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funkmunk 2011-03-23 19:56

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India

Originally Posted by plaban (Post 974183)
When I joined T.M.O in Dec 2009 just after getting N900 then there was very few Indians.Nice see that there are so many users from India.In India N900 was not promoted well, have not seen any ads in newspaper or TV.Is here anyone from Kolkata?

I remember seeing an ad for the N900 here a couple of times when it launched officially in India in the Times of India & daily paper Midday...

Not television ads however have been done for the N900 here..

plaban 2011-03-23 20:04

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
I've seen many ads of N97 and N8 on tv but no N900.

sachin007 2011-03-23 20:10

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
Indian since the origins of maemo.... from 770 days. Good to see many of my friends still sticking with nokia/linux instead of going to the eyecandy os like the iphone.

ejasmudar 2011-03-24 04:06

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
Here in Kerala, most of the shop owners were warning people that this is not a 'normal' phone. I had to convince them that I was well aware of the dangers... :D
Anyway, guys, how much will a 3g connection cost in your state? My usage may come upto 3GB per month. Just net usage. Any advice?

plaban 2011-03-24 04:22

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
I use EDGE for surfing as 3G is not available in my area.For updating and installing software I use Wi-Fi.

raaj13 2011-03-24 06:00

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India

Originally Posted by ejasmudar (Post 972097)
11,51,101,501? I didn't know they were auspicious. Maybe coz 11 and 101 is primes? I have no idea. Anybody else wanna take a shot at this?

I know 13 is considered unlucky...

Hmmm, that is intresting. I use the nokia stock AC-10 charger just fine. I also use the adapter occasionally. Did u try in different places in Kerala?

13 unlucky hmmm. but 13 seems lucky for me:p

redscorpionkiller 2011-03-24 06:07

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India

Originally Posted by funkmunk (Post 974141)
yea i have tried WebOS Manager from the repos are tried NFSUC & Asphalt playing these games on my N900....

he he yeah even me too ,,, i got both the .ipk as well as .deb files for nfsuc, monopoly, sims 3 and for more :D :P

redscorpionkiller 2011-03-24 06:08

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
in .ipk files u wont be able to uninstall the game jus like that as u do for the other apps but in the same .deb files its quiet possible :D :P

binu_ji 2011-03-24 06:18

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
Hi i am from Nagercoil, kanyakumari. i like my N900 even though its USB port gets broken. I am using wlan for file transfer from PC.

redscorpionkiller 2011-03-24 06:24

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India

Originally Posted by binu_ji (Post 974437)
Hi i am from Nagercoil, kanyakumari. i like my N900 even though its USB port gets broken. I am using wlan for file transfer from PC.

OMG how did that USB port got broken ?

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