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Soap77 2010-01-19 14:02

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
eiffel That was a great idea!.

BruceL 2010-01-19 15:26

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
I like the idea of a simpler interface; usually I need a flashlight quickly. But wouldn't that cause a two second delay in using the camera? That would cause me to miss some shots. What about opening the lens cover while the shutter button is depressed starts the flashlight?

jabawok 2010-01-21 11:40

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
For those wondering about burning out the LEDs or overheating / overvoltage problems, it looks like its been pretty well thought out (well done devs!)

Here is a snippet of source code from the linux kernel:

/* Must be limited to 500 ms in RX-51 */
.max_flash_timeout      = 500000,              /* us */
/* Must be limited to 320 mA in RX-51 B3 and newer hardware */
.max_flash_intensity    = 19,
/* Must be limited to 50 mA in RX-51 */
.max_torch_intensity    = 1,

and here is a snippet of source code from the flashlight app.

_("Short-circut fault detected!\nTurning off flashlight."));
                } else if (status & FLASHLIGHT_STATUS_OVERTEMPERATURE_FAULT) {
                        flashlight_status_plugin_show_notification (plugin,
                                _("Overtemperature fault detected!\nTurning off flashlight."));
                } else if (status & FLASHLIGHT_STATUS_TIMEOUT_FAULT) {
                        flashlight_status_plugin_show_notification (plugin,
                                _("Timeout fault detected!\nTurning off flashlight."));
                } else if (status & FLASHLIGHT_STATUS_OVERVOLTAGE_FAULT) {
                        flashlight_status_plugin_show_notification (plugin,
                                _("Overvoltage fault detected!\nTurning off flashlight."));

Hope that clears up any concerns.
It would still be nice to have official word from a Nokia rep concerning the mean time before failure rating of the LED modules when running at intensity=1

REMFwhoopitydo 2010-01-22 08:42

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
cheers for the app, very useful.

eiffel 2010-01-22 10:34

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?

Originally Posted by BruceL (Post 482124)
I like the idea of a simpler interface; usually I need a flashlight quickly. But wouldn't that cause a two second delay in using the camera?

There wouldn't need to be a two-second delay.

As soon as the lens cover is opened, the software says "was the cover previously opened in the last two seconds? If so, start the torch, if not, start the camera".

Your idea of starting the torch by opening the lens cover with the shutter button pressed is also a fine one, but there are other mods using the shutter button for other purposes (such as bringing up the task switcher) so this may cause problems. But there might be other ways to do it, such as opening the lens cover while covering the proximity sensor.


RobbH 2010-01-31 20:38

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
I wish there were a way to use the LED Flashlight in conjunction with the camera application, instead of the two uses being mutually exclusive. That way, the N900 could be used as an illuminated magnifying viewer.

TooMuchMoney 2010-02-03 19:52

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
I have updated to version 3.x which I don't like.

Is there a way to get back 2.0?

Many thanks

smegheadz 2010-02-04 16:39

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
I can't use this app/widget. i installed it and worked fine, then installed a few more apps and games. now the flashlight button is gone, uninstalled it rebooted and reinstalled it and rebooted, still missing. i uninstalled all apps i installed and rebooted then installed flashlight and rebooted and it's still not showing up. i'm not sure what broke it. i'm only getting familar with the linux shell. i'm going to try uninstall everything again and see what leaves a mark, i think the codecs for the media player don't uninstall when u uninstall the app as i'm still able to play video's which aren't out of box supported.

i got it sorted. dunno what was the problem but it show's up now.

bazz 2010-02-07 23:48

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?

Originally Posted by smegheadz (Post 510607)
I can't use this app/widget. i installed it and worked fine, then installed a few more apps and games. now the flashlight button is gone, uninstalled it rebooted and reinstalled it and rebooted, still missing. i uninstalled all apps i installed and rebooted then installed flashlight and rebooted and it's still not showing up. i'm not sure what broke it. i'm only getting familar with the linux shell. i'm going to try uninstall everything again and see what leaves a mark, i think the codecs for the media player don't uninstall when u uninstall the app as i'm still able to play video's which aren't out of box supported.

i got it sorted. dunno what was the problem but it show's up now.

I had something like that happen too. I made a post about it. Look here

bazz 2010-02-07 23:54

Re: [Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
So is this app still being worked on or is it dead?

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