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sammyl 2012-07-07 00:29

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
My N9 (Australian variant) is running really smooth after PR1.3 upgrade. I've about 25 applications installed, with no push email and only one feed enabled (calendar feed). The browser is fast and smooth as well. I'm super happy with PR1.3 :). The only thing that I wish for my N9 is VPN with PPTP support.

justadude 2012-07-07 02:05

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
[QUOTE=odradek;1231728]And again no One-Track-Repeat function in the standard music player... :([/QU

with an empty queue, tap and hold on the track you want to repeat and select add to queue then set on repeat and voila! Hope this helps

ssjmec 2012-07-07 06:29

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by carlo_N9 (Post 1233141)
We haven't receive the PR1.3 update yet here in the Philippines. I hope it'll come out as soon as possible cause I really love my N9 and I want it to be responsive (or even more responsive).

By the way, I re-flashed my N9 (pr1.2) using comprehensive method, it became super responsive after reboot. just like when I first bought it. (only Home Screen Setting app is installed to enable the landscape mode). Transition from portrait to landscape is super fast just like when you are in the Message app/screen.

After installing several apps (maybe 10 or 15, camera app, games, ect) it became laggy again. So I've decided to install fastern9 but it's still the same. Even after reboot, still the same. I haven't tried resetting it because I'm still waiting for the PR1.3 to be available here in our country.

I hope it completely resolve the laggy issue. That's the only problem I have right now.

If Nokia still unable resolve it before the end this year, I will switch to either WP7 or Androind 4.1 Jelly Bean which both reportedly ultra responsive.

Im in the Phil too and if you cant for the OTA, PR1.3 is already availble in navifirm for Phil products (16Gb and 64Gb)

mikecomputing 2012-07-07 07:29

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by An9 (Post 1232916)
I just checked about this problem, and PR.1.3 it simply having problems, maybe elop have dun this with purpose in hoppe we will go then for his stupid winmo!

yeah because wp is not buggy LOL

An9 2012-07-07 07:34

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
On PR.1.2 WEB browser was quiet stable, at lrast it didn't crash....but now on PR.1.3 it's crushing on some sites, it's frezing or mismatch rendering of the website.

An9 2012-07-07 07:46

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
The elop&nokia built WP in the same class atitude with iOS just diferent vision OS, it's lookt, can't do that, can't do :)

soryuuha 2012-07-07 08:03

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by An9 (Post 1233241)
On PR.1.2 WEB browser was quiet stable, at lrast it didn't crash....but now on PR.1.3 it's crushing on some sites, it's frezing or mismatch rendering of the website.

try perform factory reset :)

Snubben 2012-07-07 10:45

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Alarm gets muted if device lock is enabled is fixed.

trayhoper 2012-07-07 11:33

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
After store update i'm unable to download my purchased applciations.I bought 4squick like 2 months ago and i was able to download without paying again.After store shows "Buy" button instead of "Download".

I called nokia center and they said there must be a software issue about that.There is no limitation for downloading purchased application on Ovi store.We don't really know what to do actually so we suggest you to wait another update.

Lol ...

An9 2012-07-07 12:20

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
If so...instead of wiping everything out with reset...maybe is posible web-browser cashe cleaning or something.

An9 2012-07-07 12:36

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by trayhoper (Post 1233324)
After store update i'm unable to download my purchased applciations.I bought 4squick like 2 months ago and i was able to download without paying again.After store shows "Buy" button instead of "Download".

I called nokia center and they said there must be a software issue about that.There is no limitation for downloading purchased application on Ovi store.We don't really know what to do actually so we suggest you to wait another update.

Lol ...

Try using opera browser in your device to loog in your account, and browse to the payed apps by clicking on it, and then on the same page highlight browser bar address and delete all after the number and backsllash write download like this and enter, then i sugest popup option to save, than you can install it anytime you need it!:)

GringoT 2012-07-07 22:55

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Can anyone confirm whether pr1.3 includes traffic information in the drive application? That's one of a handful of reasons preventing me from investing in this device, and it seems that drive 2.0 - at least on Symbian has drive. But I could not find any information anywhere regarding the n9. Thanks!

itobun 2012-07-07 23:14

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Video codecs still working too choppy when playing most videos, but i am now using kmplayer more often because it's mplayer codec plays nicely.

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danested 2012-07-07 23:25

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
In Settings>Device>Data Storage
does any one remember seeing application data?
i only remember seeing installed apps and user data here in PR 1.2

cincibluer6 2012-07-07 23:34

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by danested (Post 1233675)
In Settings>Device>Data Storage
does any one remember seeing application data?
i only remember seeing installed apps and user data here in PR 1.2

Yep, already had all 3 in there in 1.2 (still running it on my Singapore variant).

danested 2012-07-08 00:24

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Also in Settings>Sounds and vibration
i see internet call alert and chat alert, which i dont remember seeing earlier.

Security>Developer mode was and remains enabled, but i now see a list of things that i can choose to install:
Resource Usage Analysis
Power Analysis
Test Automation
each with an install buttom next to it.
Contacts > show also lists groups : is this new?
press and hold song in music player shows play album in addition to set as ringtone in now playing. i also see add to queue for long press in views other than now playing.

i see a scroll bar(just a visual hint) in yhe video player. And the icon screen i call it. If thia was already the... Sorry :(

I honestly think these are all new additions, if anyone is on 1.2 please confirm the ones that are false.

Dared 2012-07-08 01:01

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by danested (Post 1233695)
Also in Settings>Sounds and vibration
i see internet call alert and chat alert, which i dont remember seeing earlier.

Security>Developer mode was and remains enabled, but i now see a list of things that i can choose to install:
Resource Usage Analysis
Power Analysis
Test Automation
each with an install buttom next to it.
Contacts > show also lists groups : is this new?
press and hold song in music player shows play album in addition to set as ringtone in now playing. i also see add to queue for long press in views other than now playing.

i see a scroll bar(just a visual hint) in yhe video player. And the icon screen i call it. If thia was already the... Sorry :(

I honestly think these are all new additions, if anyone is on 1.2 please confirm the ones that are false.

Pretty certain these were all in the previous PR's

lifeintheblitz 2012-07-08 01:44

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by ssjmec (Post 1233221)
Im in the Phil too and if you cant for the OTA, PR1.3 is already availble in navifirm for Phil products (16Gb and 64Gb)

It came out for me a day after its first official release. I didn't update OTA or via Navifirm though. I updated using Nokia Suite.

vittoriob4 2012-07-08 02:10

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Has anybody experienced cutetube ( and few other apps) constant crashing while playing video from searches? Was fine prior to pr1.2...
I was considering a clean install, but knowing about some issues with ovi store and being unable to reinstall the same app without paying again I may as well wait....

Nevermind... Thanx Marxodian

An9 2012-07-08 08:59

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by danested (Post 1233695)
Also in Settings>Sounds and vibration
i see internet call alert and chat alert, which i dont remember seeing earlier.

Security>Developer mode was and remains enabled, but i now see a list of things that i can choose to install:
Resource Usage Analysis
Power Analysis
Test Automation
each with an install buttom next to it.
Contacts > show also lists groups : is this new?
press and hold song in music player shows play album in addition to set as ringtone in now playing. i also see add to queue for long press in views other than now playing.

i see a scroll bar(just a visual hint) in yhe video player. And the icon screen i call it. If thia was already the... Sorry :(

I honestly think these are all new additions, if anyone is on 1.2 please confirm the ones that are false.

No realy...this apps was not there in v.1.2 developer side...i newer saw them there before, this is new and important apps for me.

F2thaK 2012-07-08 09:57

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
^^^^ Not true. They were there on PR 1.2.

(The extra developer apps)

The Best Isaac 2012-07-08 10:51

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I noticed following changes:
  • The (digital) clock UI has improved. The numbers aren't bold anymore and tabular figures are used, which means the numbers don't "jump" every second because of different character widths.
  • After you delete browser history and start the browser again, the default Nokia bookmarks are restored immediatly. On PR1.2 on the first start after history deletion there were no bookmarks visible. The re-appeared only after the second start.
  • After an app is started, there seem's to be a pause until you can open that app again (the app name is gray in this time, test it with the PureLight app). If the app alters the desktop file to display another icon (again, like see the PureLight app), the new icon doesn't get visbile immediately, but after this pause (some seconds). So, with the PureLight app, if you start the app the camera LEDs turn on but the icon reflects this state just after some seconds. If you start this app again, to turn the light off, the light gets off immediately, but the icon is updates a few seconds later.

danested 2012-07-08 12:51

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Maps definitely works bettrr, located me indoors and an routes to a destination which it earlier used to say cant be reached by car.

ssjmec 2012-07-08 15:25

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Anyone of you notice that the facebook and twitter notification notifies faster? In PR1.2, I have my automatically update feed items at 10 minutes and it only notifies every 10 minutes. I have same setting now but I receive the notification 5 minutes (or less).

carlo_N9 2012-07-08 16:12

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by ssjmec (Post 1233221)
Im in the Phil too and if you cant for the OTA, PR1.3 is already availble in navifirm for Phil products (16Gb and 64Gb)

Yep. Just got mine updated today. Minor lagging issue has been fixed but not 100%. No lag when scrolling/switching between menus. It only lags when you scroll/switch menus right after closing an app or while you are updating an app. Before, it lags even no app is open or after closing multiple apps.

- Reviews in OVI store doesn't load.
- Connects immediately to my wifi even with low signal.
- Will try fasterN9 tomorrow to see if it will complete fix the lag issue.

Edit: I believe Nokia should fix the memory consumption of Meego OS and apps on N9 cause when I check the remaining memory (RAM), I only have 200mb left after boot. I use dropcache to free up some RAM to make my phone responsive again. Meaning, Meego eats up at least 700mb of RAM to boot (even no additional apps are installed). WTF, Nokia!

thedead1440 2012-07-08 16:30

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
^^ Before getting all worked up do some background research...linux caches the memory system so that it is readily availabe when an app requires it unlike your windows pc so you dont need to fret if you've only 200MB free...

baem90 2012-07-08 17:31

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
sending @ receiving NFC from another device such as nexus? anyone tried?

freaksamael 2012-07-08 17:41

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Someone can confirm this - breathing light fixed in PR1.3 by editing /etc/mce/mce.ini ? Thanks!

maddy197 2012-07-08 18:42

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Unable to do video or normal call in gtalk after updating to PR 1.3. Anyone facing the same issue?

Parb 2012-07-08 19:24

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by maddy197 (Post 1233993)
Unable to do video or normal call in gtalk after updating to PR 1.3. Anyone facing the same issue?

I'm having the same problem as of yesterday, and I'm still on PR1.2.

D.Cent 2012-07-08 20:48

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I'm pretty sure they fixed #1144 ( ).

I've been suffering from this issue a lot, but didn't notice it so far after updating (currently I've got ~12% battery left and there haven't been any battery level "jumps").

rooster13 2012-07-08 20:51

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by D.Cent (Post 1234047)
I'm pretty sure they fixed #1144 ( ).

I've been suffering from this issue a lot, but didn't notice it so far after updating (currently I've got ~12% battery left and there haven't been any battery level "jumps").

Not fixed in PR1.3.

I've had this already numerous times after update to PR1.3 :(

soryuuha 2012-07-09 09:59

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Im happily reports that ..

PR1.3 : MfE calendar's sync now will not show as "2 days event" when one-all-day event being sync.

PR1.2 : MfE calendar's sync will show one-all-day event as "2 days event", need to use CalDav as workaround.

e0x 2012-07-09 15:55

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Track and Protect used to not detect the code area 829 as a dominican republic code are and i was unable to used it , now ( not sure if it was because pr 1.3 ) i try after did the update and it work fine with 829 code area.

tortoisedoc 2012-07-09 16:07

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Was zooming in the shell terminal present prior to pr 1.3 already?

godofwar424 2012-07-09 16:41

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by tortoisedoc (Post 1234561)
Was zooming in the shell terminal present prior to pr 1.3 already?

If you mean pinch to zoom and it increases the font then yeah its been there since PR1.1 and possible PR1

Setok 2012-07-09 18:03

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
One thing I just noticed was that when someone rings, in addition to their name it will show their last social media status (as in the Contacts app). Not sure if that was there before, but certainly didn't notice it.

jalyst 2012-07-09 18:22

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Is this being updated any more?
Doesn't look like OP has been touched since 4th but I've seen other things that can be added since.
I've created a Google doc here so that peeps who are sure they've seen a fix or new feature can add them.
Peeps can also list regressions/bugs if they are sure they're new.
Once the OP has time next, he can refer to this doc in order to update the OP.

jalyst 2012-07-09 19:03

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by danested (Post 1233695)
Also in Settings>Sounds and vibration
i see internet call alert and chat alert, which i dont remember seeing earlier.



Security>Developer mode was and remains enabled, but i now see a list of things that i can choose to install:
Resource Usage Analysis
Power Analysis
Test Automation
each with an install buttom next to it.


Contacts > show also lists groups : is this new?
Can't see anything like that in my other 1.2 handset.


press and hold song in music player shows play album in addition to set as ringtone in now playing.
not clear what you're saying, if im in the right area there is no "play album" but there is "set as ringtone".


i also see add to queue for long press in views other than now playing.
Dont really get you....


i see a scroll bar(just a visual hint) in yhe video player. And the icon screen i call it. If thia was already the... Sorry :(
Again unclear....


I honestly think these are all new additions, if anyone is on 1.2 please confirm the ones that are false.
Probably best to stop the guessing game, only people who can refer to a PR1.2 phone & a 1.3 one should be commenting.
Those that are very sure and only have 1.3 phone, need at least one other with 1.2 phone to verify.

Morpog 2012-07-09 19:09

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I will update soon again. Feel free to add links to posts in here in the google Doc jalyst posted. Seems to be a great time saver. Link is also in 1st post now.

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