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diegofigueroa 2010-02-04 21:00

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Very nice. Great news. If you need some beta testers, i'm in.

gilamonyet 2010-02-05 18:15

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
This looks really awesome!

Frand 2010-02-06 07:47

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900

Originally Posted by crail (Post 508733)
yeah bec, it was called sil on s60. nice game

For those who recognize SiL, I was the game designer and producer for it during my previous employment at the company called Fathammer.

Secret Exit negotiated the rights to SiL from the now defunct Fathammer, but the name "SiL" had been trademarked by another company that shall not be named here.

So, we changed the name of SiL to SPiN, and re-designed parts of its UI and controls, added a new game mode and significantly adjusted the difficulty ramp. It's a better game now :)

SPiN was originally released on the iPhone, but a version for most S60 devices except 5800 and N97 (which were too slow to run it) is currently available in the Symbian Ovi store, released on December 30th, 2009.

vkv.raju 2010-02-06 08:49

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
First, welcome to Maemo. It's a great platform.

And I am sure your efforts will be well accepted and rewarded :)

Pigpen 2010-02-07 20:29

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Awesome :-)

I've still got Zen Bondage on the PC from your Moppi days, it'd be great to play it on the phone too.

Kevstacey 2010-02-07 21:14

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
looking good. i look forward to them

zehjotkah 2010-02-07 21:30

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900

Originally Posted by Frand (Post 512839)
For those who recognize SiL, I was the game designer and producer for it during my previous employment at the company called Fathammer.

Secret Exit negotiated the rights to SiL from the now defunct Fathammer, but the name "SiL" had been trademarked by another company that shall not be named here.

A Fathammer guy... Unbelieveable!
Do you still have the Tapwave Zodiac games?
I have 4 Tapwave Zodiacsē lying around here...

Would it be possible to port the Zodiac games to maemo??
I'm thinking about Tomb Raider and so on...

Frand 2010-02-07 21:46

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 514920)
A Fathammer guy... Unbelieveable!
Do you still have the Tapwave Zodiac games?
I have 4 Tapwave Zodiacsē lying around here...

Would it be possible to port the Zodiac games to maemo??
I'm thinking about Tomb Raider and so on...

Yeah, the founders of Secret Exit are both from Fathammer :)

We've got the source assets and commercial rights for Firehammer, Angelfish, Geopod, SPiN, Stuntcar Extreme and probably a few other games I can't remember right now.

I don't recall what Tomb Raider there was for Zodiac, but the problem with that (and Spy Hunter etc.) is that licensed content would be more of a hassle to negotiate, and the license holders are unlikely to be interested in such a business case.

And frankly, our time is all spent on our new games. Digging into the old Fathammer svn to wonder how to update both the X-Forge engine and the user interfaces to new devices would unfortunately be almost as much work as developing the same game from scratch.

SPiN was a really nice exception because it was designed to be scalable all the way, but the older games are quite resolution-fixed and even the 3D content is designed for a software renderer.

I'm not saying to abandon all hope, but many of those games haven't really aged so well, and the effort to bring them to new devices would be huge. And before anyone asks, no, we can't open source the games, because the commercial rights of the X-Forge engine are owned by a Japanese company these days :)

zehjotkah 2010-02-07 21:52

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
Thanks for your answer!
I remember the day, when it was offical, that Tapwave won't continue. I was very sad. Then the day when Fathammer said, they won't continue developing for the Zodiac.. I was even more sad...
And then the day where most of the games where leaked..

I'm sorry, I was young and needed the games ;)

sygys 2010-02-09 07:00

Re: Secret Exit to release games for N900
games on your website look very nice. hope to see allot from you guys in the near future! the n900 can sure use some great games like you guys are making. Its terrible at the moment.

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