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pichlo 2014-12-30 21:05

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1454413)

That's another thing. I started playing that video in a new tab, then went back here to continue reading. The playback stopped. That sucks.

rcolistete 2014-12-30 23:42

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1454436)
What you are talking about is normal price drop/rise due to market.
I am talking about false public relation actions to keep up a totally unacceptable high price done by one and the same company.

Not due to the market only. But due to prices given by companies : Blackberry, LG, Dell, etc.


Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1454436)
If something like this happens to me (and it did!) I just call/mail customer care and I always succeeded to get the lower price with a bit of negotiations (due to online-buy-send-back-guaranty and eligibility of getting the lower price).
And that is where Jolla badly failed in this special case!
If you like to know more details please PM me, as there is no need to discuss this publicly.FULL STOP

I bought my Nexus 4 for R$1.699 and 6 months later it was for R$800. No negociations were possible between me and LG to refund me. It was my problem, as I wanted to have a Nexus 4 in the beginning of its launch in Brazil. Who waited for some months had the advantage of paying less.

No negociations between me and Dell (I use Dell notebooks for more than 13 years) were possible, I've tried by phone some years ago. I've lost the excellent promotional price during one week. My decision, my responsibility.


Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1454436)
And if a company fails to understand me as customer, I as a customer feel to not support such company with my money (even I like the product) - that's the way I see it. No more, no less.

Well, so I would drop buying from almost all the companies I'm used to : Apple (indication for my family), Asus, Dell, LG, Samsung, etc. All of them have had cases of oscillating prices where I or my family have paid more at some moment and some time later it was lower. It happens.

By the way, I've paid for my 1st Jolla via Amazon.UK approx. R$2,000 (US$820, EUR642 currently) with international shipping, Brazilian import taxes,etc. It was my decision to buy it. Period. I don't compare with Indian or European prices for Jolla smartphone, where I could pay a lot less. My reality is that I live in Brazil. I'll not blame Jolla for this fact.

PS: I've had luck when buying Psion Revo+, Nokia N810, Nokia N900, etc at the minimum historical price where I were living at the time. Sometimes we have luck with prices, sometimes not.

peterleinchen 2014-12-31 08:01

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by n900user259 (Post 1454438)
Dude, you're completely missing the point.


aegis 2014-12-31 08:44

Re: Jolla discount codes
Really? You're complaining about them reducing the price by €100?

Please slap yourselves or get somebody nearby to do it if you're incapable.

n900user259 2014-12-31 09:08

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by aegis (Post 1454502)
Really? You're complaining about them reducing the price by €100?

No, actually we're not.
We're talking about the strategy employed by Jolla concerning the use of discount codes.

pichlo 2014-12-31 20:32

Re: Jolla discount codes
A somewhat extreme example to illustrate how it feels to a common customer:

You come to a kebab stand and make your order. The kebab man makes the kebab for you, sticks it in front of your face, then whisks it away. He repeats the same thing two more times and in the end, he throws the kebab at you. You are about to open your mouth and speak when 5 kebab man's friends pounce on you with the words,

"What are you complaining about? Did you want a kebab or not? Did you get it or not? We did not even see you paying for it. So shut up and be grateful for the grace from the heaven that you, unworthy slime, have been given!"

nodevel 2014-12-31 21:41

Re: Jolla discount codes
I thought this discussion couldn't get any more amusing.

I was wrong. Thank you, Internet :)

irulestar 2014-12-31 22:23

No Jolla in Indonesia. So what i can do with the code? :)

n900user259 2014-12-31 22:59

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1454589)
A somewhat extreme example to illustrate how it feels to a common customer:

You come to a kebab stand and make your order. The kebab man makes the kebab for you, sticks it in front of your face, then whisks it away. He repeats the same thing two more times and in the end, he throws the kebab at you. You are about to open your mouth and speak when 5 kebab man's friends pounce on you with the words,

"What are you complaining about? Did you want a kebab or not? Did you get it or not? We did not even see you paying for it. So shut up and be grateful for the grace from the heaven that you, unworthy slime, have been given!"

I don't think this example really hits the mark.
It fits better if the kebab man says " You are my very special friend! I give you a special discount because you are my very special friend!". And he does so a couple a times.
Then the next time you walk in the joint you see that you're not his very special friend anymore becasue everybody is getting the discount.

This kind of behaviour results in a strange psychological effect that makes people that actually have gotten a discount think they have been wronged. And on a psychological level that may even be true. But I'm no shrink so don't mind me :D

HtheB 2014-12-31 23:16

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by n900user259 (Post 1454607)
I don't think this example really hits the mark.
It fits better if the kebab man says " You are my very special friend! I give you a special discount because you are my very special friend!". And he does so a couple a times.
Then the next time you walk in the joint you see that you're not his very special friend anymore becasue everybody is getting the discount.

This kind of behaviour results in a strange psychological effect that makes people that actually have gotten a discount think they have been wronged. And on a psychological level that may even be true. But I'm no shrink so don't mind me :D

That is the right example in this situation! :)

Dave999 2014-12-31 23:25

Re: Jolla discount codes
I need a well made kebab. Can jolla provide discount for that or what?

n900user259 2015-01-01 21:02

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1454609)
I need a well made kebab. Can jolla provide discount for that or what?

If with 'kebab' you mean 'Jolla smartphone' I'm sure they can come up with another discount.
If with 'Jolla' you mean 'kebabman' I'm not sure. You'll have to ask Pichlo as I don't know kebabman. :D

lokai 2015-01-01 21:57

Re: Jolla discount codes
I had ordered a 'kebab' and as it did not taste me after all that 'pouncing' I threw it back to Jolla!

Long story:
I backed a tablet via indiegogo campaign, as I liked the idea of an "open source" tablet
I thought about also supporting Jolla further (having no need for a new phone and fully aware about its HW failures and the unfulfillness of the OS) and bought it for 249
then they came up with the "special discount" of 199 for indiegogo tablet backers
as the phone did not yet arrive I thought I would be able to receive it for the same price
as there is a 14 day online buy give back the phone could have just been denied at delivery or simply sent back
and I could have ordered via indiegogo for 199
but instead I asked Jolla (like peterleinchen pointed out) to refund partially
they came up with 'hey wait we will take care' and offered some plastic halves
I rejected and asked for an answer in time, they refused/decided to not answer in time
I waited until last minute of indiegogo campain but Jolla kept quiet
then I decided to NOT order once more (which could have been the dumb-mass-customer way | and in this case more proper and easier way) and wait for them to answer
once more: I had ordered tablet, so was fully allowed to order for 199 and at the same time had all the rights to send the other one back
it could have saved a lot of work on both sides if they just cooperated, but hey ...
as there came nothing adequate from their side after a few iterations/escalations I decided to send the phone back (as I did not feel to be treated 'fairly and equitably')
I asked for a full refund for the tablet also, as I refuse to use products of companies of such kind
as the tablet was ordered via indiegogo they said not possible
so anybodyin DE wants a Jolla tablet as they come out please contact me

Now they no money at all!

Dave999 2015-01-01 22:05

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by lokai (Post 1454708)
I had ordered a 'kebab' and as it did not taste me after all that 'pouncing' I threw it back to Jolla!

Long story:
I backed a tablet via indiegogo campaign, as I liked the idea of an "open source" tablet
I thought about also supporting Jolla further (having no need for a new phone and fully aware about its HW failures and the unfulfillness of the OS) and bought it for 249
then they came up with the "special discount" of 199 for indiegogo tablet backers
as the phone did not yet arrive I thought I would be able to receive it for the same price
as there is a 14 day online buy give back the phone could have just been denied at delivery or simply sent back
and I could have ordered via indiegogo for 199
but instead I asked Jolla (like peterleinchen pointed out) to refund partially
they came up with 'hey wait we will take care' and offered some plastic halves
I rejected and asked for an answer in time, they refused/decided to not answer in time
I waited until last minute of indiegogo campain but Jolla kept quiet
then I decided to NOT order once more (which could have been the dumb-mass-customer way | and in this case more proper and easier way) and wait for them to answer
once more: I had ordered tablet, so was fully allowed to order for 199 and at the same time had all the rights to send the other one back
it could have saved a lot of work on both sides if they just cooperated, but hey ...
as there came nothing adequate from their side after a few iterations/escalations I decided to send the phone back (as I did not feel to be treated 'fairly and equitably')
I asked for a full refund for the tablet also, as I refuse to use products of companies of such kind
as the tablet was ordered via indiegogo they said not possible
so anybodyin DE wants a Jolla tablet as they come out please contact me

Now they no money at all!

juiceme 2015-01-01 22:13

Re: Jolla discount codes
It really seems that on some cases people are fairly pissed by the way Jolla has handled the campaigns. I cannot say I fully understand the reaction of either party, customer or company, but whatever the reality, feelings are always true and if you feel wronged it cannot be helped by explaining that there is no cause for your hurt :eek:

Rockenroller 2015-01-02 01:25

Re: Jolla discount codes
...just came back to see if there is possible to get 100 discount of that 250 price?

pichlo 2015-01-02 01:48

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Rockenroller (Post 1454721)
...just came back to see if there is possible to get 100 discount of that 250 price?

Do you think we would be discussing kebabs if that were possible?

n900user259 2015-01-02 12:57

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by lokai (Post 1454708)
I had ordered a 'kebab' and as it did not taste me after all that 'pouncing' I threw it back to Jolla!

Long story:

I asked for a full refund for the tablet also, as I refuse to use products of companies of such kind
as the tablet was ordered via indiegogo they said not possible
so anybodyin DE wants a Jolla tablet as they come out please contact me

Now they no money at all!

For some reason they can't change or cancel the current order. However they stated in the comments on Indiegogo that when you receive the tablet you will have two weeks in which to send it back. Just like with the phone.

lokai 2015-01-02 20:04

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by n900user259 (Post 1454820)
For some reason they can't change or cancel the current order. However they stated in the comments on Indiegogo that when you receive the tablet you will have two weeks in which to send it back. Just like with the phone.

Yes, what would be the same thing as with the phone (sending forth and back without a reason). Which I wanted to avoid, but it seems Jolla wants it that way ...

So I asked for someone not backed via indiegogo if he likes to receive it as early as if he did?

From Vertu with Love 2015-01-04 11:12

Re: Jolla discount codes
Down to £199 on Amazon...

Dave999 2015-01-04 15:55

Re: Jolla discount codes
Look at this devices . It's pretty much a jolla in disguise , this is the price tag jolla should go for :D

Snapdragon 410 1.2GHz, quad-core 64-bit SoC
4.7-inch 720p IPS LCD
1GB of RAM
2200mAh battery
8GB storage with microSD card
8MP camera
Dual SIM

$112 :D

Marandos 2015-01-04 17:25

Re: Jolla discount codes
Wow, that's 1/3 of jolla price...
That price is for China, wondering what price it would get in EU and NA.

lokai 2015-01-04 19:00

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1455199)
Look at this devices . It's pretty much a jolla in disguise , this is the price tag jolla should go for :D

That is nonsense.
Even I am pissed by the behaviour of Jolla, I need to admit that a company of that size cannot compete with that.
And especially if you like to get it running an OS of your choice. If you like a cheap Android (free of charge OS) then go for it ...

Dave999 2015-01-04 19:07

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by lokai (Post 1455227)
That is nonsense.
Even I am pissed by the behaviour of Jolla, I need to admit that a company of that size cannot compete with that.
And especially if you like to get it running an OS of your choice. If you like a cheap Android (free of charge OS) then go for it ...

Im not pissed at all. I dont expect jolla do get a price like that from jolla. They can't affored it. But it's intressting what total cost is for jollas hw. It can't be much.

lokai 2015-01-04 19:40

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1455228)
... But it's intressting what total cost is for jollas hw. It can't be much.

THAT is True! :D

From Vertu with Love 2015-01-05 11:34

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1455228)
But it's intressting what total cost is for jollas hw. It can't be much.

Don't underestimate the huge economies of scale that the Chinese companies are operating with. And not just on parts - on labour too.

When you buy Jolla, you're not just buying the hardware, you're also subsidising Sailfish OS development costs, salaries for staff (which in Finland are higher to begin with), rent for the HQ and everything in between. When more devices are sold, this part (as a share of the cost price) can be significantly lowered.

pichlo 2015-01-05 13:02

Re: Jolla discount codes
Whilst all that ^^ is true, it is a fallacy to assume that:
Sale price = Production cost + Profit
In fact, it is the reverse:
Profit = Sale price - Production cost
This is because the producer does not dictate the sale price. The only part of the equasion that the producer can influence is the production cost. The sale price is dictated by what the market can bear. As we could see from the India launch, Jolla is quite capable of dropping the price to accommodate the market. They just had not feelt that pressure in Europe for a while.

Dave999 2015-01-05 13:28

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by From Vertu with Love (Post 1455341)
Don't underestimate the huge economies of scale that the Chinese companies are operating with. And not just on parts - on labour too.

When you buy Jolla, you're not just buying the hardware, you're also subsidising Sailfish OS development costs, salaries for staff (which in Finland are higher to begin with), rent for the HQ and everything in between. When more devices are sold, this part (as a share of the cost price) can be significantly lowered.

Yes, but if you skip the chinese, labour, sailffish dev, subsidizing...what is the hw cost. that is what Im looking for.

anyway. have we seen the last discount code?

From Vertu with Love 2015-01-05 13:37

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1455354)
have we seen the last discount code?

Until the launch of the tablet, at least. If they had another one before then, the 'bundle' that many backers chose to purchase would work out more expensive than buying separately. Jolla can't afford to annoy their newest fans.

pichlo 2015-01-05 14:02

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by From Vertu with Love (Post 1455357)
Until the launch of the tablet, at least. If they had another one before then, the 'bundle' that many backers chose to purchase would work out more expensive than buying separately. Jolla can't afford to annoy their newest fans.

Never say never. The tablet launch is at least 5 months away. A lot can happen in that time. For example the whole cycle as described here can easily repeat twice in the span of 5 months.

I wonder how many of the tablet supporters are new customers. I am willing to bet 30 Altarian dollars that not more than 50%. My estimate is <20%.

lokai 2015-01-05 14:08

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by From Vertu with Love (Post 1455357)
Until the launch of the tablet, at least. If they had another one before then, the 'bundle' that many backers chose to purchase would work out more expensive than buying separately. Jolla can't afford to annoy their newest fans.

They can!
As they were not able to give that bundle price to all of new customers :( (and especially to those who already backed and ordered normally!)
And I guess there may be just a few (in very low order) tenth who ordered that bundle as it came too late ...

So Jolla, hand out new discount codes of 50€ ...

nodevel 2015-01-05 15:29

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1455361)
Never say never. The tablet launch is at least 5 months away.

Exactly. It's not like people who bought the combo have to wait till May to receive their phone - they got it right away, so I don't see any problem with the phone getting cheaper in the meantime.

If they were to receive the phone in May and it got cheaper before that, I would understand the disappointment, but now they can enjoy and use their phone. I also wasn't mad that the price was reduced few months after I bought it, because using it those few months was worth it.


Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1455361)
I wonder how many of the tablet supporters are new customers. I am willing to bet 30 Altarian dollars that not more than 50%. My estimate is <20%.

If that's so, it's not such a bad news - it would mean that current customers are satisfied to the point that they are willing to buy more products from the same company.

Dave999 2015-01-05 15:43

Re: Jolla discount codes
I bought a combo and don't really care if jolla selling the phone for £1 next week. Jolla ****ers couldn't manage sell a extra battery so I bought another phone to get the battery.

I will always hold that against jolla that they couldn't even deliver more than 3 extra batteries. they are now on my BlackList :rolleyes:

I'm more afraid jolla will deliver a shitty tablet in may or even worse. delay to June. I could accept a delay one month if they adding 3G for free...maybe we could get a discount if delayed :D

aegis 2015-01-05 16:30

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by From Vertu with Love (Post 1455357)
Until the launch of the tablet, at least. If they had another one before then, the 'bundle' that many backers chose to purchase would work out more expensive than buying separately. Jolla can't afford to annoy their newest fans.

Their newest fans need to get a grip on reality if they get annoyed by a company dropping prices after they bought theirs during a sales promotion.

Yeah, you (not 'From Vertu with Love' I'm speaking generally) fell for the sales promotion. Now get over being such an idiot and stop whinging. You were happy to buy it at the price you bought it at.

mrsellout 2015-01-05 16:48

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1455354)
Yes, but if you skip the chinese, labour, sailffish dev, subsidizing...what is the hw cost. that is what Im looking for.

anyway. have we seen the last discount code?

That cost changes with time.

I think the latest manufacturing date anyone has reported on their Jolla is from 03, 2014.

If you were to specify the same hardware today, naturally you would get a better price for what is now older tech (granted there could be fluctuations in the pricing of memory and display modules). This is before counting storage and interest charges.

juiceme 2015-01-05 17:44

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1455354)
Yes, but if you skip the chinese, labour, sailffish dev, subsidizing...what is the hw cost. that is what Im looking for.

Ah, so you are after the BOM cost.
But bear in mind that BOM cost has nothing to do even with the production cost of the device, not to say with the profitable sales point of the device.

The BOM costs of devices are ridiculously low anyway. I'd imagine (when looking back at what the top Nokia models BOM costs were back in the day) that for example iPhone6 or Galaxy S5 probably goes for around $50...$60 or so, could be even significantly lower.

juiceme 2015-01-05 19:48

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1455410)
how could IT be that low. Screens must costs a few dollars.

The parts (in quantities ordered by large mfg's) cost next to nothing.

What does cost, it the amortization from the production facility, warehousing, running costs for the plant, (labour, energy, maintanance), etc.
On top of that of course, before one ever gets so far is cost of the design.

From Vertu with Love 2015-01-05 19:57

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by aegis (Post 1455378)
Their newest fans need to get a grip on reality if they get annoyed by a company dropping prices after they bought theirs during a sales promotion.

Yeah, you (not 'From Vertu with Love' I'm speaking generally) fell for the sales promotion. Now get over being such an idiot and stop whinging. You were happy to buy it at the price you bought it at.

I know the logic, but we both know that's not how people react. Remember the backlash after Nintendo cut the price of the 3DS?

aegis 2015-01-05 20:51

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by From Vertu with Love (Post 1455423)
I know the logic, but we both know that's not how people react. Remember the backlash after Nintendo cut the price of the 3DS?

Nope, but then I've no idea what a 3DS is. :D

From Vertu with Love 2015-01-05 22:51

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by aegis (Post 1455437)
Nope, but then I've no idea what a 3DS is. :D

You've never heard of a Nintendo 3DS? They've shipped nearly 50 million of the things, it's the most popular handheld games console on the market...

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