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zerocool2k 2010-10-27 11:44

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
For those who play "Blades of Fury", does it save? Like if you unlock something, does it stay there the next time you play the game?

Also, does multiplayer mode work?

niqbal 2010-10-27 12:06

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 852948)
Working from Command line but crash from icon.
Monopoly (shake and Roll doesn't work)

Monopoly Classic works only through terminal. If you create a button, it crashes at loading the board or resuming game. Second go to Options -> ShaketoRoll - OFF. This game also stores the saved state. Now go back and enjoy the game lol

zhlly4eae 2010-10-27 12:54

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
hey guys, how to save game? after i saved restart the game next time all gone, and where do i fl blades of fury? thanks

toxaris 2010-10-27 12:59

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by JMacalinao (Post 853196)
That, or you can change the permissions of the corresponding game save and settings files. That way, you won't have to run them through xterm every time.

For The Sims 3, chmod 777 the ff:
  • res_sims3
  • res_sims3/sim3set

For Need for Speed Undercover, chmod 777 the ff:
  • res_nfsuc (don't know if this is necessary, though)
  • res_nfsuc/gamedata
  • res_nfsuc/gamesett

Tx mate, that did it. Now my ingame money and upgrades are saved.

JMacalinao 2010-10-27 13:03

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by niqbal (Post 853311)
Monopoly Classic works only through terminal. If you create a button, it crashes at loading the board or resuming game.

To fix that (for the people who created app menu icons, like myself), chmod 777 the monopolyclassic/save folder. :)

zhlly4eae 2010-10-27 13:06

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by JMacalinao (Post 853423)
To fix that (for the people who created app menu icons, like myself), chmod 777 the monopolyclassic/save folder. :)

i don't understand how? what do u mean?

woussie 2010-10-27 13:07

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
@ all with "Monopoly Classic" troubles; what version number do you have? I tried (all?) three versions, and this is what i got (all running "from icon" btw):

v20.0.35: game crashes when loading board
v20.0.37: game loads board, but crashes when opening the "settings" screen
v20.0.40 (latest version?): game loads board and opens in-game settings screen, which you need to disable Shake to Roll

Shake to roll doesn't work in any of the versions i tried though. But the game is perfectly playable without, if you disable it ;)

So if you have any problems; make sure you have the latest version installed, maybe this can solve some of the problems...

soleil 2010-10-27 13:10

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
So what do I must write in Xter ? This :

cd [game location]
chmod 777 res_nfsuc
chmod 777 res_nfsuc/gamedata
chmod 777 res_nfsuc/gamesett

JMacalinao 2010-10-27 13:20

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by zhlly4eae (Post 853430)
i don't understand how? what do u mean?

In xterm:


cd [game location]
chmod 777 monopolyclassic/save

Btw, I have version 20.0.40. Before doing this, if I run the game through the app menu icon, it crashes after changing settings or after playing a new game. Running the game through xterm and sudo gainroot is ok for me (but not recommended).

woussie 2010-10-27 13:22

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Oh and also, Shrek Kart 1.1.1 doesn't work. It starts up and all, and it doesn't crash, but it's unplayable during the race itself, because of missing graphics:

(added the game to the wiki)

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