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peterleinchen 2014-02-25 05:51

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs
What I had to do:
apt-get install --reinstall snuggle
and even
apt-get purge snuggle
left the .snuggle folder as user:root, so I deleted them manually after removal
rm -fr /home/user/.snuggle
rm -fr /home/user/.config/snuggle
apt-get install snuggle

The location of that csv file is hmm, I would say 90/10. It is really private information so I would like to keep it on hidden folder (maybe change again to /home/user/.snuggle owned by root? so it is separated from config files?) and file owned by root. Easier acces would of course be on MyDocs (iStyle)...

Estel 2014-02-25 10:53

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1414220)
The location of that csv file is hmm, I would say 90/10. It is really private information so I would like to keep it on hidden folder (maybe change again to /home/user/.snuggle owned by root? so it is separated from config files?) and file owned by root. Easier acces would of course be on MyDocs (iStyle)...

Maybe just make it user configurable? People carrying for iStyle would be able to put it on MyDocs (it may be even default), and people like you or me would put it on hidden partition embedded on another hidden partition and encrypted by keys 16384 bits long (minus the overstatement part ;) )


handaxe 2014-02-25 12:07

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1414220)
The location of that csv file is hmm, I would say 90/10. It is really private information so...

Are you referring here to the file Ade and I discussed? That was the generated .kml and I don't think that is any more private than much of what I have in MyDocs.

peterleinchen 2014-02-25 19:39

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs
I was talking about the log (csv) and the database (db) itself, which may contain a full location spy.
The kml is an on-user action generated file, so this might go to MyDocs/snuggles.

But above mentioned I would like to have at least owned by root (in /home/user/.snuggle).

but maybe I am just a bit too alerted :)
As anybody could also use snuggle itself to fetch that data from root-owned file, right? ;)

So Saturn (and ade) whatever you will do: thanks for that proggie!

I just remembered that the cbs-operator-name applet did similar (speaking of the logging cell tower info into a plain txt file in /home/user). I personally disabled it (as well as syslog: too many write accesses to mmc), but it contained also priva

Kossuth 2014-02-26 06:20

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs

I installed Snuggle and updated it to the latest version, but both versions seem to give warning with hildon banner when enabling the coordinate function:

Warning : Could not get valid responce from the MMAP API!!!

I noticed that someone else asked this in year 2012, but never got answer. Is this location specific, because nobody else is reporting this (I'm in Finland) or am I missing some package or library from my system?

Here is the cell-info from the mainpage:
Cell: 6998132 LAC 141
MCC 244 MNC 12

peterleinchen 2014-02-26 07:27

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs
As Saturn (or was it ade?) said earlier, the cell tower database is far from being complete.
So I guess your cell is just not yet known. At least I could reproduce that message with your cell info and internet access (and same message without inet).

handaxe 2014-02-26 13:16

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1414380)
As Saturn (or was it ade?) said earlier, the cell tower database is far from being complete.
So I guess your cell is just not yet known.

Veering o/t: that is one thing I would like cellnet-info to be able to contribute back is cell loc data to for eg. opencellid (via user choice). Ade moved away from that service as they required registration. It would be good however, to have the choice of contributing data so as to overcome the blanks on the map.

handaxe 2014-03-02 19:06

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs
BUG: it appears that the "disable at boot" button does not register. No error appears when app started from CLI, so I wonder if it is a place holder for the mo'.

I like this application.....

ade 2014-03-02 20:13

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs

Originally Posted by handaxe (Post 1415140)
BUG: it appears that the "disable at boot" button does not register. No error appears when app started from CLI, so I wonder if it is a place holder fro the mo'.

I like this application.....

It is not implemented yet. I asked Saturn if he would pick that up, but did not get an explicit answer on that. Stop Daemon does work but only until a reboot of course.

If Saturn is not interested in this part, I will address it.

Saturn 2014-03-03 15:26

Re: [Announce] Snuggle : Geolocation using CellID and Google APIs

Originally Posted by ade (Post 1415146)
It is not implemented yet. I asked Saturn if he would pick that up, but did not get an explicit answer on that. Stop Daemon does work but only until a reboot of course.

If Saturn is not interested in this part, I will address it.

Hi ade,

I did already implement it (together with a couple more small stuff) during the weekend but haven't released it yet.

I did also some testing and there are a few things that i don't like.

- I would like to implement a notification when the locationGetter is working. ATM, when it interrogates google for the location the application look like it is frozen.

- I have tried with a file I collected a year ago when on holidays for a week. It took something like 5-10 minutes to complete and really didn't know at what stage it was. Before I was doing this in the command line and I could see each query and it's result.
I think in a future version I will make it to launch a new window and see the same results.

- I would like to add an option to automate the push of the collected data in the database on regular intervals (and additional option to restrict it only when the wifi is available).

The list is longer, but if you like to work on any of these or other ideas just let me know and i will upload the latest version.


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