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pexi 2017-10-16 11:18

Re: [UNOFFICIAL GUIDE] Flash Sailfish X using Linux or MacOS
Thanks for the guide! Worked without a hitch.

Funny thing was the spanish Android from your link.. the few seconds I saw it before installing SailfishX :)

too 2017-10-16 22:00

Re: [UNOFFICIAL GUIDE] Flash Sailfish X using Linux or MacOS
Thanks for the information; got finally sailfishx installed:

Started on sunday, 15:30 ... 00:20 (monday morning got andoid downgraded)

Continued on monday, 20:00 -- 23:20 sailfishx booted the first time.

Quite a few obstacles and trial & errors...

Last thing was that fastboot just did not work after that 'spanish' image flashing (well, how to know what 'wipe' options to tick on that gui...) -- the led always went green when pressing volumeup when connecting usb.

Working 'workaround' was entering 'adb reboot bootloader' when android running (and that MTP usb mode) to get blue led...

rolfok 2017-10-17 20:02

Re: [UNOFFICIAL GUIDE] Flash Sailfish X using Linux or MacOS

Originally Posted by jabgoe (Post 1536613)
just as an information:

- and copied files according to instructions here[/INDENT]thanks for the hints! :)

That same happened to me. Your instructions helped me, thanks.
There is a small error on the above site:


mount /dev/mmcblk0p52 system
should be:
mount /dev/mmcblk0p52 blobs

n950 2017-10-18 08:09

Re: [UNOFFICIAL GUIDE] Flash Sailfish X using Linux or MacOS

Where can i download this file:

Anybody have a link please?

I can't go on jolla shop it said page not found.

Is it the last sfos for xperia X?

Thanks in advance.

gaelic 2017-10-18 08:57

Re: [UNOFFICIAL GUIDE] Flash Sailfish X using Linux or MacOS
The download is in your account @jolla after you bought it.

jakibaki 2017-10-18 10:47

Re: [UNOFFICIAL GUIDE] Flash Sailfish X using Linux or MacOS

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1537176)

Where can i download this file:

Anybody have a link please?

I can't go on jolla shop it said page not found.

Is it the last sfos for xperia X?

Thanks in advance.

After buying Sailfish X you can find it at

n950 2017-10-18 11:07

Re: [UNOFFICIAL GUIDE] Flash Sailfish X using Linux or MacOS

Originally Posted by jakibaki (Post 1537182)
After buying Sailfish X you can find it at

I can't access to this website :( Not found error.
My country is not allowed i think.
I try with proxy online same result :( when i want to pay SFOS X.

DrYak 2017-10-18 12:34

Re: [UNOFFICIAL GUIDE] Flash Sailfish X using Linux or MacOS

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1537183)
I can't access to this website :( Not found error.
My country is not allowed i think.
I try with proxy online same result :( when i want to pay SFOS X.

Normally it should work with proxies. (That's how I did it)
But some addresses are wrongly recognized (that's why I did the proxy in the first place)

Other people have shown success using the VPN mode of opera.

Alternative :

If you have some place (e.g.: an FTP site) I could upload it to your.

Note: the Sailfish X ZIP file contains only the free part of Sailfish OS.

The non-free proprietary bits which are licensed (alien-dalvik, microsoft exchange accounts, text prediction, etc.) are obtained from the Jolla Shop and are linked to your account. If you do not buy them from the website, you won't get these features, you'll only get more or less what the community crowd make themselves.

You're better off finding a way around the stupid broken geo-lock and buying it than getting the ZIP from someone : it would be incomplete.

n950 2017-10-18 14:24

Re: [UNOFFICIAL GUIDE] Flash Sailfish X using Linux or MacOS
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by DrYak (Post 1537191)
Normally it should work with proxies. (That's how I did it)
But some addresses are wrongly recognized (that's why I did the proxy in the first place)

Other people have shown success using the VPN mode of opera.

Alternative :

If you have some place (e.g.: an FTP site) I could upload it to your.

Note: the Sailfish X ZIP file contains only the free part of Sailfish OS.

The non-free proprietary bits which are licensed (alien-dalvik, microsoft exchange accounts, text prediction, etc.) are obtained from the Jolla Shop and are linked to your account. If you do not buy them from the website, you won't get these features, you'll only get more or less what the community crowd make themselves.

You're better off finding a way around the stupid broken geo-lock and buying it than getting the ZIP from someone : it would be incomplete.

With Opera Payment done and download has started thanks :)

mosen 2017-10-24 09:37

Re: [UNOFFICIAL GUIDE] Flash Sailfish X using Linux or MacOS
Thanks again Jakibaki for the tutorial!
I finally have time to give little feedback.
All was working great but the Flashtool part.
Is it correct that flashtool needs sudo rights to operate? At least it did not work for my normal user which i attempted first according to the "open flashtool" instruction.

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