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elros34 2013-09-22 22:54

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Did you remove profiles? try to reinstall deb.

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 23:10

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Edit: Ok found it! It didn't need to get run as root!

bill_klpd 2013-09-22 23:34

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
is there any way to add proper names on menu/task manager, or it is not possible?

enne30 2013-09-23 09:22

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376140)
There is nothing to improve so..

Never say "nothing" in software development :p

MicroB closing works like a charm, thank you.

Anyway... did you ever tried connecting to N900 using vnc server on device and qtedger running? It gives strange result, seems like gestures are triggered in a random way, in particular lower edge one; I think that would happen with a bluetooth mouse, too...

Do you have some idea to avoid this behaviour?

elros34 2013-09-23 11:42

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1376175)
is there any way to add proper names on menu/task manager, or it is not possible?

You can only create "desktop": hildon-home and "none": app/taskmanager profiles.


Originally Posted by enne30 (Post 1376228)
MicroB closing works like a charm, thank you.

Don't use this in bookmark's window. It caused browser crash.


Originally Posted by enne30 (Post 1376228)
Anyway... did you ever tried connecting to N900 using vnc server on device and qtedger running? It gives strange result, seems like gestures are triggered in a random way, in particular lower edge one; I think that would happen with a bluetooth mouse, too...

Do you have some idea to avoid this behaviour?

If you mean every situations with mouse instead of touchscreen so I know it and I know it shouldn't be that but I previously didn't care about it because it is an application for the touch screen. For now you can't do nothing with this. I will let you know if I'll fix it.

enne30 2013-09-23 13:56

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Another one :p

Is it normal sometimes microB gives me the fatal "internal error. application web closed" killing all windows? It happens sometimes while closing with qtedger...

elros34 2013-09-23 14:17

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
look up. It's bug in microb I can't fix it

bill_klpd 2013-09-23 14:27

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376241)
You can only create "desktop": hildon-home and "none": app/taskmanager profiles.

Thanks for this! :)
Is there any way to have 2 different profiles for app and taskmanager or it is not possible?

elros34 2013-09-23 14:31

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
it's impossible.

bill_klpd 2013-09-23 14:37

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376257)
it's impossible.

Ok thanks :)

enne30 2013-09-23 17:49

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1376254)
look up. It's bug in microb I can't fix it

well it's often happening 'cause I set the same gesture to "Close" windows and to exit microB in profiles. Removing the "Close" gesture the problem disappeared. :)

EDIT: almost disappeared... I have to understand if it happens randomly or under specified circumstances... :confused:

impeham 2013-09-26 23:14

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
This application is awesome - what i've been looking for for a long time!

i've changed the corner commands to call a bash script which executes an operation according to the active window name - for example - if someplayer is active i can go to next/previous song with swipes from left and right lower corners. it is used for other operations in other applications.

Just a customization of mine to give other people ideas :)


elros34 2013-11-09 15:50

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by enne30 (Post 1376228)
Anyway... did you ever tried connecting to N900 using vnc server on device and qtedger running? It gives strange result, seems like gestures are triggered in a random way, in particular lower edge one; I think that would happen with a bluetooth mouse, too...

Do you have some idea to avoid this behaviour?

If you are still interested check attached deb - experimental. It should also use less cpu.

mi6o08 2013-11-11 10:51

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1385315)
If you are still interested check attached deb - experimental. It should also use less cpu.

put it in to repository
its beter :)

elros34 2013-11-11 10:57

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
If there will be no any new bugs I will think about it (I don't even know how to do this)

bill_klpd 2013-11-11 13:44

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1385599)
If there will be no any new bugs I will think about it (I don't even know how to do this)

Until now it seems to work pretty good and I don't think that there are other things to get done to improve this ;)

By the way what did you do with you lockscreen that you were working on? (I am not getting online that much after the summer because of school and stuff....)

elros34 2013-11-11 15:15

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1385626)
By the way what did you do with you lockscreen that you were working on?

You know like all my apps (alpha stage and ton of bugs :))
You can try it if you want .

bill_klpd 2013-11-11 20:57

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1385634)
You know like all my apps (alpha stage and ton of bugs :))
You can try it if you want .

Well the qtedger is in a pretty good stage ;)
Maybe I will give it a try :)

AapoRantalainen 2013-11-14 19:53

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1385599)
If there will be no any new bugs I will think about it (I don't even know how to do this)

Release source code somewhere and then people can test to compile it on own setups. Then you will know what it is really needing: what version of libstdc++6/cssu/hildon-desktop and so on. And most important fact then: Can it be delivered from extras-devel (/extras).

marmistrz 2013-12-28 19:16

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
And set up your own repo for thumb :)

Meegomonster 2014-05-08 13:36

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
any way to switch between active applications like in task-swapper using the left and right swaps?

elros34 2014-05-08 14:36

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
You can bind any commands to gestures so or xdotool key ctrl+Left / xdotool key ctrl+Left if you have task-swapper and xdotool installed.

hardy_magnus 2014-05-08 16:52

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
i have one question. is it compatible with the latest cssu testing flavour?

ivgalvez 2014-09-08 10:19

Re: [Announce] N900 qtedger (N9 Swipe to N900!)
Would you please upload it to Extras Devel?

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