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vi_ 2012-07-06 12:51

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!
WTF is going on with the CA? After the address database F'up no one knows if the devices are shipping or even being shipped to the right place.

ZogG 2012-07-06 13:02

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by vi_ (Post 1232897)
WTF is going on with the CA? After the address database F'up no one knows if the devices are shipping or even being shipped to the right place.

i sent you email over IRC with contact. he helped me out with DHL, you can mail and ask him.


Originally Posted by lma (Post 1231256)
How ?

If you have enuf administrator skills on maintaining and configuration servers and repos, any ideas or host place, you can help with that i think.

vi_ 2012-07-06 13:12

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by ZogG (Post 1232900)
i sent you email over IRC with contact. he helped me out with DHL, you can mail and ask him.

If you have enuf administrator skills on maintaining and configuration servers and repos, any ideas or host place, you can help with that i think.

Any chance you can PM me that email address again? It has bee lost to the IRC ether.

ZogG 2012-07-06 13:53

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by vi_ (Post 1232902)
Any chance you can PM me that email address again? It has bee lost to the IRC ether.

/10 chars

Estel 2012-07-06 14:52

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by vi_ (Post 1232897)
WTF is going on with the CA? After the address database F'up no one knows if the devices are shipping or even being shipped to the right place.

Why asking Council, if You have thread about summer device program, where Qgil answers directly (and councilors too, furthermore, You're active in mentioned thread).

As You presume, we don't have slightest idea. It turned out, that mails announcing shipment are not sent to anyone. I've expressed my concerns about it - mixed with holiday's season. If You ask me, Nokia is lucky, that no one sued them for leakage of personal data (like phone number and mail SD69 got, or address of someone else, You've seen in Your account).

We know that devices are sent, one by one - because some people received them, or got info about customs limbo (Hurrian), but as for any particular case, it seems to me, that even our Nokia partners doesn't have idea.

The best solution - for now - is to contact DHL Express periodically, and ask if they have package for Your name and address. Fortunately, they're sharing such informations even without package number (which we don't have, as Nokia failed to send mails, announcing shipment made - as mentioned earlier).


woody14619 2012-07-09 13:28

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by ZogG (Post 1229214)
What should be done and how should it be done to replace or remove one of the council if the most community would vote like that?

There are currently no provisions for forcing a removal of Council. The only clear mechanism available is calling for a new Council election. Given the current status of things would cause more disruption than it would help (IMHO). But if the call is loud enough, it would be doable.

In all reality, this Council should (and likely will) hold it's position for a short term anyway (4.5 months vs 6) because of the delays in the election nomination and actual voting in the past cycle. Elections are typically held in September and March. While the current Council could continue on until October to do a full 6 month term, I see no reason to require that. I personally would push to keep elections on the September/March time frame unless there is a clear reason to do otherwise. (Like the formation of a separate legal entity requiring a separately elected governing body.)

As for those saying the "community has no input", I remind you that Council members are replying here, hold weekly open meetings on an open forum, and were elected in an open, well documented process. Saying you have (or had) "no input" is simply false on it's face. If what you mean instead is "you won't do everything I demand exactly as and when I demand you do it", well, welcome to life.

If you think you have what it takes to make things happen, then run for Council, or get involved in projects that will move the community in the way you desire it to move. There are lots of things that need to get done and not enough people helping. One thing we have plenty of right now is people complaining and expressing their opinion on how they think others should do things. If you believe that strongly in something, pick up a task and do something to actually help the community instead of posting/whining here.

(And this isn't directed at ZogG, who has done such things, but to everyone bitterly complaining about things beyond the point of usefulness.)

mrsellout 2012-07-10 20:31

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 1234448)
In all reality, this Council should (and likely will) hold it's position for a short term anyway (4.5 months vs 6) because of the delays in the election nomination and actual voting in the past cycle. Elections are typically held in September and March. While the current Council could continue on until October to do a full 6 month term, I see no reason to require that. I personally would push to keep elections on the September/March time frame unless there is a clear reason to do otherwise. (Like the formation of a separate legal entity requiring a separately elected governing body.)

Can you clarify this last italicized part please, in light of this [1] email to the Community mailing list I find it confusing.

Do the current Council intend to hold an election in September (as you seem to prefer personally), or due to the impending formation of a separate legal entity, does it intend to serve the full term?


SD69 2012-07-10 21:00

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by mrsellout (Post 1235572)
Do the current Council intend to hold an election in September (as you seem to prefer personally), or due to the impending formation of a separate legal entity, does it intend to serve the full term?

It needs to be kept in mind that, although it is intended for there to be a migration, for some period of time there would be two separate entities. There will be a Community Council responsible for, and some sort of a Board responsible for the new entity. It is not as though the latter will suddenly spring to life at the exact instant that the former goes dead.

mrsellout 2012-07-10 21:29

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by SD69 (Post 1235600)
It needs to be kept in mind that, although it is intended for there to be a migration, for some period of time there would be two separate entities. There will be a Community Council responsible for, and some sort of a Board responsible for the new entity. It is not as though the latter will suddenly spring to life at the exact instant that the former goes dead.

I appreciate there might be an overlap, but I think my point is valid. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to force an early election or anything, I'm only seeking clarity.

There is the important work you have of overseeing the transition, and this mention of a shorter term just clouded the issue a little. I don't actually see a problem with a 6 month term at all.

woody14619 2012-07-10 23:34

Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Originally Posted by mrsellout (Post 1235572)
Can you clarify

To clarify:

It is my intention to urge toward a new Council election taking place in September instead of October/November unless doing so could compromise the formation or stability of the community, or a newly formed entity for the community. Said another way: I will err toward early elections unless there's a really good reason to not do so.

Understand though, this is my personal commitment on this topic. By the letter of the law, the current Council Chair (which is now me) must decide when to hold the next election, which must be within 6 months of the end of the last election. The main reasons for the last Council term extending past 6 months was due to procedural issues extending the election (see 11-1 in link above). I am hopeful that will not be repeated this cycle.

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