![]() |
Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
Very good work!! But the cpu use is very hight! After 10 minutes play game the phone is very very very hot!!
Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
Anybody tested other emulators then scummvm or Frodo C64? :)
Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
Does Nitdroid use Samsung Galaxy S drivers and softwares?
Does Samsung HD720p video player work now? |
Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
I have been searching for the apk for the free Raging Thunder 2 LITE game. I cannot find it anywhere, especially since the Android Market on NITDroid is limited. Does anyone have the LITE version of Raging Thunder 2 or can you point me in the right direction or PM the information?
Thank you in advance. |
Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
I have a question:
I want to download asphalt 5 hd from gameloft but i have to choose a mobile manufactor (htc, motorola etc.) and when a manufactor is chosen you have to choose a model? Anybody know wich brand and model to choose to make it work on the NITdroid or doesn't it matter wich one as long as it works with froyo and last how to tell wich android version is on wich phone? |
Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
I'd go for galaxy S
I noticed it has an earlier version 3.1.3 but works fine. First time I used NIT the last version didn't work properly (3.1.8). However I updated from 3.1.3 and it works perfectly. |
Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
can someone who has a working asphalt 5 tell me what's the size of the "asphalt5" folder as seen in maemo files manager? (it's in ...MyDocs/gameloft/games)
Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
Best to let it be downloaded from gameloft. |
Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
i have a question about the possibilty of navgation if i would have a Tomtom or Navigon Nav from the Android store is it possible to connect a bluetooth gps Adapter to get a GPS only Navigation on Nitdroid? that would be really cool:D
Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
I have problem with Asphalt 5.
It starts and shows message that SD card with 99Mb is requied to download some files. But after i installed android it show me the error and want format my card(i read somwhere that it will remove your emmc contend and needs flashing) How did you installed Asphalt 5 without format emmc? |
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