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bockersjv 2014-04-11 08:27

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)
Version out today, lets see if anything follows from this?

juiceme 2014-04-11 08:28

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1420817)
I couldn't read that article referenced in that twitter thread I linked to, because it breaks in google translate, I assume you speak Finnish.
Getting rather tired of their regular hints that something substantive will be announced, only to find later that it's some "piddly" thing (or nothing at all).

I just noticed that indeed, google translate is broken. :mad:
It used to be able to just paste in an URL, and it would give me an URL for the translated text. Now what happens is it just tries to translate the given URL into another language... crazy stuff...

juiceme 2014-04-11 08:43

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1420817)
I couldn't read that article referenced in that twitter thread I linked to, because it breaks in google translate, I assume you speak Finnish.
Getting rather tired of their regular hints that something substantive will be announced, only to find later that it's some "piddly" thing (or nothing at all).

Here's a freeform translation of the text:


Smartphone developer Jolla has entered into a new sales partnerships in the home country.

Jolla has entered into a partnership with distributor "F9" who has arranged for distribution of Jolla brand smartphones to three new local stores:
- and its three retail stores
- Tekniset-retail chain's online store
- Musta Pörssi -retail chain's stores and online store.

The company claims that its sales are growing rapidly.

Jolla brought the first phone on sale in November. Since then, Jolla has released four software updates of its Sailfish operating system.

Official Sailfish OS 1.0 was released in February.

"Jolla smartphone and Sailfish OS 1.0 are now commercially ready also to the international market ," says CEO Tom Jolla Pienimäki.

"The trend will by no means end here. Our development works in close cooperation with our users" he says.

Salfish is based on the Nokia MeeGo operating system.

This news article was corrected at 17:30. Unlike the story incorrectly originally claimed, Jolla is a Helsinki-based smartphone developer.

jalyst 2014-04-11 16:42

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)
Yaaawn... >.>

Dave999 2014-04-11 16:46

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1420946)
Yaaawn... >.>

Chear up! what to you want?

...Jolla’s Saarnio: “We are going to sell hundreds of thousands phones this spring and summer”

Not sure where...

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