik for me)

marnuc 2012-02-27 23:15

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by romu (Post 1170930)
Hi everybody,
Just a little question, I updated my N9 to PR1.2 with WinFlasher, about one hour ago, and the N9 hasn't still rebooted, it is currently with a black screen and a flashing white led.

Do I have to worry?

Thanks for the help.

Did you unplug the usb cable form the phone?

stalhein 2012-02-27 23:20

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Assuming I have clean N9 (new or after hard reset).
What is better, safer, less error-prone way of update: NSU or OTA?

Lumiaman 2012-02-27 23:46

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Here in the USA, white 64gb, made in Finland, OTA, stuck at 91% for an hour, rebooted it and it works but laggy....laggier than pr1.1.

patocr 2012-02-27 23:49

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1170959)
Downloading now... I'm in Argentina

Quick question:
Will I loose my contacts, photos and installed apps?

DOWNLOADING? how come! what company? i have personal and not yet...

Maserti 2012-02-27 23:56

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
anyone in america getting it, im getting my Cyan tommorow and would like to know.

alephito 2012-02-27 23:57

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by herno24 (Post 1170722)
So i'm not the only one, but why no one cant update from Argentina?.

Me neither.

alephito 2012-02-28 00:10

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1170959)
Downloading now... I'm in Argentina

Which operator?

lavo 2012-02-28 00:26

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by optimistprime (Post 1170748)
has anyone with an australian variant 16gb received the update?

Nope....I'm guessing Optus and Voda have to slap their own rubbish apps in the update before releasing it, so I'm not expecting it for at least a week at the earliest. I don't think we will be high up on their priority list :(

ENNINE 2012-02-28 00:27

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Which product codes received PR1.2?

dommau 2012-02-28 00:29

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
since this is my first post on tmo, hi everyone!

i (tried) to update to pr1.2 today OTA. my phone got stuck at 91% for an hour or so, so i rebooted it. it then came up with some error messages, and stated that it had "exceeded the maximal number of rescue attempts" and said i should take it to a nokia care point.

but after displaying this message for a few seconds, it rebooted and started normally. and then the strangeness began!
from the looks, it clearly was pr1.2 (new font, folders, you name it). but under product info, it said pr1.2 BUT the software update number was still the pr1.1 (20.2011.40-4). also, the twitter and facebook app icons only showed a red exclamation mark, and clicking them resulted in strange "apps installed unsuccessfully" errors. it was not possible to update them. the other apps seemed to be in a pr1.2 state.

i then connected it to NSU, which also said it's on pr1.1. reflashed it through NSU, and after downloading 1,1gb it re-installed the firmware. in the end, the phone booted normally into pr1.1, altough NSU said the installation wasn't succesfull. now the phone works just as it did, except it had green "empty" icons in the app view, named after the folders i couldn't wait to create.

long story short, it now detected the pr1.2 update again and is updating as i'm typing.

has anyone experienced such a strange behaviour?

for those who can't wait: it did feel smoother/faster in the 15 minutes it ran with pr1.2, and the new font looks just awesome! also the new keyboard is very nice!

edit: it's an austrian 16gb black without any carrier obstructions

jleholeho 2012-02-28 00:43

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
this all PR1.2 update thing seems to be a real hassle...
people here desperately try to get any possible info on how to get to it, once they do, they are finding out it`s just not such a piece of cake...
Very strange issues start to appear here and there...people can`t get on wifi properly, the app screen and folders act pretty weird, my keybords are LOST...
I received the notification sometime around 1pm...

Anyone with Droid 2+ or iOS 4+ can remember such a fiasco???
I`ve always been very supportive of this device, yet I happen to think it`s nothing but really masochistic to have it with all these shortcomings...

I`ve just seen Sony Xperia S with HD screen and a LOT of useful things, which can be had for some 400 GBP (as opposed to some 350 for N9) + a bunch of another super devices at MWC, I mean WTF....??
I love the Swipe UI, but honestly, the phone seems to be just weird after the update...

vitaminj 2012-02-28 00:57

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
To anyone with hosed Facebook and/or Twitter, try this at the terminal:
gconftool --recursive-unset /system/http_proxy
gconftool --recursive-unset /system/proxy
gconftool --recursive-unset /system/osso
It's fairly drastic as it will throw away all your accounts (and saved wifi networks), but you should then be able to set them back up and have them work.

lifeintheblitz 2012-02-28 01:00

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
That's because some people rush to get it. I haven't gotten mine yet, and I am willing to wait a couple more days for it. PR 1.1 is working flawlessly for me. I will wait for the update to appear on my phone. Perhaps there is a reason why it hasn't appeared yet.

That's what you get when you gamble. You win some, you lose some. I'd rather wait and have it work flawlessly, rather than rush to get an update that didn't appear on my phone in the first place, only to have it wreak havoc on my N9. :p

cotyrocksteady 2012-02-28 01:11

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by alephito (Post 1171038)
Which operator?

I have Personal and havent seen the update yet. PR 1.1 was available about a month ago, so I would expect this for April.

What about bug 123 (Password Prompting for accounts), has anyone seen something yet?

jleholeho 2012-02-28 01:11

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
But the update appeared on my phone at 1pm last afternoon...
central EU is among the first...
and the phone is a total crap now...I can`t send a damn message or type anything anywhere...the feeds don`t update properly...etc...
big shame on Nokia for this...
I`d like to know what`d be happening if such pain in the *** occured with some iPhone 4s...devs would be filling it up all night just to make sure it works as intended...

cincibluer6 2012-02-28 01:15

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by Maserti (Post 1171025)
anyone in america getting it, im getting my Cyan tommorow and would like to know.

All depends on what product code it has. Where a person uses a phone has no bearing on it.

tdashroy 2012-02-28 01:22

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by Maserti (Post 1171025)
anyone in america getting it, im getting my Cyan tommorow and would like to know.

I'm in America and got the update today. I had to go to Settings > Applications > Manage applications > Updates (icon in the bottom right) > Refresh (top right)

Mada22009 2012-02-28 01:49

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
this is just so frustrating I have a Saudi N9 64 black and I didn't get the update how ever I decided to flash the device with central Europe variant but couldn't as my device was updated to the "middle east special version" (PR1,1,1) and flashing it with the central Europe version (PR1,1) is considered a downgrade

that's just sad :P

Ale1979 2012-02-28 01:57

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 1170959)
Downloading now... I'm in Argentina

Quick question:
Will I loose my contacts, photos and installed apps?

where did you bought it, i´ve got mine from movistar..... and i´m still waiting.....(i don´t know why i´m talking to you in english...)

tanwg 2012-02-28 02:17

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Singapore Black 64 GB

Haven't gotten 1.2 yet

marnuc 2012-02-28 03:04

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by tanwg (Post 1171093)
Singapore Black 64 GB

Haven't gotten 1.2 yet

I have the same one, I though because ours is 005 we where going to be the first to have the update.

SolarisSixth 2012-02-28 03:08

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
I also have (005), and I remember that for 1.1 it took an extra day or two, and I had to update over NSU.

This time around, I am waiting for the firmwares to be on Navifirm, so I can make a clean flash to (001), so, if there is ever a 1.3 (let's pray) Hopefully the update will roll out for me as well.

I'm hoping it doesn't give me any errors, but worst case scenario, I will then reflash back to 1.2 (005)

However, no, the update has not rolled out OTA, or on NSU for me either. So still patiently waiting, hopefully Navifirm gets it quickly, so I don't feel too tempted to update when I do get it, and miss my chance to flash to (001)

Speaking of, any clue how long we can expect it will take for these firmwares to be available on Navifirm?

bhagiratha 2012-02-28 03:30

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
ok ... I think I have totally screwed my brand NEW N9 64GB.

Thought there was an issue with the phone getting the new PR.1.2 update, so I decided to do a Reset. I think I choose the "clear all" option.

It took a few minutes for the reset to finish and when the phone rebooted all I see on the screen is the word "NOKIA". It just stuck there! Tried holding the power button to have the N9 shut down and restart again, but same thing happens. Still seeing the white "NOKIA" at the middle of screen.

I am trying not to freak-out, but I need the phone back up ASAP for work in the morning.

Any help to get my beloved N9 restored will be appreciated.

The N9 had PR1.1 (20.2011.40-4_PR_005)

drnail 2012-02-28 03:32

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
n9 black 16gb singapore .
no OTA update.
are we there yet?

TMavica 2012-02-28 03:35

Singapore same, no update

pgamaleri 2012-02-28 03:38

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by bhagiratha (Post 1171126)
ok ... I think I have totally screwed my brand NEW N9 64GB.

Thought there was an issue with the phone getting the new PR.1.2 update, so I decided to do a Reset. I think I choose the "clear all" option.

It took a few minutes for the reset to finish and when the phone rebooted all I see on the screen is the word "NOKIA". It just stuck there! Tried holding the power button to have the N9 shut down and restart again, but same thing happens. Still seeing the white "NOKIA" at the middle of screen.

I am trying not to freak-out, but I need the phone back up ASAP for work in the morning.

Any help to get my beloved N9 restored will be appreciated.

The N9 had PR1.1 (20.2011.40-4_PR_005)

Try to reflash using winflasher, worked for me

covid 2012-02-28 03:39

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by drnail (Post 1171128)
n9 black 16gb singapore .
no OTA update.
are we there yet?

Mind too Black 16gb Cambodia didn't get update too.
i think asia is not yet. europe first.

joakung 2012-02-28 03:43

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by Ale1979 (Post 1171088)
where did you bought it, i´ve got mine from movistar..... and i´m still waiting.....(i don´t know why i´m talking to you in english...)

tenes razon no se de donde habra sacado cepi perez la actualizacion ya que ni desde nokia o desde navifirm todavia hay noticias!!!!

el mio lo compre en personal y recien hace unos dias sacaron la pr1.1

suerte con eso

Ale1979 2012-02-28 03:51

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by joakung (Post 1171136)
tenes razon no se de donde habra sacado cepi perez la actualizacion ya que ni desde nokia o desde navifirm todavia hay noticias!!!!

el mio lo compre en personal y recien hace unos dias sacaron la pr1.1

suerte con eso

Habrá que esperar, cuestión de tener un poco de paciencia. veamos quien se porta mejor, personal o movistar (por mi que revienten las dos)

alephito 2012-02-28 04:04

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
Yo compré mi N9 con Claro en diciembre. Ya traía PR1.1. sigo esperando PR1.2.

alephito 2012-02-28 04:06

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by cotyrocksteady (Post 1171067)
What about bug 123 (Password Prompting for accounts), has anyone seen something yet?

With PR1.1, I executed:

gconftool --recursive-unset /system/http_proxy
gconftool --recursive-unset /system/proxy

because I had problems with the Twitter client.

As a side effect, bug 123 stopped bothering me. Maybe you can try.

bhagiratha 2012-02-28 04:06

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by pgamaleri (Post 1171132)
Try to reflash using winflasher, worked for me

Can you please help. Have no idea which N9 firmware binary image I need for this phone or which one it came with. I am in New York and using it on T-mobile. Can I find out the info for the specific firmware from the box?

I came across this database, but no idea what am looking for.

drnail 2012-02-28 04:07

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by drnail (Post 1171128)
n9 black 16gb singapore .
no OTA update.
are we there yet?

already got update for sdk and dev..
but the firmware no haven't aired yet.
i think it will be a matter of time and it will come soon.
the deve maybe just updated for the preparation of the 1.2

RafaelVlmendes 2012-02-28 04:47

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by bhagiratha (Post 1171147)
Can you please help. Have no idea which N9 firmware binary image I need for this phone or which one it came with. I am in New York and using it on T-mobile. Can I find out the info for the specific firmware from the box?

I came across this database, but no idea what am looking for.

I have problems too with OTA update. Else:
Go to Navifirm 1.7
Search for Nokia N9 and PR 1.1 20.2011.40.4
After search ur country with the produt code and download the RM-696 NDT BRAZIL BLACK (16GB) PC 059J262 - DFL61_HARMATTAN_20.2011.40-4_PR_LEGACY_001-OEM1-958_ARM.bin (example)
Download Winflash
and execute command for flash.

Download for OTA the PR1.2 and listen...

bhagiratha 2012-02-28 05:16

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.

Originally Posted by RafaelVlmendes (Post 1171162)
I have problems too with OTA update. Else:
Go to Navifirm 1.7
Search for Nokia N9 and PR 1.1 20.2011.40.4
After search ur country with the produt code and download the RM-696 NDT BRAZIL BLACK (16GB) PC 059J262 - DFL61_HARMATTAN_20.2011.40-4_PR_LEGACY_001-OEM1-958_ARM.bin (example)
Download Winflash
and execute command for flash.

Download for OTA the PR1.2 and listen...

My product code on the back of the SIM tray is 059J239, which is for Singapore. I am now downloading the singapore firmware. Do I need to download the one for Brazil instead? My N9 is 64GB black

warrentaye 2012-02-28 05:24

Re: Nokia N9 PR 1.2 official released.
I had problems updating, downloaded and it never went pass 0%, however I did flash a different region firmware previously, I think this is causing issues. I had to restore back to my original firmware which does not have the update yet, If try to flash back to another region's 1.1 I get the orange triangle of doom error.


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