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Khertan 2009-08-28 12:18

Re: n900 gripe thread
n900 will really be too heavy !!! Specially with 32Go !!!

source :

poor joke :)

nowave7 2009-08-28 12:42

Re: n900 gripe thread

Originally Posted by attila77 (Post 317113)
Ah that. Well, it took them a couple of years to finish a 64 bit version, even, much less an ARM port. Ah. Wait. They didn't finish it, it's still in beta ! :)

It is usable, nevertheless.

sjgadsby 2009-08-28 12:57

Re: n900 gripe thread

Originally Posted by timsamoff (Post 317098)
Apparently, they left out my Pop Tart slot idea. This sucks. I do not want one anymore.

May I have yours then, please? I prefer my Pop Tarts untoasted anyway.

ikarizdat 2009-08-28 12:57

Re: n900 gripe thread
No comment :D

zerojay 2009-08-28 13:10

Re: n900 gripe thread

Originally Posted by ikarizdat (Post 317135)

So... uh... call me uncultured, but... euros are worth less in France than in the rest of Europe? I thought we all saw the "500 euros" price... so I don't know why the chart is saying 650... unless it's a joke or...

Enlighten me.

mikkov 2009-08-28 13:21

Re: n900 gripe thread

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 317145)
So... uh... call me uncultured, but... euros are worth less in France than in the rest of Europe? I thought we all saw the "500 euros" price... so I don't know why the chart is saying 650... unless it's a joke or...

Enlighten me.

500 euros without taxes (VAT). So you add taxes and some more because everything is always more expensive than announced :)

attila77 2009-08-28 13:32

Re: n900 gripe thread

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 317145)
So... uh... call me uncultured, but... euros are worth less in France than in the rest of Europe?

European VAT (taxes) are not uniform, member countries can decide between 15% and 25% as they fit (with some rare exceptions). 650 would be 30%, so there some extra fee or tax involved probably (for example in Serbia we also have an extra 10% mobile phone 'luxury tax').

range 2009-08-28 13:32

Re: n900 gripe thread

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 317145)
So... uh... call me uncultured, but... euros are worth less in France than in the rest of Europe? I thought we all saw the "500 euros" price... so I don't know why the chart is saying 650... unless it's a joke or...

Enlighten me.

Heavy VAT? It's 599 in Germany with 19% VAT +EUR 4,- to get a x99 price ...

choubbi 2009-08-28 13:57

Re: n900 gripe thread

Originally Posted by ikarizdat (Post 317135)

Comment :
I remember the N810 was at 500€ (Ok, 499€) in France when it first was out. That sucked since that was the highest price in all Europe, and that was the reason I bought a QWERTY version on eBay instead.

I even found a proof of that : here

If the N900 is 500€ in France too, I'm buying it from Nokia this time. (and it would totally change the slope on your chart)

PS : but I believe the price will be over 500€, since it's already 599€ in preorder in Germany and we have a higher VAT.

mikkov 2009-08-28 14:08

Re: n900 gripe thread
There is no bluetooth DUN or PAN. That's kind of major flaw for a phone. I know that it's not too hard to make community support for this, but it should be there out of box for >500EUR phone.

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