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disq 2007-09-11 18:28

Re: Kagu Media Player Released 1.0.7
you should put the *song title* in the title tag, and artist name in the artist tag.

ascherjim 2007-09-11 18:40

Re: Kagu Media Player Released 1.0.7

Originally Posted by disq (Post 74861)
you should put the *song title* in the title tag, and artist name in the artist tag.

Disq: That's how they currently are (and initially were). It's the order in which they are displayed in Kagu that I'm trying (and will try further) to modify. When I have such a large listing of song titles, Kagu currently doesn't appear to generate for me a separate listing of albums and artists. Only song titles -- but with the album designations appearing before the song titles -- and thus not appearing in Kagu at all. Am I making myself usefully clear? Many thanks for your help.

trevarthan 2007-09-12 02:35

Re: Kagu Media Player Released 1.0.7

Originally Posted by ascherjim (Post 74868)
Disq: That's how they currently are (and initially were). It's the order in which they are displayed in Kagu that I'm trying (and will try further) to modify. When I have such a large listing of song titles, Kagu currently doesn't appear to generate for me a separate listing of albums and artists. Only song titles -- but with the album designations appearing before the song titles -- and thus not appearing in Kagu at all. Am I making myself usefully clear? Many thanks for your help.

There's an album field, an artist field, and a title field. Use all 3. That should be all you need to do. Also, try not to dump them into one directory. Group the mp3s by album. I'm not sure if that last bit is necessary or not, but that's how I always group mine.

ascherjim 2007-09-12 03:22

Re: Kagu Media Player Released 1.0.7
My song titles are from many different albums, sometimes only one song has been extracted from an individual album. I suppose I could proceed with my earlier-stated intent of putting the artist, album and title in a different order through re-tagging. But I think for now I'll just put the matter on hold -- at least until your new version is released which, just possibly, may help me further in this regard. Again, many thanks. By the way, I got my Motorola Bluetooth earphones working fine with Kagu -- with a little help, of course, from others in this forum.

sammachin 2007-09-13 19:59

Re: Kagu Media Player Released 1.0.7
Is there a way to run the from the command line without popping any notices to the GUI. I've written a script to download podcasts and I want to invoke the scanner once thats done but it might be at 3am!


ascherjim 2007-09-13 23:34

Re: Kagu Media Player Released 1.0.7

Originally Posted by trevarthan (Post 74050)
Yeah, that sucks. Any suggestions for us there? I'm not sure what to do about that other than tell you to use a cover.jpg or something to override the downloaded art.

Trevarthan: New -- and much simpler issue and question: If I want to change the cover art on an album, where do I paste it. I assume I'll be able to do this in xterm, but which directory do I go to to change an album cover displayed in Kagu?

trevarthan 2007-09-14 02:11

Re: Kagu Media Player Released 1.0.7

Originally Posted by sammachin (Post 75328)
Is there a way to run the from the command line without popping any notices to the GUI. I've written a script to download podcasts and I want to invoke the scanner once thats done but it might be at 3am!


Not yet, but that's a great idea. I think we've all been thinking about that.

trevarthan 2007-09-14 02:14

Re: Kagu Media Player Released 1.0.7

Originally Posted by ascherjim (Post 75363)
Trevarthan: New -- and much simpler issue and question: If I want to change the cover art on an album, where do I paste it. I assume I'll be able to do this in xterm, but which directory do I go to to change an album cover displayed in Kagu?

Given an example mp3 like:

/media/mmc2/mp3/My Chemical Romance/The Black Parade/The Black Parade.mp3
you would put a folder.jpg or a cover.jpg in:

/media/mmc2/mp3/My Chemical Romance/The Black Parade/

yogz 2007-09-14 11:03

Re: Kagu Media Player Released 1.0.7
Hi !

I'm new here , just got my 770 a few days ago :D , i really liked the Kagu Media Player , i am a graphics/web designer and i would like to design a new interface with all new graphics , i just need a little help with the theme engine :confused: , i do have linux knowledge ( been a linux user for many years ) but i can't find any documentation about the theme engine .

Thanks !

trevarthan 2007-09-14 13:37

Re: Kagu Media Player Released 1.0.7

Originally Posted by yogz (Post 75442)
Hi !

I'm new here , just got my 770 a few days ago :D , i really liked the Kagu Media Player , i am a graphics/web designer and i would like to design a new interface with all new graphics , i just need a little help with the theme engine :confused: , i do have linux knowledge ( been a linux user for many years ) but i can't find any documentation about the theme engine .

Thanks !

Hey! Welcome! That's great news! Well, you can always talk to us here, but for really fast feedback (i.e. realtime), the best way to chat with us is to get an IRC client and log into the #kagu channel on the FreeNode network. disq, audioworld, Tony Maro, and I hang out there all day long and discuss development.

For basic theme changes, all you need to do is check out the Development Snapshot and modify this file:

Then save your changes as this file:

For more advanced changes, like changing the placement of icons on the screen, we'll need to create a layout engine for you. Hop over to #kagu sometime and we'll discuss it further.

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