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DaveR53 2010-02-16 11:49

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
I get the impression that the underlying OS version will not actually matter that much. Maemo 6 looked to mainly be a progression of Maemo 5, so I'd assume that if you are using the same libraries for your application, it's likely it will work on both Maemo 5 and 6/MeeGo.

They said the target platforms for MeeGo are ARM and x86/Atom. So it's entirely possible that any ARM binaries/applications will work on on both Maemo 5 and MeeGo if they are written for a common toolkit (QT).

Look at most Linux distributions, Ubuntu 8 applications don't just stop working because Ubuntu 9 is out, aslong as the userland toolkits (gtk/qt) are up to date it should 'just work'.

The problems will come with updated hardware features that should be taken care of by the app developer. If its a bonus feature, use it or enable reduced functionality if its not there.

I'd be very pleased if they push MeeGo to the N900 but if not, I don't think its much to panic about.

REMFwhoopitydo 2010-02-16 12:07

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by slobodsky (Post 529056)
iPhone is too closed to allow applications evolve without OS. But N900 isn't. There is no need for MeeGo or Maemo6 to get new apps. Indeed you need only new Qt and some other libraries.

i'm not yet convinced that freemantle development won't wither on the vine once nokia marketing goes beserk on "step-five-of-five" the messiah has landed edition.

i appreciate that QT makes stuff easily portable, but if apps rolled for harmatton/meego won't install and run by default on my freemantle n900, at the tap of a button, then when you have written simply does not fly.

stayloa 2010-02-16 12:11

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by Dario1970 (Post 529242)
Yaeh but I need an office editor and a street navigator. We need that great software house develop something for our N900 and not only great single developers that, soon, will go on a new platform.

Why a great software house should develop something for N900 if it is the only terminal with Maemo 5 and without multitouch of Maemo 6?

Sorry for my English.

Office editor: Abiword? Debian+Open Office? They do fine for me!

Street navigator: Navit perhaps?

Dario1970 2010-02-16 12:16

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Office Editor... Abiword is not optized (so I read)
Debian+open office? Do you think is optimized for our device? Open file directly from email?

I was referring to software write specifically for N900.

Gadgety 2010-02-16 12:17

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.
Some answers regarding MeeGo on N900 from today's Twitter tweet Maemo/MeeGo chat

mbo 2010-02-16 12:47

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Does not sound like an official meego port to the n900.

Mr_Hat 2010-02-16 12:53

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by FranzDages (Post 528584)
Not to sound nasty about the whole NEED and MUST in there, but you do realize that unless your buying from some Government black ops, than wether you spend 6 Euro or 6000 Euro, by the time you take your knew device out of the box it is outdated and obsolete. You can't really demand inprovement. Yes, I hope we do get updates still for the N900 (I love mine).

Ya ya....I know that when I took out of the box my N900 it started to get outdated...but it's just 2 months ago...I want just only an upgrade to the software not something special...It's a basic thing after 2 months....

ossipena 2010-02-16 12:57

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by Mr_Hat (Post 529442)
Ya ya....I know that when I took out of the box my N900 it started to get outdated...but it's just 2 months ago...I want just only an upgrade to the software not something special...It's a basic thing after 2 months....

lets make a deal. you can whine all you want if sw updates to n900 stop appearing before 12 months from release date, approx week 50/2010. but please don't whine beforehand.

Mr_Hat 2010-02-16 13:12

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 529450)
lets make a deal. you can whine all you want if sw updates to n900 stop appearing before 12 months from release date, approx week 50/2010. but please don't whine beforehand.

I'm not complaining...I'm just hoping that mother Nokia will upgrade our loved device to this "Meego"...and I think that so...but it's a very important crossroads for my loyalty to Nokia...

slobodsky 2010-02-16 14:14

Re: Nokia promises N900 will get MeeGo! Or perhaps not.

Originally Posted by REMFwhoopitydo (Post 529354)
i'm not yet convinced that freemantle development won't wither on the vine once nokia marketing goes beserk on "step-five-of-five" the messiah has landed edition.

You can be convinced. Nobody will wait until MeeGo enter the stage because main guidelines are clear for a long time.
On the other hand you write as if Nokia has completely dropped support for N900 already. It's not right, I think. Let's wait.

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