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geneven 2011-06-21 18:22

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
I suspect that the statement that people don't buy devices with keyboards just isn't true unless you find a way to skew the statistcs.
I'm looking at a Samsung phone with TWO keyboards. Then I have a couple of Kindles with keyboards. I have an N810 and N900 with keyboards. A Palm Centro with a keyboard.

So, you are saying people hated these devices? I doubt it.

Verythrax 2011-06-21 18:24

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
The answer is simpler than that: MeeGo is not the focus, so they don't want to focus too much energy on this. The MeeGo/Harmattan team is lucky to still exists, so Nokia is not betting too much cards on it.

On the current condition, they could scrap the idea entirely, or bet as much as possible in a single shot, to make it more polished, and easier to develop - so it's obvious with the design choices followed the mainstream crowd to be "safe" (closed battery, unibody, slate design, simple interface, etc)

ccarter 2011-06-21 18:25

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
Ok so i assume there is an error on the spec. list then for the n950

How am I going to develop a NFC orinetated application without any NFC hardware on the n950 ?

Something here doesn't add up particularly well

ccarter 2011-06-21 18:33

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
as a (very random) post -- I'd like green keys on a black n950

a little like this

Darkshine 2011-06-21 19:18

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread

They are making HW KB phones smaller by the year so I seriously doubt that's the case.
Your HTC Desire Z is much fatter and heavier than a standard Desire though.


I suspect that the statement that people don't buy devices with keyboards just isn't true unless you find a way to skew the statistcs.
Well done on your collection. I like proper keyboards too, but go to a phone retailer and ask how many people ask for a QWERTY keyboard (if any keyboard at all). This is why there are many android touch phones but only very few QWERTY phones. In fact, I'd suggest that HTC aren't in a rush to update the Desire Z because it's not a big seller, and they know it's a good way to shift a low-specced phone to the small hardcore that still want physical keyboards.


Other manufactures do it anyway, marketing it as business devices. Well, didn't Nokia themselves release the E7?
Yeh, and they're having a hard time shifting the E7. From my own experience, the majority of 'business' users want you to support their iPhones. There are a few Blackberry stalwarts, but I don't know many anymore.

Hotshot 2011-06-21 19:28

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
I take it you never saw the phone in person. Compare to candybar phones its not that might fatter or heavier. I for one like a phone with weight on it so it feels solid that's just me. And guess you haven't seen HTC new line up a few HW KB phones are coming out and soon. My touch slide is one of them. I have pretty much every HTC winmo slider and they are getting smaller and smaller every year and by smaller I mean thinner. Hell the N950 isn't too much thicker than the N9 so the whole thicker and heavier is a mute point IMO.

mscion 2011-06-21 19:39

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
I think Nokia got it backwards. The N9 should be given to developers to create applications for everyday consumers. The n950 should be marketed to smart consumers that would take advantage of the hw keyboard and see it as a real plus!

Daneel 2011-06-21 19:46

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
Apple is also tinkering with the idea of a hardware keyboard, apparently, many of their users requested this feature.

RiD 2011-06-21 19:56

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
I want an i7Mobile 16-cores @ 5.0Ghz, a Quad-SLI of GTX590Mobile's, 32GB of DDR6 RAM @ 3000Mhz, a freaking huge QWERTY keyboard and a 10" Full HD LED screen on it. It will still need to be pocketable.

But I guess we'd need a whole nuclear station to power it...

All I ask is a revised N900 with a "better" on everything, specially battery.

olighak 2011-06-21 20:12

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
Lol, well I´m going to make a few mentions of the desire for the N950 on and twitter feeds. Make some noise about how awesome it would be to also get the N950 released :)

Is it going to work? Probably not a chance in hell.
Is it worth it? Absolutely!

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