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biketool 2013-09-18 13:43

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Thanks amr.fayz,
I was looking specifically for the Extreme and Helicopter ipks or debs
even better would be the X-plane planner, it is a planning app for pilots which gives real information on time fuel etc without constantly updating calculations. I could probably find a good app for TI calculators or a spreadsheet but an aviation specific app would be useful when most apps are for iPhone.

Jarvis 2013-10-22 11:17

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Where I can find ini for Need for speed hot pursuit HD? Anyone have?

Jarvis 2013-10-23 16:08

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
In another way, is there support in wgames for NFS Hot pursuit?

Estel 2013-12-10 13:52

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Anyone, please? Maybe it's silly question, but I spent countless hours on it, with exactly 0 result. It's almost funny, as I'm repeating this quesion roughly once for years without effect, and it's one of few remaining things on my list of "unsorted problems" (re software on N900) and it bugges me as hell.


Estel 2013-12-10 14:01

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by biketool (Post 1375056)
Thanks amr.fayz,
I was looking specifically for the Extreme and Helicopter ipks or debs
even better would be the X-plane planner

Lost case, sadly. I have searched for X-Plane Helicopter and Extreme (and the one that adds waterplanes, and the one that allow you to try formation flying...) for ages, without any results. I suspect, that they were released for Androcrap and ISh|t only, with planned release for WebOS halted.

.apk files for them could be used via ApkEnv as they're same OpenGLES C programs for all platforms, but it would require some guru to write so-called support module for it (see ApkEnv module development thread). Other way is to install whole Nitroid to SD card and run them natively, which still seems silly, just to run those 2 games (but I may end up doing it, one day - just because X-Planes are so awesome).

As for X-Plane planner, I'm 101% it wasn't even planned to be released for WebOS.


marmistrz 2013-12-10 15:50

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1328255)
Despite following all guides I was able to find, I still fail to create touchpad->keyboard mapping (so, for example, I would be able to change weapon type in hawx, or bind some key to help me gain pitch&zoom in x-plane games).

OTOH, I know that it is possible, as people already created such mapping for some games (for example, assassins creed)

Could someone post idiot-proof, step-by-step guide on achieving it? Bless you son and enormous thank you in advance - it, actually, bugs me for more than a year, now.


AFAIK, you can't create such mappings for touchpad. You have a separate preenv which is uses for keyboard mapping.

preenv is for Pre (phone) games
preenv-kbd is for Pre games with keyboard mapping (separate package as it's 0.1.6)
preenv-hd is for Touchpad games.

It'd be theoretically possible to port the kbd mapping code to the hd library, you're welcome to try it

Estel 2013-12-11 03:36

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
I don't get what you mean by "you can't create such mappings for touchpad". AIUI (correct me if I'm wrong), all WebOS games have touch-only controls, and what keyboard mapping does, is to map "virtual" digitizer touch to some keys on keyboard. This way, we can do things that only multitouch would allow - like, pressing two keys at the same time, to simulate pressing two different spots on digitizer, or even more complicated gestures, like "pitch to zoom" (which some Preenv games require to be playable).

That's what I'm trying to achieve and, ultimately, fail. I'm sure I'm using correct version of preenv libraries, as games that come bundled with keyboard mapping (thanks to webos game manager) are *working* with keyboard (hero of sparta as example). But, my attempts to "RE" what those scripts were doing to achieve proper keyboard mappings, failed - for example, despite creating gconf keys etc, I can't get any keyboard press recognized as touch for X-Plane or HAWX.

So, again, I would greatly appreciate some idiot-proof step by step guide on creating such keyboard mapping, from scratych. Normally, I don't request such things, but I think after ~2 years of trying repeatedly without success, there is no shame in asking ;)


marmistrz 2013-12-11 16:14

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list uses some special tweaking to enable using of keyboard mapping, afaik.

I never did any kbd mapping, tbh

Estel 2014-02-25 21:53

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Question - where one can find source code of the latest incarnation (for preenv 0.16 IIRC) of jflatt's modified Wiki doesn't say anything about it, and jflatt's site is dead. I'm finding only compiled libs in various places.


marmistrz 2014-02-26 13:46

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1414338)
Question - where one can find source code of the latest incarnation (for preenv 0.16 IIRC) of jflatt's modified Wiki doesn't say anything about it, and jflatt's site is dead. I'm finding only compiled libs in various places.


Look at his fork on gitorious

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