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Brian_7 2012-02-04 23:30

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1160625)
Technically, I think it is possible to render the midlet on a 400x240
or 266x160 canvas (rather than 800x480), and then have Qt
scale up the resolution by a factor of 2 or 3. However, this is not
implemented, so I am afraid there is currently no support for


At least with the last CSSU update, i am able to zoom in using ctrl+shift+s.

soleil 2012-02-05 00:47

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
I got working and all other tests was successful.
I has the grey bar issue on my N9 .
Opera mini can display vietnamese font. How can I change the font on Opera Mini ?
I'm trying to get other jar file working

santiago 2012-02-05 10:57

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
i think we missed some features like

copy/paste option from the OS<->JVM
the JSR implementation.. this is too important for a valid JVM

but u made a great START with Phoneme i hope we can enjoy jsr support. ;) thx for your WORK!

aRTee 2012-02-05 21:44

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Could anyone give the one from this page a try:

I'm getting some weird errors, for files I don't even see inside the jar, perhaps I'm not looking in the right place/way..?
BTW I took the touchscreen (3rd) version.

DavyP 2012-02-05 22:50

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by munozferna (Post 1160089)
Yes it is N9 specific I believe. You can see other screenshots here:

I asked on the #harmattan IRC channel and somebody told me it was required to change the application type to MApplication.

I installed Qt SDK 1.2 that got released a couple of days ago.
I changed QApplication to MApplication, and linked against the
meegotouchcore library, but the grey bar is still there in the
N9 emulator (i.e. I see no difference with the Maemo build running on N9).


DavyP 2012-02-05 23:00

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by soleil (Post 1160645)
I got working and all other tests was successful.
I has the grey bar issue on my N9 .
Opera mini can display vietnamese font. How can I change the font on Opera Mini ?
I'm trying to get other jar file working

I am working on a build that replaces the current font subsystem
which uses a builtin monospace bitmap font (with limited
character set) to render text.

My latest 'unstable' snapshot now uses the default font on Maemo
and supports more text styles and sizes. The text rendering looks
much better, but rendering speed has become slower. I figured
as much on the emulator, and [DarkGUNMAN] confirmed the
performance hit on a real device too. However, should you care
trying the latest snapshot yourself, you can find them over here:

The most recent build is on top.


DavyP 2012-02-05 23:12

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by aRTee (Post 1161006)
Could anyone give the one from this page a try:

I'm getting some weird errors, for files I don't even see inside the
jar, perhaps I'm not looking in the right place/way..?
BTW I took the touchscreen (3rd) version.

I just gave one of the midlets at the above url a try, and I too get
errors about missing png images and text files that don't exist in
the jar file.


DavyP 2012-02-05 23:54

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 1160771)
i think we missed some features like

copy/paste option from the OS<->JVM
the JSR implementation.. this is too important for a valid JVM

but u made a great START with Phoneme i hope we can enjoy jsr support. ;) thx for your WORK!

The original phoneME implementation does not come with copy
paste support. Copying text in a midlet and pasting it to another
Maemo application is technically pretty hard (because you cannot
select text in a textfield or textbox). The other way around might
be possible by trapping the Ctrl+V key combination, looking which
text has been copied from elsewhere, and replaying this text as if
you would have entered the text manually.

I am well aware JSR support is limited. There are a bunch of
JSRs out there that would be nice to have. Unfortunately, there
aren't that many JSR implementations available as open source.
The only ones that Sun/Oracle have made available are those
that they 'own'. Have a look over here:

Also, some of the JSRs you find there don't compile well or need
detailed knowledge about the underlying platform so you can port
these JSRs to a new device. This ain't easy, especially with just
the emulator at hand. I am aware of projects like microemu and
MIDPath. However, they have the luxury of being able to exploit
all the features of a full Java SE environment. Many of their
components would not work on a Java ME environment.

Right now, I just have JSR 172 and JSR 75 (with some minor
issues). Based on my experiences with porting for Windows
Mobile and Android, I think JSR 179 (Location API) and audio
playback with JSR 135 are doable given enough time and effort.
However, I am not sure if the Madde emulator can handle all
these features so that I would be able to test this. Things like 3D
support with JSR 184 are out of the question.


santiago 2012-02-06 00:59

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1161041)
The original phoneME implementation does not come with copy
paste support. Copying text in a midlet and pasting it to another
Maemo application is technically pretty hard (because you cannot
select text in a textfield or textbox). The other way around might
be possible by trapping the Ctrl+V key combination, looking which
text has been copied from elsewhere, and replaying this text as if
you would have entered the text manually.

I am well aware JSR support is limited. There are a bunch of
JSRs out there that would be nice to have. Unfortunately, there
aren't that many JSR implementations available as open source.
The only ones that Sun/Oracle have made available are those
that they 'own'. Have a look over here:

Also, some of the JSRs you find there don't compile well or need
detailed knowledge about the underlying platform so you can port
these JSRs to a new device. This ain't easy, especially with just
the emulator at hand. I am aware of projects like microemu and
MIDPath. However, they have the luxury of being able to exploit
all the features of a full Java SE environment. Many of their
components would not work on a Java ME environment.

Right now, I just have JSR 172 and JSR 75 (with some minor
issues). Based on my experiences with porting for Windows
Mobile and Android, I think JSR 179 (Location API) and audio
playback with JSR 135 are doable given enough time and effort.
However, I am not sure if the Madde emulator can handle all
these features so that I would be able to test this. Things like 3D
support with JSR 184 are out of the question.


you're right... I have seen here in the talk tha someone has done something with the Openlapi and jsr 179.. To get working gps location antenna, by the way, the only possibility to get "partial" jsr support then can be using the jsr179? :( will be good having sound working :( i think the ctrl + v / ctrl + x / ctrl + c can be good for this powerfull jvm becouse some applets have a different input method and during the emulation you have no way to paste/insert caracters in the text field Thx for your detailed answer and for the support with phoneme!

edit: i attached a sshot about the font and window of phoneme, i'm using your last versione the one with font changes.. but i see it in this way i mean big font size respetc to the layout

DavyP 2012-02-06 11:15

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 1161051)
you're right... I have seen here in the talk tha someone has done something with the Openlapi and jsr 179.. To get working gps location antenna, by the way, the only possibility to get "partial" jsr support then can be using the jsr179? :( will be good having sound working :( i think the ctrl + v / ctrl + x / ctrl + c can be good for this powerfull jvm becouse some applets have a different input method and during the emulation you have no way to paste/insert caracters in the text field Thx for your detailed answer and for the support with phoneme!

edit: i attached a sshot about the font and window of phoneme, i'm using your last versione the one with font changes.. but i see it in this way i mean big font size respetc to the layout

The text does not seem to be well-aligned in your screenshot. This is what I have:

About audio support: I cannot seem to produce any sound with the emulator, not even with the built-in 'play-sound' application or the Qt4 qmusicplayer example application. I am guessing QSound in Qt4 is not properly supported for audio playback :-(

/home/developer $ play-sound testmp3.mp3
socket(): Address family not supported by protocol
ca_context_open: Not available

About GPS: Yes, JSR 179 would provide the unifying API to get location information. Any location provider could be plugged into JSR 179, but GPS is quite likely the most important one.

I am aware of OpenLAPI. That is the implementation I used to support JSR 179 on my Android port. The only thing I need to figure out is how to get the GPS data natively on the N900 and how to activate and deactivate GPS programmatically, etc.


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