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alephito 2008-04-24 01:11

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Today I had a problem twice: when checking for new e-mails in the background, Modest started with the blink and sound announcement (I am sure I had JUST ONE new e-mail in my POP Gmail account). The problem was the sound has never stopped as when you receive several new e-mails (in this case, they would have been hundreds) and the NIT became unresponsive, until I managed to kill Modest.

Anyone else noticed this bug in the last version?

poxika 2008-04-24 01:37

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I have the following issue when trying to talk to an IMAPS server (in the IMAP server log) :
SSL routines:SSL3_SETUP_KEY_BLOCK:cipher or hash unavailable

This is the only client causing this issue. It seems that I can connect to GMAIL through IMAPS ok.

I'm running Modest 17-2.

Any clue ?

Wes Doobner 2008-04-24 02:38

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Question - is it possible that Modest is somehow flubbing w/ my battery life indcator? Seems like ever since I dowloaded Modest, my battery indicator doesn't work right (doesn't show charging, icon never changes from full)...

Could also be rt-comm beta, as I activated my chat account recently, and it seemed to mess with my applets and status bar stuff pretty badly. I deactivated rt-comm, but the battery indicator problem remains.

alephito 2008-04-24 02:46

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I have never had your problem with Modest, Wes Doobner.

munky261 2008-04-24 03:26

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
one bug im noticing , and im not sure what is causing it , is modest will check my mail properly now but every so often when i open the program , the inbox doesnt come up the retrieving bar isnt moving , or nothing. to solve it i just in my statusbar load applet do a force kill on modest then open it again and its fine. any ideas on this???

setasai 2008-05-01 03:02

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
ive asked this before but did not at all get a reply. is there any way to select a group of contacts when composing mail instead of clicking the checkbox for each one? I send emails out to my club and so i have a decent mailing list. thx


osofast 2008-05-01 09:51

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
hi sai

as far as i know there is no way to send emails to groups. it sucks, but what i do is i keep a template email in a seperate folder and copy that email everytime i want to email that group.

i would file this as a feature request but i dont know where and how.

brontide 2008-05-01 10:35

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
New issues that have cropped up out-of-the-blue

Keep getting a weird memory full error.

Internal error application "e-mail" closed is back!

I have not done anything major on this device like installing new software since the 17-2 update came out.

sjgadsby 2008-05-01 11:23

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by osofast (Post 176674)
i would file this as a feature request but i dont know where and how.

  1. Go to maemo Bugzilla.
  2. Create a maemo Bugzilla account.
  3. Search existing issues to see if the request has been made previously.
    • If yes, vote (and comment, if you have something to add). Stop.
    • If no, continue on--
  4. Tap "New" or "Enter a new bug report".
  5. Tap "Communication".
  6. For "Component", select "Modest".
  7. For "Platform", select your tablet model.
  8. For "OS", select "IT OS".
  9. For "Severity", select "enhancement".
  10. On the "Summary" line, enter a short description of your request.
  11. In the "Description" box, fill out the form.
  12. Tap the "Commit" button.
  13. Come back here and post a link to your bug so we can vote it up and add our comments to it.

qole 2008-05-01 16:29

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by brontide (Post 176694)
New issues that have cropped up out-of-the-blue...

...Internal error application "e-mail" closed is back!

I have not done anything major on this device like installing new software since the 17-2 update came out.

I have done some stuff. I reflashed my device, cleared all my modest settings, reinstalled modest, and then cloned my OS to SD card. Now I get the stack of Internal errors in the morning again.


Still, Modest is better than the internal one by a long shot.

gnuite 2008-05-01 17:31

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I love Modest, but I'm getting some really annoying behavior that only occurs when Modest is installed. I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same thing:

Every day, I leave home with my N810 to go to work, where I do not have a wireless internet connection. Sometime during the day, my N810 tries to connect to the network and brings up the "Select Wireless Access Point" dialog, but the device is in my pocket, so I don't see it. This dialog keeps re-trying for as long as it's up, which continually drains my battery. If I happen to see the dialog and dismiss it, it comes back later and resumes draining my battery. By the time I get home, my battery is nearly dead.

This didn't happen with older versions of Modest, and at first I thought it was a problem with the automatic mail-checking option, but disabling that option did not eliminate the problem. I had to uninstall Modest completely.

Has anyone else experienced this behavior?

sjgadsby 2008-05-01 19:15

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by gnuite (Post 176828)
Has anyone else experienced this behavior?

Well, I opened bug # 3040, "Modest attempts connection to servers when Update Automatically disabled", a few weeks ago. You might try it on for size.

gnuite 2008-05-02 22:19

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Thanks, sjgadsby, but I have a slightly different symptom - not a connection error, but rather Maemo's "Select connection" dialog (the one with the list of access points) appears.

Also, regarding your bug, have you tried restarting your tablet after disabling the "Update Automatically" checkbox? I discovered in my testing that I had to restart the device after removing Modest in order to actually stop the "Select connection" dialog from appearing and draining my battery. I think the modest daemon may continue to run in the background even after uninstalling modest (until a restart).

(Obviously, having to restart the tablet is not ideal, but it may help the developers to know if restarting helps.)

sjgadsby 2008-05-03 00:17

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by gnuite (Post 177338)
...I have a slightly different symptom - not a connection error, but rather Maemo's "Select connection" dialog (the one with the list of access points) appears.

My thought was that it might be the same underlying bug. Modest wants to connect to servers when it should be sitting quietly, which leads to me seeing connection failures and you seeing desperate attempts at finding a means of connection.

You're probably right though; it's better to enter them as two separate bugs. I only guessed that these two symptoms are related, and marking a duplicate, if necessary, is easier for the maemo folks than splitting.


Also, regarding your bug, have you tried restarting your tablet after disabling the "Update Automatically" checkbox?
Thank you for the suggestion, but yes, this behaviour persisted across a number of reboots and even battery swaps. I've since turned on automatic updates though, so while I still see the error messages, they no longer seem out of place.

nilchak 2008-05-05 01:35

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by alephito (Post 169818)
Is there any way to downgrade from version 17 to 16? I used to follow Qole method, but he was smart enough to avoid last upgrade...

I think with Modest - we have a new trend now - where downgrading to a lesser working version is the new "upgrade". :)

solico 2008-05-06 02:33

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Just out of curiosity: can I get feedback of some users using modest with a non gmail-imap configuration. It seems the gmail bug was fixed with the 17-2 release.
But what about imap users not using gmail? especially those who run a private mail server (like hmailserver)?

Any troubles with modest?
Don't get me wrong modest seems perfect for my needs, but it keeps crashing, even with the latest release.

If I start it from the command line it only tells me "segmentation fault", which is not really helpfull on tracing the error down.

Any comments?

Larde 2008-05-06 06:00

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out


Originally Posted by solico (Post 178271)
But what about imap users not using gmail? especially those who run a private mail server (like hmailserver)?

Any troubles with modest?

I am using my own Imap Server for my domain. It's courier-imap, and I use SSL access on port 993.

I had some trouble a couple of weeks ago when I had to open/close/refresh/pray/open/refresh my inbox folder several times to get Modest to show my Mails. But that bug is gone for quite a while. So I can honestly say: I don't have any troubles with Modest. :-)



pixelseventy2 2008-05-06 13:41

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by solico (Post 178271)
Just out of curiosity: can I get feedback of some users using modest with a non gmail-imap configuration. It seems the gmail bug was fixed with the 17-2 release.
But what about imap users not using gmail? especially those who run a private mail server (like hmailserver)?

I run a mail server using exim and dovecot - I've never had problems with IMAP, but I don't use SSL. I used to have problems sending over TLS because I use a custom certificate, but that works with 17.2 (I just get a warning message)

qole 2008-05-06 17:20

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Well, I guess it's back to Modest W10 or W12. I'll try removing all traces of Modest from my system first.

Why? Because I'm getting bizarre memory full errors, and brontide pointed me towards Modest...

gnuite 2008-05-06 18:58

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by qole (Post 178484)
Well, I guess it's back to Modest W10 or W12. I'll try removing all traces of Modest from my system first.

Why? Because I'm getting bizarre memory full errors, and brontide pointed me towards Modest...

I think I might do the same - at least W10 wasn't draining my battery. Thanks for posting those old versions.

chrisak 2008-05-07 17:10

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
The 'unknown certificate' error/prompts - it's been mentioned alot, I've posted about them myself in the past - however I don't thhink I've ever seen an explanation. I'm wondering if this is an issue with modest or is it something with Gmail (imap) that's causing the problems?

The trouble has come and gone over the months. The latesstt modest had seemed to be working great for, what was it?.... weeks I guess, since it came out. Then suddenly midday yesterday I started getting hit with 3 prompts (for 3 imap accts) wheen launching modest. This was an unprovoked attack <grin> I installed/changed nothing leading up to this. Tthis morning I upgraded to the new version of modest, just released, but with same results.

So anyway, I'm wondering if there's something that I can be doing to prevent this, or if it's been established that the problem lies within modest or, as I'm suspecting: it's gmail that's fouling up.

Tia for any thoughts/insight.

qole 2008-05-07 17:18

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Here's a little script to automate the removal of your current version of Modest. I would recommend using this (or something very similar) every time you upgrade or downgrade Modest, that way you don't inherit problems from previously installed versions.


Paste this into a text file (named something like "modest-remove"), then as root, "chmod +x modest-remove"

Remember, you have to run this script as root.


apt-get remove modest
apt-get remove libtinymailui-gtk-1.0-0 libtinymailui-1.0-0 libtinymail-gnomevfs-1.0-0 libtinymail-1.0-0 libtinymail-1.0-0 libtinymail-camel-1.0-0
rm -r /home/user/.modest
rm -r /media/mmc1/.modest
rm -r /media/mmc2/.modest
gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/modest

qole 2008-05-07 18:26

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Can someone who has had problems with Internal Errors, e-mails not marked "read" on the server, etc. comment about the new version 19? I'd like to upgrade to a version that improves on version 10.

alephito 2008-05-07 19:22

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
2008-W19 release-note says "a couple of rare hangs / crashes fixed". That's all.

So far everything works OK with my POP and IMAP Gmail accounts. But W18 worked exactly like W10 to me.

fiferboy 2008-05-07 19:28

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Qole: I have only had it installed for about 30 minutes, but so far W19 is looking good. No internal error yet, the LED is working for mail alerts, and it has set the message read on the server in my test. I will post here if any of that changes.

brontide 2008-05-07 19:40

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by qole (Post 178876)
Can someone who has had problems with Internal Errors, e-mails not marked "read" on the server, etc. comment about the new version 19? I'd like to upgrade to a version that improves on version 10.

I just updated to 19. Read status is *STILL* not transmitted correctly. Gmail cert is still barfed on ( I'm presuming that also means that background checking is out as well ).

alephito 2008-05-07 19:41

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
The only thing still bothers me and I cannot find reported as a bug is the fact that in spite of having my Gmail POP account set to automatically retrieve messages and attachments, Modest downloads just the headers for a lot of e-mails.

If after receiving the LED announcement I try to read my e-mails offline, I will have luck with some of them. The rest will popup a window telling me that the content must be retrieved first (by going online).

GeneralAntilles 2008-05-07 19:46

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
W19 seems to be working fine here.

fiferboy 2008-05-07 20:12

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Modest just crashed my hildon-desktop, but still managed to notify me of the email correctly, and still marked it read on the server correctly. Still no internal error, either.

alephito 2008-05-07 20:21

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I have just received my first Internal Error with W-19.

tso 2008-05-07 23:56

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
hmm, i just noticed that the summary shown when selecting the globe in the folder tree shows 160 messages for one of my pop3 accounts...

but then thats the account that was crashing modest at one time, so...

btw, that tree should have a option to show the inbox of all accounts at the same time imo...

having to go to the menu to select view->account each time i want to switch is needlessly cumbersome...

qole 2008-05-08 02:26

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
So far, 19-1 seems quite stable. I confess, it has been only a few hours. But a few hours of bliss as my messages are marked "read" and the little blue light flashes appropriately (without causing Internal Errors). Thanks for the feedback!

Just a note, if you are getting errors with Modest 19-1, try cleaning your system of all Modest-related settings (using my previous post) first.

low4own 2008-05-09 17:11

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I am running Modest 19-1 on a n810. I have Gmail Imap set up. My problem is when conneted to my home network i am unable to update my mail. But when i go through my Nokia E51 phone iI am able to. I have searched and found no answers. I am going through a Linksys WRT54G router. I have cleared all traces of Modest off my tablet and reinstalled Modest but nothing changes. I can't update. Any help would be appreciated.

alephito 2008-05-09 20:33

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I have no problems with my Linksys WRT54GL.

Another issue I had today:

I left my N810 alone for two hours, fully charged. When I pick it up, I had an Internal Error message, the LED was blinking, the N810 was hot and the battery almost empty.

spartanNTX 2008-05-09 21:29

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by qole (Post 178860)
Here's a little script to automate the removal of your current version of Modest. I would recommend using this (or something very similar) every time you upgrade or downgrade Modest, that way you don't inherit problems from previously installed versions...

Is this the preferred method as opposed to simply uninstalling modest and installing a newer version?

tso 2008-05-10 22:45

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
grumble, it seems that modest really dont like it when there are some kind of load balancing behind a pop address. while one of my accounts have no problem removing a mail thats no longer on the server, the other just keeps adding to the inbox :(

GeneralAntilles 2008-05-16 11:28

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by brontide (Post 178914)
I just updated to 19. Read status is *STILL* not transmitted correctly.

OK, quick update on this issue (was chatting with a couple of the devs on #maemo). How it should happen (apparently, I could have misunderstood), is that the read status is updated either when switching folders or closing Modest. They delay the update until either of those instances (presumably) to reduce cpu load/ram usage/network usage/ whatever.

[7:07am] <sergio> if you mark a header as read
[7:07am] <sergio> it won't be updated in the server
[7:08am] <sergio> until you select another folder
[7:08am] <sergio> or close the program of course
[7:08am] <sergio> because we delay that update until that
What seems to be happening (for some people, anyway) is that it only updates when you close Modest (in my case and in X-Fade's case specifically) and not when you change folders.

Evidently it was something that was "fixed" previously and may have cropped up again or wasn't fixed in all cases. If people experiencing this want do a little more testing (when/if updates occur, whether manually marking as read behaves differently than actual reading, etc) and report any finding to the bug #2987, it'll help the devs pinpoint the issue and get us a fix.

In any case, the issue is being looked into.

For anybody that's interested in seeing the full conversation, it's from 14:00 onward here.

brontide 2008-05-16 13:48

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 182316)
How it should happen (apparently, I could have misunderstood), is that the read status is updated either when switching folders or closing Modest. They delay the update until either of those instances (presumably) to reduce cpu load/ram usage/network usage/ whatever.

That's crazy talk. I don't get a lot of mail and have almost never left the inbox of gmail while using the n810. I do most of my mail management when at my main computer. That's why I don't see the updates as well when doing a refresh of the folder?

GeneralAntilles 2008-05-20 10:36

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
OK, sergio fixed the issue. Fix should be coming in the next public release.

macr0t0r 2008-05-20 18:16

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Read status only updated in folder-change or app closure? Hmmm....I better put in a request tonight. I'd MUCH prefer if it updated flags during the new-mail check. At least make it an option.

- Jim

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