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kumary 2013-01-26 06:52

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
Search not working correctly.

if I try to search "Nokia Maps" it gives:

Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

and If I try only"Maps" then it work fine.

I guess space or multiple words are the issue.

or is it just me?

Thanks and Cheers to community.

allnameswereout 2013-01-26 12:25

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
Where is the bulk of resources going to, to which services? Have you tried to contact an organization such as Ibiblio to host the content (at least the source and binaries of the repositories). Or adding local mirrors? You can also check, which mirror sponsors are helping out organizations such as Debian and Ubuntu (I know for a fact my ISP sponsors them). You'll need to be specific in your request though. Maemo is non-profit and deserve aid from universities etc IMO. Just generally, decentralization helps to cut costs. Or maybe add banners and allow a premium subscription (could be a possible plan B).

For the record I'm not trying to downplay what you folks are doing and I'm not even using Maemo myself anymore (God, what happened here?!) just trying to help.

peterleinchen 2013-01-26 12:52

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server

Originally Posted by kumary (Post 1317877)
Search not working correctly.

if I try to search "Nokia Maps" it gives:

Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

and If I try only"Maps" then it work fine.

I guess space or multiple words are the issue.

or is it just me?

Thanks and Cheers to community.

Confirmed. For me "Nokia Maps" gives just white page.

But funny (he he) thing is:
it is not about white spaces in search or other oddities (tried also "just maps" and it returns)
try only "Nokia" and you will get same error.

So we banned them after they have cut us?

kumary 2013-01-26 13:01

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1317946)
Confirmed. For me "Nokia Maps" gives just white page.

But funny (he he) thing is:
it is not about white spaces in search or other oddities (tried also "just maps" and it returns)
try only "Nokia" and you will get same error.

So we banned them after they have cut us?

lol... I didn't knew we can do that :P:D

joerg_rw 2013-01-26 18:21

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
There been a big cleanup Nokia asked HiFo for. dunno if even this forum been involved, would feel kinda silly since it is a refrence to a product that existed, but anyway... Ask your forum master chemist :-)


on a sidenote: FW so fubar it can't even get rebooted now (no login to reboot it). Seems we're without [^t.]m.o for the weekend :-/

chely81 2013-01-27 06:45

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server
hola amigo soy de venezuela no me carga ningun repositorio q debo hacer gracias por tu pronta ayuda :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

sixwheeledbeast 2013-01-27 08:09

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server

Originally Posted by chely81 (Post 1318059)
hello friend. I'm from Venezuela. no repository load q I do thank you for your prompt assistance

Is this a question? Or a thank you?

thedead1440 2013-01-27 08:17

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1318068)
Is this a question? Or a thank you?

I think its a call for help that repos are not working :D

martinwozenilek 2013-01-27 08:42

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server

Originally Posted by chely81 (Post 1318059)
hola amigo soy de venezuela no me carga ningun repositorio q debo hacer gracias por tu pronta ayuda :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

hey chely81, use skeiron, these are temp reps. working fine. the team is working hard to get the original reps up. search the forum, use your mind!

JorgeFX 2013-01-27 08:50

Re: [GENERAL NOTICE] Service Downtime, TMO migration to new server

Originally Posted by chely81 (Post 1318059)
hola amigo soy de venezuela no me carga ningun repositorio q debo hacer gracias por tu pronta ayuda :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Hola, soy de Venezuela también, en este foro debes hablar en inglés, si no sabes te recomiendo usar el traductor de google. Te respondo rápidamente. Están haciendo una migración de server, puedes usar los repositorios temporales que puedes ver aquí:

Recuerda, habla inglés. O puedes preguntarme por privado.

For those who wondering what are we talking, he's just asking about the repos and I told him what to do and advise him to use google traslator if he doesn't know any english.

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