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hihai411 2009-12-30 00:16

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
I have one on the very edge of the bottom of my screen, doesn't bother me much. If I had 2 in the middle of the screen I would def consider getting a new one.

whc 2009-12-30 00:22

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by blackberrycubed (Post 445992)
I would not have been able to live with it HAD i found out like you. I would have definitely figured out a way to swap it with another one.

Yep me two, but no one got it in stock, so cannot get a new one right now :(.

bigbrovar 2009-12-30 05:13

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
mine has got 1 tiny winny spot of dead pixel, which can only be seen in a pitch dark room and when am on a very black webpage .. the phone has to be very close to my eyes for me to see it. hardly something that would bother me.

Magel282 2009-12-30 06:05

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by bigbrovar (Post 446224)
mine has got 1 tiny winny spot of dead pixel, which can only be seen in a pitch dark room and when am on a very black webpage .. the phone has to be very close to my eyes for me to see it. hardly something that would bother me.

But is it a dead pixel? Thought I had one at first until I took the pics on the previous page.

cpitchford 2009-12-30 11:37

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
I have a single pixel almost dead centre of the screen that, when looking at a black screen is very very very slightly lighter.. Doesn't appear to be any one colour (red green or blue) so may be partially sticky.. as the screen turns from black to white, it disappears and I can no longer tell it apart!

damn it! As was previously stated, ignorance *was* bliss :)

unkn0wn 2009-12-30 11:43

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
I have 3 ugly pixels :(

Magel282 2009-12-30 12:16

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by unkn0wn (Post 446484)
I have 3 ugly pixels :(

Bummer! Try this website -

Run it for about 20 minutes, the longer you run it the better. Hopefully they are just stuck.

Bec 2009-12-30 12:34

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
I got one in the top left corner, since the resolution is so high it doesn't bother me much; also it's a stuck one (white blue-ish) si I don't get to see it much.

Anyone succeeded in fixing a stuck one yet? and by what method?

whc 2009-12-30 17:54

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!

Originally Posted by Bec (Post 446537)
I got one in the top left corner, since the resolution is so high it doesn't bother me much; also it's a stuck one (white blue-ish) si I don't get to see it much.

Anyone succeeded in fixing a stuck one yet? and by what method?

Not fixed any stuck on mine yet, tried several methods, but no improvement so far.

gohan2091 2009-12-31 20:53

Re: Is Dead pixels a general problem on N900?, please comment!
This is the email I just send Nokia UK:


I ordered a Nokia n900 from you on 27th December 2009. On the 30th the device arrived at my home and I've had a day to test it out.

Unfortunately, the screen has between 4-9 dead/stuck pixels. 3 of these pixels are present all the time, the others appear when I change the angle of the phone I am holding. The troubled pixels become more obvious when the screen is on it's highest brightness setting but can still
be seen on a lower brightness. You cannot see the troubled pixels on all backgrounds, just on dark coloured backgrounds like black and blue.

The price of this phone is £500 and is by far the most expensive device I have ever purchased. This fault is unacceptable to me. Please can I send it back and receive a new, replacement item? If possible, I would like Nokia to test the device for dead pixels before sending to me.
This is a common problem on an n900 forum I have registered with.

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