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Mentalist Traceur 2010-06-10 19:33

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by godofwar424
It probably takes the killall function seriously as in. Because xterminal can be inutted text into it causes it to crash as the keyboard switches duing the restart of the hildon-input-method??

Just a thought :)

True, but that doesn't explain why it started happening only after the first two executions of your script. I've ran "killall hildon-input-method" before then (and you probably had to at least once when you first installed this keyboard, before you wrote your switch commands), and I don't know what happened on your end but my X-Term didn't crash then.

(Just to be clear it's not like I'm blaming you for this. I'm sure it's no big deal, and if it is, and slowly killing our devices, we can always reflash. :) )

As for people *****ing about QWERTY vs. T9, I am still of the opinion that we should aim for a final version that has both, and let the end-parasites like us change the settings ourselves.

In the meantime, I think the complaining about how not-pleasant-to-use/impossible-to-use T9 is needs to become less... idk, demanding/entitled? Maybe I'm at an advantage because I'm only 19 now and learned T9 a little over a year ago, so I was young and my brain was still flexible, but age is no excuse to not rejoice at every opportunity to develop said brain flexibility by making it learn new things.

The same goes for people who don't like qwerty, honestly.

Ask for both, so you don't add to a sociological push that will only screw over the people who feel the same way about the choice you don't want, or better yet, ask for having both and then see if you can learn enough to contribute to making it happen.

rantom 2010-06-10 19:52

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur (Post 709332)
As for people *****ing about QWERTY vs. T9, I am still of the opinion that we should aim for a final version that has both, and let the end-parasites like us change the settings ourselves.

In the meantime, I think the complaining about how not-pleasant-to-use/impossible-to-use T9 is needs to become less... idk, demanding/entitled? Maybe I'm at an advantage because I'm only 19 now and learned T9 a little over a year ago, so I was young and my brain was still flexible, but age is no excuse to not rejoice at every opportunity to develop said brain flexibility by making it learn new things.

The same goes for people who don't like qwerty, honestly.

Ask for both, so you don't add to a sociological push that will only screw over the people who feel the same way about the choice you don't want, or better yet, ask for having both and then see if you can learn enough to contribute to making it happen.

I agree with this. You, sir, have made a good point and this point should indeed be in the final edition. When I posted the video and mentioned my opinion about the T9 vs QWERTY I had no idea, that it would go on like this. Heck, I've even heard that someone started a war here earlier on, when portrait-support was asked.

Anyways, I think that's enough for now. :)

gaz_md 2010-06-11 10:22

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
Awesome app.. this fone reli needs portrait mode lol, any idea if or when this app will include T9 input, would be a flawless app then :P

godofwar424 2010-06-11 11:01

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by gaz_md (Post 710193)
Awesome app.. this fone reli needs portrait mode lol, any idea if or when this app will include T9 input, would be a flawless app then :P

According to the first post, T9 is part of the plan for the future of this app :)

godofwar424 2010-06-11 11:03

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur (Post 709332)
As for people *****ing about QWERTY vs. T9, I am still of the opinion that we should aim for a final version that has both, and let the end-parasites like us change the settings ourselves.

In the meantime, I think the complaining about how not-pleasant-to-use/impossible-to-use T9 is needs to become less... idk, demanding/entitled? Maybe I'm at an advantage because I'm only 19 now and learned T9 a little over a year ago, so I was young and my brain was still flexible, but age is no excuse to not rejoice at every opportunity to develop said brain flexibility by making it learn new things.

The same goes for people who don't like qwerty, honestly.

Ask for both, so you don't add to a sociological push that will only screw over the people who feel the same way about the choice you don't want, or better yet, ask for having both and then see if you can learn enough to contribute to making it happen.

Thank you! Someone finally posted what I was thinking :) If there is both then NOBODY is left out. We are a community we all share the same interest!

Making our N900 as good as possible!

So lets just spend time focussing on trying to make that happen instead of arguing about how your method of texting is better then others!

Both options will allow everyone to choose and that way everyone is happy :)

fixfox 2010-06-11 11:23

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

Originally Posted by w00t (Post 702588)
Hi all,

This is an early, crazy, work-in-progress announcement regarding a portrait keyboard for Maemo5 that frals and I are working on in our copious free time. See screenshots below for fun.

Since people keep pointing this out, I'm moving it up here and emphasising it: Worth noting that this is originally written by Nokia, from one of the hildon-input-method examples. We did not write this from scratch.

It is now available from extras-devel, package name is 'portrait-keyboard'.

Known caveats:
  • No fast input. Multi-tap to enter a letter, it's slow and *very* painful.
  • Changing orientation results in the text you've written so far being lost
  • To use it, you'll need to 'killall hildon-input-method' after installing the package (or reboot your n900)
  • It's (a bit) painful to use in landscape mode.

Possible future directions (but this is by no means going to happen overnight, these are all quite difficult - feel free to pitch in and help):
  • Seperate layout for landscape mode, for easier use
  • Fast, predictive input
  • Automatic capitalisation

If you're interested in contributing, talk to frals or myself (w00t / w00t_) on #maemo, and see

Much thanks to Stskeeps and yerga for sending me in the right direction with getting it working, and awesome kudos to frals for getting this in a releasable state.

The Opera Mobile 10 portrait keyboard is a much better one in my opinion.
I'd appreciate that design as an option to yours.

generatorglukoff 2010-06-12 15:08

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard

I'm trying to use portrait-keyboard-2.0.0-2-maemo2 from extras-devel and it doesn't work. Double clicking (pressing) on input field will show up keyboard with text filled, but any further editing don't give any results - text in input field remain the same.

Nevertheless, I curious about support of international layouts, particularly russian. Can you add a support for switching layout please?
Russian layout (with minor differences between manufacturers) looks like:
2: "абвг" / "АБВГ"
3: "деёжз" / "ДЕЁЖЗ"
4: "ийкл" / "ИЙКЛ"
5: "мноп" / "МНОП"
6: "рсту" / "РСТУ"
7: "фхцч" / "ФХЦЧ"
8: "шщъы" / "ШЩЪЫ"
9: "ьэюя" / "ЬЭЮЯ"

Full-featured russian layout:

af1 2010-06-13 09:00

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
Could somebody please outline this as a step-by-step process.

I've installed Rootsh and the Portrait Keyboard.
I've disabled the native keyboard, and i've entered the commands to enable the vertical keyboard, and rebooted.

However it will NOT work. It just doesn't apepar.

Somebody help. Please!


F2thaK 2010-06-13 09:33

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
leave vkb enabled in settings!

maxximuscool 2010-06-13 10:04

Re: [Announce] portrait-keyboard: Portrait-friendly system-wide keyboard
can you please make an applet on the top for easy switching?

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