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panjgoori 2016-10-30 04:48

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
I vote for No. 7 robthebold

I took a pic today but i guess its too late. But still happy that so many people participated.

nieldk 2016-10-30 06:27

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
voting for #18 - Macros

Still amazes me the quality of these images from our devices.

lal 2016-10-30 06:33

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
No. 7 - robthebold

In fact I am confused which picture to vote for. Loved them all!

thedead1440 2016-10-30 06:41

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
No. 18 for me.

Special mention to No. 1 and the picture by briest too. Amazing pictures :)

Dave999 2016-10-30 06:57

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
I vote for lucky number 1. claustn

It's super green!

Macros 2016-10-30 09:54

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
My vote goes to 7. robthebold,
nieldk's tomato was a close contender.

So many beautiful pictures :)

tangent 2016-10-30 15:20

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
voting 14. briest - N9.

klinglerware 2016-10-30 15:26

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
Voting for #7...

mihsun 2016-10-30 18:27

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
My vote is for 4 saponga
What is this?

Macros 2016-10-30 18:58

Re: Camera phone competition October 2016: "Macro"
The picture shows mushrooms. Which kind? Don't ask me.

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