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gerbick 2013-07-23 02:47

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened

Originally Posted by nokiabot (Post 1361097)
still no infrared:(

Seriously not even on my radar for what I'd ever use. But we just differ.

4gb of RAM... Daddy likes.

railroadmaster 2013-07-23 03:13

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1361100)
Yeah and that again smells desperate from Canonicals side....

Why? They want to demonstrate both software products on one device. How is that desperation?

TheoX 2013-07-23 03:31

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 1361223)
Why? They want to demonstrate both software products on one device. How is that desperation?

In my opinion Jolla team is the only thing desperate around here. This is how you do stuff: "WE GIVE YOU THIS STATE OF THE ART DEVICE, IT CAN DO WHATEVER, YOU JUST HAVE TO PAY US, OR ELSE NO DEVICE!".

I just want to see this product on the market!

nokiabot 2013-07-23 03:46

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1361222)
Seriously not even on my radar for what I'd ever use. But we just differ. 4gb of RAM... Daddy likes.

its far far away from my radar but still this gorgeous diffrent device should have that tiny infrared led:)

TheoX 2013-07-23 03:53

Re: Ubuntu Edge Announced! Pre-Order Opened

Originally Posted by nokiabot (Post 1361229)
its far far away from my radar but still this gorgeous diffrent device should have that tiny infrared led:)

The Galaxy S4 have that it you are interested. I was shocked to see that the S4 have that function!

mrsellout 2013-07-23 03:58

Re: Who has supported Ubuntu edge?
Well the $600 option has sold out now and they've raised $3.18m. Impressive enough, but to get to their goal they'll need to shift another 32,000 devices at $830.

Makeclick 2013-07-23 05:28

Re: Who has supported Ubuntu edge?

Originally Posted by fongo (Post 1361220)
Ubuntu is Swahili for Apple. Foolish to support them, they do no favors for the Linux community.

I totally disagree! Thanks to Ubuntu and Canonical, we finally get some games for the Linux!!! When there is game, there will be more people, when there is more people, there will be more support!!! If it's working on Ubuntu, it WILL working other linux distors! So what is the problem??? :mad:

I was too slow..I did't get that 600$ deal :(. Maybe i wait and enjoy my Sailfish fist :) (want it now!)

nodevel 2013-07-23 08:35

Re: Who has supported Ubuntu edge?
Honestly, I think that this move shows that they failed in optimizing Ubuntu Touch and making it a smooth experience. They realized they won't be able to polish Mir in time, without hardware strong enough that would hide all the glitches. Just my 2¢.

I admire how they turned their failure into a marketing advantage, though. :)

I do not wish them luck in this campaign - for all they're doing to the GNU/Linux community (Mir especially).
But it will be interesting to watch how (if) they succeed for the sake of learning some marketing skills and holding the final device.

EDIT: On the other hand, I wish them luck hardware-wise. It was about time someone came and said '4.5'' is a max, all beyond 300DPI is unnecessary, battery is one of the key features'...

P@t 2013-07-23 08:51

Re: Who has supported Ubuntu edge?
I have large doubts that they gonna make the complete deal. The numbers so far are not that impressive: 5000 people have taken the 5000 first 600$ deal (5041 actually?). That was not surprising that there is a certain rush for it (and that was a one-day deal) and that makes already 3 millions, so almost everything they have collected.
5000 people out of the Ubuntu/Linux community, not that great, just normal I would say. The first 3 million is to show exactly what is happening: a nice start.
Now comes the true challenge: 830$ deal and only 161 people! Let's see in next days (clearly the first day was all about the 600$ deal) but I am not sure that so many people are inclined to pay the full price one year in advance. I prefer the pre-order thing with 100€ in advance that Jolla has proposed.
But even the 20$ support is only done by 900 people so far... And you need quite a large number to get 30 million with 20$ support...

I hope they gonna make it because that would benefit Jolla as well: some of the open source is shared between them. They found a niche: high level segment, but that means that they target probably more the US and then Europe. Is it enough to attract enough people, not sure about it?
They want to be innovative in the hardware and the software, that is good but much more challenging (like a new technology in battery, ok nice to hear but sure about having the people and the partners for that?). A lot of promises but even if truly they are open: you can see number of people signing for the ubuntuedge, you have specifications,... but then one-year in advance, a lot can happen and then people could become mad if some of the deal is changed...
Because they conclude with "specifications are subject to changes " ... :)

I'll wait till the end of the campaign to see if I participate with the 20$ deal. I do not want to encourage them too much in the first days ;) [considering that I have chosen Jolla and will not buy both phones]

Dave999 2013-07-23 09:58

Re: Ubuntu Edge
The whole idea with Ubuntu edge is to give you a true mobile computer taking it one step further than n900. The idea is excellent and I hope jolla follow them, together with Google and apple launching their own solutions very soon. This is their key feature together with epic hw.

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