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n950 2017-04-13 12:34

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
4 Attachment(s)
I have 3 lauta in bad conditions.
The 2 others are more bad than the first one (one HW keyboard is missed and one have cable cut under keyboard, etc...)
I have sent today the 2 others Lauta to Dirk. Hope they have Harmattan inside :(

Here is the problem:

Dirk boot the device with his battery.
Device says LOCAL MODE :( what is that?
Between LOCAL and NOKIA there is ILMATAR_10.2010.50-1_ENOSW what is that?


i2c i2c-1: send data error
i2c i2c-1: mrst_i2c_isr, i2c abort

How to exit local mode?

juiceme 2017-04-13 12:48

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1526821)
Device says LOCAL MODE :( what is that?
How to exit local mode?

Could be it means a debug mode.

Alternatives; It might have special test/debug software that only has this mode, so no normal Harmattan at all. Or it might be switched to different mode via flasher. Or something else. :D

n950 2017-04-13 12:57

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by dirkvl (Post 1526819)
battery size lxwxh should be ~86.5x27x5

Anybody know what battery (3,7V) can go into the phone? even without good connector.

ajalkane 2017-04-13 13:50

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1526821)
Between LOCAL and NOKIA there is ILMATAR_10.2010.50-1_ENOSW what is that?

That's interesting. That may mean these are early Intel MeeGo device prototypes? See here (Section "Soiro" Intel MeeGo):

vitaminj 2017-04-13 14:07

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1526821)
Between LOCAL and NOKIA there is ILMATAR_10.2010.50-1_ENOSW what is that?

Ilmatar was the next tradewind in the alphabetic sequence of Tablet/Maemo/MeeGo OSes after Harmattan. I guess it was the same UI as Harmattan but adopting "full" Meego compatibility through using RPM packaging etc. And maybe tablet and keyboard additions to the UX from ajalkane's link (but I assume this would have still been an ARM build).

Makes me chuckle that Nokia was unable to release two devices to consumers using the same OS - that might have made it follow quickly after the N9! No, best re-tool things and make it incompatible with the last one for user confusion and delays! They never learn(t)!

I never understood the big excitement with the whole MeeGo thing anyway. Ok, a unified platform for multiple companies to us would be a good thing, but Nokia were the ones with a proven track record of shipping good and popular devices on their Linux platform, whereas Moblin from Intel's side was never used in anything so widely (afaik). I just feel like Nokia wasted their time trying to merge with something not very well proven and got no benefits from it.

n950 2017-04-13 14:13

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1526825)
That's interesting. That may mean these are early Intel MeeGo device prototypes? See here (Section "Soiro" Intel MeeGo):

What does that mean? Harmattan is not installed on this device? It's impossible to install harmattan on this device?

velox 2017-04-13 14:27

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1526827)
What does that mean? Harmattan is not installed on this device? It's impossible to install harmattan on this device?

That means harmattan is most likely not installed on the device. At least it's not exactly the same thing as the one you know. I think no one here can tell you what the exact differences are. If you're lucky they only changed the name at that point, because it's supposedly made directly after the n9. ;)

This does not mean that it's theoretically impossible to install harmattan. Nor does it mean that it's possible. (Not much help, I know.)

gerbick 2017-04-13 15:33

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742
Wow. This is actually cool. Funny how this is running an OS that was probably never released - now... there's gotta be at least ONE ex-Nokian that has something laying around that may be of some help here.

Do it all anonymously btw.

ajalkane 2017-04-13 16:26

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1526827)
What does that mean? Harmattan is not installed on this device? It's impossible to install harmattan on this device?

If it's really Intel device then for sure you can't just install Harmattan on it from available images as they're for ARM processors.

If it's one of those Ilmatar devices with Intel processor on them it might be much more interesting, if you get it booting, than having just Harmattan there.

n950 2017-04-13 16:37

Re: Nokia Lauta RM-742

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1526831)
If it's really Intel device then for sure you can't just install Harmattan on it from available images as they're for ARM processors.

If it's one of those Ilmatar devices with Intel processor on them it might be much more interesting, if you get it booting, than having just Harmattan there.

How to know what device is it?
Do you think i can go out local mode? perhaps flasher -i command will inform us about os version like with N9.
If it's Ilmatar device is it possible to flash with harmattan PR1.3 image for n9/50?

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