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anidel 2009-11-04 11:43

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
I propose GPXView and OSM2Go as they may need help polishing their applications.

I would propose my own application Xournal too as I would love to hear some UX ideas to be implemented (like the best way to have a tool "bar" as less intrusive as possible and ideas on how better I could implement the vast amount of tools and settings that Xournal provides).

Actually, that's the main reason why I applied for the UX hackfest.


qgil 2009-11-04 15:48

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
Good suggestions! Can you please contacts the developers to make sure they are aware of this and willing to come?

As a user myself, I wonder about

Vim in graphics. No, that was a joke. :)

liqbase in any category ;) Choose your preferred one. Not a joke! ;)

GPodder in Graphics. With a bit of pimp this app would earn many more users, I believe.

FBReader, I'm not sure in which category but it would be great to sponsor some days of ideas and energy to this project, if they are still interested in Maemo.

Mauku, still a last mile perhaps in concepting, perhaps in graphics.

All this are personal opinions! Only willing to shake the tree to see if more fruits are ready to go to the Long Weekend.

anidel 2009-11-04 16:10

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
Maybe Vim no, but GVim could :D

femorandeira 2009-11-04 16:21

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
Maybe some work could be done about text input, specially regarding on-screen keyboards. The usability in that area hasn't really changed much since the beginning, and Maemo is clearly behind other existing solutions.

qgil 2009-11-04 18:26

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
The scope of UX meets Code are community projects. Still, if you make it to the long weekend most propbably you will have a chance with some of the Nokia designers partly responsible of those keyboards.

lostevil 2009-11-04 18:48

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
My name is Álvaro Villalba and I'm yet another informatics engineering student at FIB.
I haven't developed anything yet for maemo, but I'm pretty interested on implement some ideas I have from quite time ago.
I think that attending Maemo Long Weekend could help me a lot and could be the push I need.

mcanes 2009-11-04 19:04

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
I'm Miquel Canes from Barcelona. Now I'm studing Informatics Engineering in the FIB (UPC).
I haven't done anyting yet in maemo but I'm very interested on developing applications for it using qt and participate in the barcelona long weekend can be a very good start.

qgil 2009-11-04 19:54

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona
suy, apol, lostevil, mcanes - it's *really* good to see your interest!

Please note that the right thread to discuss the local/parallel activities of the Long Weekend is this one:

Also EVERYBODY: please add yourselves at (I see most of the participants in this thread are already listed but just in case).

lcuk 2009-11-05 01:10

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 365468)
liqbase in any category ;) Choose your preferred one. Not a joke! ;)

cool quim!
thinking carefully, will clarify specifics asap

first thoughts
likely calendar for low hanging UI/UX fruit since there is great deal of interest already and easy to create variants from.
the orchestra collaborative app from the cocreation workshop would be a nice brain workout for the concepting :)
will have a proper think, had other things to worry about today.

femorandeira 2009-11-05 01:18

Re: Tentative: UX meets Code hackfest in December @ Barcelona

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 365600)
The scope of UX meets Code are community projects.

You're right. A keyboard could be implemented as a plugin to the Input Method, and it could be developed openly with feedback from the community. However, I understand that this event is not focused on platform issues like this, but on applications and projects that can serve as good examples for future developers in Maemo.

Having said that, my vote is for Xournal. I love it, and I think that it could evolve a lot more.

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