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eldiablo 2015-07-20 17:23

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
MJPEG has a 2GB limitation. If someone could tell me how to make gstmjpg start a new mjpg file that would be nice. I have a 16GB mem card and it seems I could record like 14hrs with that.

Also it seems motion detection only activates the doesn't seem to shut off when there's no motion. If anyone can tell me how to make it shut off after a while then that would greatly improve performance and capability.


Copernicus 2015-07-20 18:13

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by eldiablo (Post 1477384)
MJPEG has a 2GB limitation. If someone could tell me how to make gstmjpg start a new mjpg file that would be nice. I have a 16GB mem card and it seems I could record like 14hrs with that.

Hmm. Looking at the code, it doesn't seem as though it keeps track of the file size at all. So, the 2GB limitation is probably a system-level limitation on the size of individual files. This also means that there isn't any simple way for it to recognize that it needs to close the current file and start a new one (at least without modifying the source code to monitor the file size). :(


Also it seems motion detection only activates the doesn't seem to shut off when there's no motion.
Ok, the code does look like it is supposed to stop recording video when motion ceases. I'm not sure why it wouldn't be working for you...

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