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Milhouse 2007-11-14 20:38

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by traveller604 (Post 94886)
e. One more thing I wonder, can I use my N95 as a GPS unit for the N800? :)

No, as the N95 doesn't support the Bluetooth SPP profile (Serial Port Profile). Nokia obviously don't want the N95 to cannibalise sales of their GPS module... :)

ScottRD 2007-11-14 20:40

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by traveller604 (Post 94886)
I couldn't resist. :(

I'm glad I didn't brick it. :)

It sure feels sweet! :D

Now I wonder where all the apps I need are, stuff like Mplayer, Evince, FBreader.. yes I know I'll use the search.

USB bug? Sounds scary :eek:

There are some things that aren't really bugs but annoy me anyways. One of them being that when you move files in filemanager you end up to the folder to which you're moving the files to.. why? It's the same with OS 2007 thou so. I make a list of things some day :)

e. One more thing I wonder, can I use my N95 as a GPS unit for the N800? :)

To answer your question about where all the apps are, there aren't many that have been ported and I have found very few instances where the 2007 version will work on 2008. That's why, after using 2008 for a while I went back to 2007.

I doubt you can use your N95 as an external GPS device for your N800 but there's nothing stopping you from trying and letting everyone know. :)


traveller604 2007-11-14 21:04

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
It seems that there is no Evince for 2008.. perhaps I'll try to port it myself. But not now.. studies and bed is all that remains for tonight.

edit. Oh yeah and it sure feels like they've put a lot of work and love to this OS so big respect for the maemo team :)

Rocketman 2007-11-14 21:18

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by jhoff80 (Post 94604)
Also, count me as someone who doesn't like that the 'stylus-mode' view for the applications/web/contacts menus isn't available anymore, no matter if you use the stylus or not its always in the 'thumb-mode'. Using the stylus was nice for when I was scrolling through large lists of things, since more could be shown on the screen.

I too am very disappointed that OS 2008 only seems to support a "thumbs mode" for browsing through the menus. I find the thumbs mode much less efficient for quickly browsing through the application lists, as you can often only see a small subset of apps on any particular menu and have to scroll to reveal the rest. I also never had any trouble using my fingers in place of the stylus in stylus mode. For all the talk about the glitzy new OS 2008 interface (oooh, transparency....oooh, movable applets) the basic outline of the gui hasn't really changed and the few changes I have spotted are not necessarily for the better.

johsua 2007-11-14 23:23

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
I am able to pair my i-blue gps receiver. I don't have good sat. reception in my ground floor cement apartment, but presumably it'll work. After 20 minutes with 2008 - I'm sold... Maybe I should check out the browser...

edit: just tried it with gmail. I can actually use the thumb board to write an email w/out it totally screwing up! This is great...

Rebski 2007-11-14 23:28

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
Well it fixed the broken video chat, not much else seems to be installable, Evince, Quiver, FBReader, OMWeather, UKMP, Python to name a few.

I made a backup prior to reflash and restored immediately after. My WiFi settings, emails, Contacts, were kept though it lost my bookmarks.

It is obviously early days yet. Perhaps it was a mistake to restore my data?

xxM5xx 2007-11-15 02:27

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by meirm (Post 94544)
i heard that skype wont install in it.
also there are some dependencies problems with python.
The map program rocks.
gizmo works.

Anyone willing to state whether Gizmo VOIP on the N800 with this OS2008 today will allow a Bluetooth headset. I ask because Nokia stated the OS2008 was going to have this capability ( bluetooth voip ).

I understand Skype isn't ready for OS2008 yet. That may be one of the many reasons we were meant to wait until December......does this mean the N810 won't work with Skype until it is flashed by it's new owner in December? This is somewhat rhetorical, but the N810 units are filling the distribution channels now, but Skype isn't working on the N810 operating system yet?

If anyone can answer the BlueTooth/OS2008/Gizmo Project functionality question, that would be great. Thanks.

jhoff80 2007-11-15 02:49

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
I already said. Bluetooth headsets will connect, and the tablet thinks its routing all audio to it, so the internal speaker will be muted. However, you won't hear any audio on your headset yet. This is both with Gizmo Project and the 'internet call' program which now supports SIP.

xxM5xx 2007-11-15 02:55

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
jhoff80: Thanks for the update, I hadn't seen where you said this earlier. Regards.

Kozzi 2007-11-15 03:28

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by BOFH (Post 94864)
Who the hell is "Kozzi", I submitted a link to a pic of my N800 running 2008 a few minutes after I flashed.... :/ AHHHhhhh....

It's me, after seeing cnet link, I though it would be nice to inform engadget about this too, sorry

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