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philh 2010-09-14 18:53

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
I started to read your blog thing as I am open to any valid opinion. Sadly, I stumbled at the words "What app store?" at the beginning where I lost any interest in your creation.

allnameswereout 2010-09-14 18:55

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 816035)
To the author: I'm not sure blogging is for you. Maybe you should stick to just being one of the masses like the rest of us. Or try harder. Or something. Good luck!

Or stick to facebook.

IINexusII 2010-09-14 19:06

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
n900 was designed for us hackers and tinkerers. it was never designed for the normal guy. thats why it wasnt advertised so much here in london (compared to other nokia phones) so if you really didnt like it you should have got an iphone in the first place

altorn 2010-09-14 19:11

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
in just one day, this thread got 8 pages of replies to a "i'll-post-a-rant-and-wait-for-haters" thread. c'mon guys, why are you even replying here. (me too but im just saying)

N900 is a computer/smartphone for smart people, if a person doesn't see anything about this, then he'd better stick to dumbphones like iPhone 4G or Samsung Galaxy S. Seriously, you'd have fun if you're a geek, but if you're not, you're one of those drones who worship mainstream bulls*** that other companies produce.

shockgiga 2010-09-14 19:11

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
partly kidding, but, have you tried applying to write phone articles for gizmodo? LOL

they just hate nokia there.

allnameswereout 2010-09-14 19:13

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by shockgiga (Post 816123)
partly kidding, but, have you tried applying to write phone articles for gizmodo? LOL

they just hate nokia there.

Seems Apple doesn't like them anymore though </3

optimistprime 2010-09-14 19:22

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
Watching these goodbye threads get bigger and bigger, is like watching Kirstie Allie's waist size increase over a season of "Fat Actress". Its unbearable....but damn, she was hot once, on "Cheers".

slender 2010-09-14 19:48

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by oneFinn (Post 816059)
So, roughly 6+ months later, who's gonna fix issues that you cannot "research" w/o having the gears first:

-most of settings in media viewer cannot be saved (re-select "show camera folder only" every time), cannot save defaults

Nice to have enhancement for me. Not critical. Would probably vote but still not big thing for ME.

- MicroB settings same thing, eg. reflow page as default, press Ctrl-Shift-I every time after launching it. No way to save this.
Nice to have enhancement for me. Not critical. Would probably vote but still not big thing for ME. We can also talk about how this kind of hacking from users side fcks up web developement. Remember what web developers had to do to make webpages IE6 compatible? Maybe bit wrong comparison, but web pages should be provided as they are and they should be fitted by web developers themselves and not by browser maker. In large scale browser makers are responsible for their action that first were "cool" ideas. FYI check how Opera behaves on different webpages...sadly it fails still too often because well it uses standards :O


- Modest email is quite "modest", but a upgrade would be welcome
Hopefully upgrade is coming in next PR. Looks like at least tinymail is updated (read bugzilla). But still itīs hmmm well Modest :| Actually I would like to remove modest completely from background taking my memory.


- web radio, no station list..
Use 3rd party apps :|


- Maemo Maps, king of crappy apps, Nokia should rename it so people wouldn't confuse it to Maps on other Nokia devices (no automatic re-route if you miss the route, no own POI's, search requires web connection, UI is horrifying etc...)
Hmm. For routing itīs pretty much useless, but for other purposes it works. Still Iīm amazed how well cloud gps works. That kind of fluidity I would expect from Nokias apps.


All this could be bearable if one would know that those issues (among others) would get fixed. But they won't. And community cannot do it either because those apps are Nokia's closed stuff.
True that some of issues you have listed wont get fixed and community canīt fixes official programs because some of them are more or less closed. IMO they are afraid to show how crappy coding they are doing :)

Still I would say that enhancements/bugs you listed are modest. There seems to bad performance bugs that seem to be hardly reproducable and device seems to work flawlessly until you install 3rd party stuff on it. Reading on Nokia employees comments just reveal that they think that user and also extras testing team is fully responsible of installing stuff that makes device slow down. To some extent I agree with this, but well, just look what kind of threads just keep on coming here. People have performance issues and they do not care what they installl but all they blame is Nokia :|

RFS-81 2010-09-14 19:57

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
Looking at your blog, everything you seem to value in a phone was available in other phones at the time you purchased the N900.
It was also well known they are not available for the N900 (Android, 60k apps, eh?).

Yea, it was a dream, but man!

diimaan 2010-09-14 20:01

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
well well my dear op...

I agree with some of your points on n900 being poor cousin and all...
but android? you gotta be kidding me...

it took two and a half years for them to implement a basic upload function in their os... for any internet savvy user this is a basic thing... you can't do this till froyo...

and android has the worst ever copy paste functionality implemented across the os. its not even fully functional in browser and you can only copy text... there's no select all option or no visible marker on screen.
then how the hell I supposed to copy a text? above all it won't auto scroll to keep selecting, you can only select the text visible in the screen... is it a joke or what?

these are just examples of some shortcomings in android... there are lot more...

and coming to android market!
which is full of lame and junk apps (free)
you can count the no of useful apps in market....

I don't understand one thing... what's there in boasting I got one million app?
are you going to install all those million apps in your mobile or what?

I agree that n900 is not a perfect device...
but while comparing with other os or platform, please comment after your experience or do your homework and read all about it...

speaking of experience, I own a nexus one and xperia X10... and of course n900 too...

I wish nokia could have shown more love to this baby... *sigh*

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