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geneven 2011-06-10 02:45

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/

Originally Posted by IcyMoustache (Post 1026143)

In a way Stskeeps departure echoes that of qwerty12 (if you can remember the giant that guy was).

In a way, except qwerty12 seemed angry at Nokia, and no one claimed his disaffection was caused by abil_uk, or Orange_Box, or whoever the Menace of the Moment was. Perhaps some helpful mindreader will explain all the emotions qwerty12 was feeling; I never understood them and never closely read the infamous parting obscene rant. We seem to have some proficient mindreaders in this thread -- someone was actually able to speculate about my inmost thoughts!

fasza2 2011-06-10 03:05

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
Stskeeps, I also want to thank you for all your endeavours on TMO. You among many others have been great influence to this community and to me personally. Since N900 and TMO I fell in love with OSS and the open and free(as in freedom) way of creating new innovations and the OSS communities in general. Thanks again and all the best.

Hope to see you back here some time, even if just briefly :)

F2thaK 2011-06-10 03:05

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/

nwerneck 2011-06-10 03:07

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
Stskeeps is awesome. Sad to see tmo getting less awesome. :(

About the general state of affairs... The whole problem is Nokia's slowness to take "step 5" IMO. That will be a gush of fresh Harmattan wind the forum and the community are in much need. Then we will go on to having Harmattan newbie threads, N900 users angry with lack of backporting new apps, and finally the cool hacker threads exploring the new device!! :cool:

Texrat 2011-06-10 03:17

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/

Originally Posted by lemmyslender (Post 1026168)
A lot of people looked down on the way qwerty left, and to me this is much the same. Unlike qwerty however, I think Carsten will be back, although not for some time, and not with the same activity level..

Unlike qwerty12, stskeeps didn't pull a childish stunt with a software "update" and trash community members who didn't deserve it.

LavaCroft 2011-06-10 03:48

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
Goodbye, drama queen.

9000 2011-06-10 04:05

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/

Originally Posted by LavaCroft (Post 1026192)
Goodbye, drama queen.

As such, Stskeeps you leave at bad timing. Some people might not acquaint you as well as other veterans do, and only remembered you by your recent debates with abill_uk.

Nevertheless, Godspeed and good luck.

biobobby89 2011-06-10 05:02

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
Man..we'll miss u...u were one of the best..thanks for all ur support...All the best...

mece 2011-06-10 05:24

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/

Originally Posted by lemmyslender (Post 1026168)
[rant about how Nokia is to blame for Carsten leaving]


Frappacino 2011-06-10 05:32

Re: Stskeeps says bye! o/
You are kidding right.

He had "disaffection" for TMO posters alright - in particular the members of the council.


Originally Posted by geneven (Post 1026171)
In a way, except qwerty12 seemed angry at Nokia, and no one claimed his disaffection was caused by abil_uk, or Orange_Box, or whoever the Menace of the Moment was. Perhaps some helpful mindreader will explain all the emotions qwerty12 was feeling; I never understood them and never closely read the infamous parting obscene rant. We seem to have some proficient mindreaders in this thread -- someone was actually able to speculate about my inmost thoughts!

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