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gbrm 2014-05-03 02:43

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Thanks very much for that keyboard background fix.

Yes, everything including the theme backgrounds are working just as they should be which is great. Keyboard background is fine in all places except where I outlined caused by the transparency issue. I am also trying to get a hang of N9QT and having some success but still a lot to learn, Even learnt a bit of programming - nano! Thanks again...

DJJonosound 2014-05-03 02:48

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Awesome, here is the image file. You need to put it in:

/usr/share/themes/Full iOS 7 theme/meegotouch/images/theme/basement/meegotouch-virtual-keyboard/
It just makes the background darker. It will look different in everything though. I can't change the keyboard background depending on the app though, so its a tricky one to fiddle with :p

gbrm 2014-05-03 03:47

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by DJJonosound (Post 1423900)
Awesome, here is the image file. You need to put it in:

/usr/share/themes/Full iOS 7 theme/meegotouch/images/theme/basement/meegotouch-virtual-keyboard/
It just makes the background darker. It will look different in everything though. I can't change the keyboard background depending on the app though, so its a tricky one to fiddle with :p

Great, that makes it a lot better. Thank you.

Also, I had a tweak to increase keyboard height on landscape mode, now searching for similar for portrait. Think it ll make it a little easy on type on this keyboard...

DJJonosound 2014-06-04 03:03

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Would anyone be interested in taking over the development of this theme?
I really don't have much time to work on it, and I just ordered a new phone, so I really have no interest in developing this any further.

Post or PM me, I have all of the theme files as well as some resources to work with if anyone is interested.

Ancelad 2014-06-04 12:06

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Any closed development is very bad.

DJJonosound 2014-06-05 04:17


Originally Posted by Ancelad (Post 1428171)
Any closed development is very bad.

Are you suggesting this is closed? Anyone could edit it... Its right there.

fos4 2014-06-05 07:08

If someone continue developing this theme (like DJJonsound and Ancelad), we will have two the best alternative themes for N9. Thanks for your job.

Ancelad 2014-06-05 11:03

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
I don't like iOS, Sailfish is my muse :)

imaginaryenemy 2014-06-05 15:16

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by DJJonosound (Post 1428288)
Are you suggesting this is closed? Anyone could edit it... Its right there.

I took it to mean that it was a shame that you were "closing" development. Any loss of development is "very bad" for the platform.

DJJonosound 2014-06-06 02:21

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by imaginaryenemy (Post 1428364)
I took it to mean that it was a shame that you were "closing" development. Any loss of development is "very bad" for the platform.

Well its inevitable :p
N9 is too unstable and doesn't meet my needs anymore.

Shadwblade2652 2014-06-06 04:49

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by DJJonosound (Post 1428440)
Well its inevitable :p
N9 is too unstable and doesn't meet my needs anymore.

Well it's sad to see you go, but have fun with your new phone?


DJJonosound 2014-06-06 09:55

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by Shadwblade2652 (Post 1428444)
Well it's sad to see you go, but have fun with your new phone?


I might hang round still, now that my N9 is not my main phone there is nothing stopping me from attempting to put new kernels and multiple OS's :P

16gb Nexus 5 in red. Its a sexy beast and its soooo fast.

abidrander 2014-09-21 07:59

Re: [Development Halted][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
download link please......

.denis 2014-09-22 08:32

Re: [Development Halted][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by abidrander (Post 1439927)
download link please......

DJJonosound 2014-09-22 08:56

Re: [Development Halted][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by abidrander (Post 1439927)
download link please......

Its on the first page.. in big blue text........ :cool:

DJJonosound 2014-09-22 09:02

Re: [Development Halted][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
I'm confused. Apparently on one day almost 8000 people downloaded the theme in china.

saifo 2014-09-22 10:16

Re: [Development Halted][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
nice theme
i will try it

h3rucutu 2015-07-02 19:58

Re: [Development Halted][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
I have been downloaded the latest version but, when I'm installing, there is a notice that installation interrupted, and i try again and again the result is same, "installation interrupted". Are this app need developer mode?

Because I'm not yet activate dev mode

lucaspedersoli 2015-09-29 09:15

Re: [Development Halted][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by h3rucutu (Post 1475563)
I have been downloaded the latest version but, when I'm installing, there is a notice that installation interrupted, and i try again and again the result is same, "installation interrupted". Are this app need developer mode?

Because I'm not yet activate dev mode

I'm not sure, probably... though on the original post there's something said about this issue, go check it!

lucaspedersoli 2015-09-29 09:23

Re: [Development Halted][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
1 Attachment(s)
Hi, I'm a bit troubeled here... The clock on the lockscreen shows up like this.. I've been actively searching through the forum and google with no luck...
Freshly flashed phone, open mode, dev mode on, used themechanger and font manager v 0.5
It's all good but that.
It's weird cause before the reflash that worked (though most of the rest was pretty akward :P)
I hope there's still someone arround to lend me a hand on this... :D

EDIT: Already found the problem here. It was the libsysuid-screenlock-nokia.css file. I compared it to the original blanco theme file and under time format there was a %1 where it should be a %R
I was using the blue theme, maybe the others are ok, I didn't chech on that.
There's not many users arround this post, but if I got time and magicaly learn how to properly use some desing programs I'll do some more stuff for this theme. I'm a procastinator so, if you read this, don't take it too seriously.

DJJonosound 2015-10-19 04:33

Re: [Development Halted][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by lucaspedersoli (Post 1483979)
Hi, I'm a bit troubeled here... The clock on the lockscreen shows up like this.. I've been actively searching through the forum and google with no luck...
Freshly flashed phone, open mode, dev mode on, used themechanger and font manager v 0.5
It's all good but that.
It's weird cause before the reflash that worked (though most of the rest was pretty akward :P)
I hope there's still someone arround to lend me a hand on this... :D

EDIT: Already found the problem here. It was the libsysuid-screenlock-nokia.css file. I compared it to the original blanco theme file and under time format there was a %1 where it should be a %R
I was using the blue theme, maybe the others are ok, I didn't chech on that.
There's not many users arround this post, but if I got time and magicaly learn how to properly use some desing programs I'll do some more stuff for this theme. I'm a procastinator so, if you read this, don't take it too seriously.

Thats odd. Maybe it was a corrupted file or something? I hadn't had any issues of the like, and in the original files on my computer it shows a %l. Maybe your device time is in 24 hour which conflict with 12 hour time display? It wouldn't be in the colours as that is only image modifications :p
If you are interested I can give you all the original theme files if you want to mess around.

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