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dwould 2009-12-08 20:50

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by heavenstorm (Post 416315)
Hello everybody,

i have a N900 since yesterday... and was very amused to read about the witter-aplication...

i have installed it as it was written, but it don't start.. it opens but nothing happens... i waited for almost 15 minutes but i could only read witter in the status bar...

has anybody the same problem or a solution for that?

Have i to install any phyton-packages first?

Sorry if the question is stupid, but i am a real newbi...

I discovered earlier that I was missing a dependacy in package for python-hildon
if you install any other python package it will install this, and hence most people haven't noticed the missing dependancy. at least I'm working on that assumption at the moment.
open a terminal and run 'witter' from there
if it complains about the hildon import then try installing something like gpodder, to see if that helps.

I will fix the missing dependancy but it might be a while before it makes it into an available version

thp 2009-12-09 16:13

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 417357)
5)kinetic scrolling on the 810 is a question of me figuring out library that provides it

You probably want to use mokoui2 (python-mokoui) for this:

dwould 2009-12-09 20:57

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by thp (Post 419102)
You probably want to use mokoui2 (python-mokoui) for this:

Thanks! I've just uploaded 0.1.1-1 to diablo extras-devel with kinetic scrolling thanks to mokoui.

Tempted though I was to forget about the n8*0 stuff, particularly as my 810 seems to be having intermittent network problems. I have now uploaded a version of witter that brings it in line with the fremantle verison.

I've also uploaded 0.1.1-2 to the fremantle extras devel.

In addition to the previous version the only real changes are notifications. Errors retrieving any of the feeds show up as hildon notes, and successful retrieval puts up a hildon banner.

Next I'm going to try and get RT working properly.

edit: actually decided to promote both, so 0.1.1-1 is going to diablo extras, and 0.1.1-2 is going to fremantle extras-testing
retweet now 'works' using the new twitter api for retweet. but I'm not sure I like that style of retweet with no chance for extra text.

tso 2009-12-10 04:41

Re: witter - a python twitter client
hmm, seems the python package on diablo is called python2.5-hildon.

That One Guy 2009-12-10 05:10

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Thank you. Works great on the N900, if only a little scarce when it comes to making the UI pretty. But I'm not complaining.

I am curious, how hard would it be to code an auto "refresh" after the user tweets something?

dwould 2009-12-10 08:06

Re: witter - a python twitter client
damn, thats what I get for thinking i can get away with only checking install on n900.

0.1.1-2 on it's way to diablo extras-devel.

dwould 2009-12-10 08:07

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by That One Guy (Post 420162)
Thank you. Works great on the N900, if only a little scarce when it comes to making the UI pretty. But I'm not complaining.

I am curious, how hard would it be to code an auto "refresh" after the user tweets something?

to be honest I've been thinking about doing that. it's a trivial change, so probably do it first thing this evening.

mece 2009-12-10 09:08

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Using Witter 0.1.1-1 And I really like it! I'm a heavy twitter user and I really appreciate the effort.
I have some stuff for you to consider. They are in priority order:

Bugs (Haven't tried the devel version, so could already be fixed)
  • Url actions don't seem to work on my device. Nothing happens.
  • The long-click menu should also open where you click, because it disappears when you try to move to it otherwise, that's a bug I guess.
  • Twitpic button closes the program, and nothing happens

Smaller suggestions
  • In the long-click menu on tweets it would be nice to have a User actions -> view user. This could open in browser if you don't want to implement a profile viewer
  • I'd like the timeline, mentions and direct messages to refresh the first time you open them since you don't open them to look at the empty screen. After that the manual refresh is a quite good idea.
  • The long-click menu could have a direct message user option
  • Search window should have the "Tweet" button removed
  • I believe there are some nice shaded standard buttons that could replace the flat ones for a quick aesthetic upgrade. (Hildon.Button perhaps)

Stuff for the future
  • Now that you have notifications and other fancy stuff, I'd like to see an option for some automatic updates with notifications. Separate option for autoupdate and notifications for the different areas would be mint. Personally I'd only autoupdate "mentions", and would use proper notification on that.
  • Saved searches - This is something I use a lot on desktop clients to follow certain hashtags, for example one search I have is "#maemo" OR "#n900". Would be nice to have a set of them in the search dialogue that you could just click on to see.
  • I'd like to see the buttons moved to the side because I find it easier to read tweets that are wrapped, and it's easier to scroll when you have a taller area to poke at.
  • click hashtag in a tweet could go to search and search for that hashtag (Or search hashtag option in the long-click menu)

That's all I have for now.

I find witter very nice and usable even if you don't add any of the stuff I suggested. Keep up the good work

stobbsc 2009-12-10 12:15

Re: witter - a python twitter client
mece , I see you mentioned there are auto notifications? How are these reported as I don't get anyone on my device?
Also are their any plans for a widget if there are no notifications?

Otherwise Kudos to the creator as this is a great app :-)

rEv9 2009-12-10 12:20

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 417315)
My personal though on avatars is they provide nothing I want to see at the cost of screen space. I can't recognise most people from their avatar pictures anyhow.

I use the avatars all the time to scan through large amount of twits to read the ones I really are interested in. I don't go around remembering usernames, I remember their pictures. For me this is a really important feature :)

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