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Underscore 2008-03-15 22:24

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 155659)
The kernel would and i'm pretty sure the xserver would. But you would have to use xrandr at cli to rotate screen.

I must add I do not use kde, but it's an educated guess.

I don't use KDE often. I was just wondering if it'd work. Might as well try it out.

Mara 2008-03-15 22:48

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Just flashed fanoush's new kernel and confirm camera working in normal mode. (It does not work in 90 degrees rotatad mode. I did not try 180 degrees mode...)

Also Mplayer works in rotated mode. Built in mediaplayer crashed and rebooted the tablet.

fanoush 2008-03-15 23:01

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 155721)
It does not work in 90 degrees rotatad mode.

Same here. Does not work.

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 155721)
I did not try 180 degrees mode...)

Works for me.

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 155721)
Built in mediaplayer crashed and rebooted the tablet.

Tried only the video that comes with firmware and it plays. In 90 degrees it is very small but played fine few times.
Yes, crashed here too while trying to rotate while video was playing. When paused, rotated, resumed it did not crash.

Mara 2008-03-15 23:44

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by fanoush (Post 155724)
Tried only the video that comes with firmware and it plays. In 90 degrees it is very small but played fine few times.
Yes, crashed here too while trying to rotate while video was playing. When paused, rotated, resumed it did not crash.

That's correct: It (built in media player) works if you do not try to rotate the display while playing. With 90 degrees rotated I couldn't see a picture in full screen mode (sound played fine, thuogh).

JonnyBruha 2008-03-16 03:21

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Finally got it working with the run down given by qwerty. I appreciate you guys helping on this.

qwerty12 2008-03-16 08:28

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Nice one Fanoush! :)

BTW: I'm sorry for being a prick but if you don't mind me asking?

Rotate patch is from here:
and your new post with the updated code?

Japanese Radio Patch here:

44Hz patch from here:

Brightness Patch here:

PPTP is provided by .config changes.

Have I missed anything out or am I wrong (likely) on anything. I want to compile a kernel with the USB fix applied.

Thank you.

qwerty12 2008-03-16 12:21

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
2 Attachment(s)
This is a modified rotate-sb-plugin with the d-pad changing buttons set to do button mapping so a rotation right will make dpad left (looking in normal view) go down etc..

Modified by me into this, xmodmap code by Benson & thanks to pH5 for providing me the sample code for one of the rotations needed to put this in & thanks to johnx

Thanks to jott for the original applet.

Tell me if you notice any bugs please. You shouldn't do - i've tested all the maps successfully.

This is just the so file. Install the orignal applet and replace with this in /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/

I uploaded the file I modified.

MichaelsWorld 2008-03-16 18:18

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Hello all, Newbe here. I have run into a problem. I have been following the posts between lm2 and qwerty12 because I am having the same trouble. I followed all of qwerty12's instructions and everything installed correctly I believe. But still I have the same problem. I still see the blank spot on the status bar where the icon should be What else could be the problem? I entered into red pill mode and installed all the deb files and I had no trouble flashing with the help of qwerty's instructions.

Thanks in advance

UPDATE: My battery went dead so I left it off all night. Turned it on this morning and it works great. Thanks for the option, and all the helpful posts.

fanoush 2008-03-16 20:44

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 155854)
Have I missed anything out or am I wrong (likely) on anything. I want to compile a kernel with the USB fix applied.

Yes, your list is complete. Now I have also included source diff directly into the kernel archive for reference.

uzi 2008-03-17 00:58

Re: How to rotate screen on os2008

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 154850)
Ok flashing the kernel.

You need to become root. Install easyroot or becomeroot. That is up to you.

In your Terminal, type "sudo gainroot"

Then type "cd MyDocs/"

Now, type "apt-get install wget" (if this fails, use the web browser to download files TO your "device name folder")



tar zxvf kernel_flasher.tgz
tar zxvf kernel-2.2007.50-2-rotation.tar.gz

mv zImage kernel_flasher/
cd kernel_flasher/
./kernel_flash zImage

As for the deb files, the page in the first post tells you how to do it. Although, I must admit, I didn't use it.

I read whole thread and i'm not getting it. I tried recipe but its too hard and i don't know if it is the latest ver of rotation kernel. I use 51-3 firmware on my n810. I'm totaly lame on flashing kernel etc. Would this quoted ver of files work on 51-3? What about diff files, how do i integrate those. Where are latest kernel with rotation for my 51-3 firmware? Could you write one more time how to do all magic with latest versions for lame IT owners like me...please :) (how to do it on tablet not on PC please)

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