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etrunko 2008-10-08 19:16

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
Yup, I've just found the problem but haven't found the solution yet... It's a dependency issue and should be pretty easy to fix.

wahez 2008-10-08 19:17

Re: Canola2 Beta 10

Originally Posted by etrunko (Post 231614)
Yeah, our plans are to release Canola and all the other closed-source components under a Free Software License. We won't create yet another license, we will use one of the available out there.

That sounds great.


Originally Posted by etrunko (Post 231614)
Unfortunately, it is not just releasing code, we need the whole infrastructure set before it can happen, to name a few: A developer website with documentation, Bug tracker, SCM and so on. All to support the community around our project.

I think read-only version control and a bug tracker (to submit patches) is all you need to get started. Everything else can follow later.


Originally Posted by etrunko (Post 231614)
Sorry about that. We are not the ones responsible for that decision. I I was, it would be under GPL/LGPL since the very beginning. Now that we have the chance, let us work to fix it.

Yeah, it's usually the legal department and managers making those decisions. But I'm really glad to hear the plans are there and the developers have the right spirit :)
And thanks for answering all the questions here.

etrunko 2008-10-08 19:31

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
Fixed the cleanup. It was missing libosso-dev as build dependency. Already uploaded to the builder. The version 0.1.8-maemo3 should be available in a few minutes.

Den in USA 2008-10-08 19:51

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
Loaded the most recent cleanup 0.1.8-maemo2. Cannot find in extras in order to run.

grog 2008-10-08 19:53

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
Works for me now. Thanks! :)


Originally Posted by grog (Post 231723)
It seems that for me maybe sliderotate (which I have installed & working fine under the latest diablo) might be interfering with my update. I get the error 'unable to update canola' because application packages are missing: kernel-diablo-flasher, xserver-xomap & pytho2.5-terra. I tried removing all things canola manually to no avail. How exactly does canola-cleanup work? I can't seem to get it to do anything. TX

etrunko 2008-10-08 20:12

Re: Canola2 Beta 10

Originally Posted by Den in USA (Post 231809)
Loaded the most recent cleanup 0.1.8-maemo2. Cannot find in extras in order to run.

The version which works is 0.1.8-maemo3. Available right now.

Den in USA 2008-10-08 20:20

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
In application manager, when I browse installable applications I only see 0.1.8-maemo2. How can I download 0.1.8-maemo3? From

acosta 2008-10-08 20:25

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
Hi Den,

just refresh your application catalog (check for updates) and after that try to install the new version of canola-cleanup.


Den in USA 2008-10-08 21:06

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
Thanks, did clean-up and installed Canola beta10

callanish 2008-10-08 22:01

Re: Canola2 Beta 10
I just got around to spending some time with the latest Canola and my only issue is with youtube videos being out of video/voice sync again. They were working fine with the previous Canola beta, or at least I seem to remember fixing this issue with an older version of Mplayer, but I ended up upgrading that to the latest version without sync issues, now they're back. Is everyone running the latest Mplayer version and dealing with any sync issues or am I back to square one trying to remember how I solved this issue the first time by possibly going back to one of the earlier builds once again.

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