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Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
So, I have two bootable partitions (internal/external), and the rest of the 8gb external is FAT32. What's the best way to be able to save a zipped backup then? I guess I should reformat my external card, with 2 partitions for OS and backup OS, 1 partition for memory, and the rest for FAT32. |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Hi PB,
This is my situation. (N810-OS 43-7) I cloned twice in my external 16GB First time I partitioned FAT=192MB, Swap=256MB, Ext3=remaining I got an internal memory around 15.5GB and external memory 192MB I realized that my Wayfinder uses mmc2 to set the maps and mmc2 is my 192MB So I cloned again: FAT=3GB, Swap=256MB, Ext3=remaining I got an internal memory around 12GB and external memory 3GB No more problem now with my Wayfinder. The only problem I had in both cloning is with my swap. I type "free" and I get "0". I do swapon /dev/mmcblk1p3 and I get my 256 MB, which remain in the mean time I don't turn the N810 off. If I turn it off, I loose my swap and I need to use "swapon" again. Any options? Thank you |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I managed to get swap to auto-mount on my cloned partition running Diablo. After some trials, I concluded that entries in /etc/fstab seem to be ignored at startup. Therefore, this is what I did. -Get root in terminal - Code:
nano /etc/init.d/mountswap.sh Code:
#/bin/sh -Still in the terminal, issue: Code:
update-rc.d mountswap.sh defaults Shaq |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I tried nano /etc/init.d/mountswap.sh and I get /bin/sh: nano: not found Something is missing here. I need to download something? Please note: I don't know much on this; I am following your directions kind of blind (trusting you of course):o In time: I search a bit and I found that nano is a file editor. Apparently, I don't have it in my N810. I found the repository "Maemo diablo/tools and I found nano(v.2.0.2-1osso6) in the package list. I added the repository to my installable applications. However, it is not showing in the list to install it. I will keep trying. Anytrhing could help please tell me. Still in time: I found the file in http://nitapps.com/ I downloaded it and installed. Everything works great. Just one difference: After you do Cntl O to save, to confirm is not Yes, it is Enter. Thanks a lot Shaq!!! I learnt a lot today. Just 1 question: I really edited the swapon file or I created like a "batch" file to be run at start up? Thank you!!! :):):) |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
The first line added to the swapon.sh file Code:
#/bin/sh The update-rc.d command set the swapon.sh file to start automatically. So to answer your question, you did both :) Shaq |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Just want to say that you're a rockstar, man. Just installed this for the first time tonight. Used pbeasy and followed the instructions in the NEWBIE FAQ to fix swap to make this an easy thing to do. THANK YOU!
Question though: when I plug in my N810 via USB to my PC, it says that my "removable disk" (larger FAT partition) is in use. Is this because it's partitioned? If so, aside from unplugging my card while the NIT is off, how can I transfer files to it via USB? |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Tried on my N770 with OS2008, and after entering pb
the program ran for a while then xterm responded "ESC key pressed" typed [B][U] 770 crashed. Bricked, starts to boot, then crashes. |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
pb beautifully works. The only issue was that I had to run mkswap separately out of the pb tool to make the swap partition ready.
- When running pb for the first time after boot, I got an error "sh: 1542: unknown operand" before the menu appears when pb starts. - Well, the line number changes. Other times, I got 1473 and 1480. - Once a new partition is created, pb asks to format it. After the format, however, the partition is not recognized, and I had to run Scan menu separately to make the partition usable in the tool. Strangely, boot menu timeout doesn't work. Isn't it the time the boot menu waits user input for the selection of the partition to boot until it "automatically" boots from the default boot partition if there is no user input? I have waited just so long like several minutes and nothing happens... - I had to use initfs_flash separately to make the timeout work. Bye the way, when making a tarball backup, why can't a partition other than ext2/3 be chosen to store the tarball? It looks when restoring, it is possible to read from a tarball in a vfat partition. - I read previous posts and find out write to vfat is not supported yet. One question I have is, is it Ok to put the swap partition on the same card to boot from? I have N810, and since I wanted to leave the internal mmc as it is, I put both the boot partition and the swap partition on the external card. I think this will have a bit of performance loss, but other than that, is it free from any potential problems? By the way, thank you very much for such an excellent tool! I'm not a Linux expert at all, but this tool made a complex technical task a breeze. |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
You can put swap on same, but I believe it would be better performance to put on another card if available. No other issues with doing that. |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
@ Penguinbait
Hi, why aren't your excellent Console Tools mentioned in the wiki on cloning to a flash card ? I think they should be ! Questions on that wiki are common, and advice to use Console Tools in usually appreciated ! |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I ran into some problems with backing up to a ext2 or ext3 partition and decided to uninstall console-tools. I then cleaned up the directory in /root/ where some files were stored.
Now, when I reboot the device, I still get Linus Torvalds talking to me. Where is that file and what is playing it? |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p...&postcount=136 |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
No, unfortunately. I found that post earlier, but Penguinbait doesn't address the other poster's question on where the wave file is located. I'd also be curious to know what program was playing the wave file after console-tools was removed. It doesn't appear to replace the Nokia startup sound, so one has to wonder.
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Are there any dependencies in console-tools that would get broken by the "new" community SSU? Same question: re: telescope. I re-flashed my N800 a couple of weeks ago (to clean out the crud:o) After getting a large portion of my apps etc installed (including the above) I went to use console-tools to clone to my internal SD. PBeasy partitioned the SD (1GB) w/o a hitch. After the reboot the Clone process from PBeasy got to the "cloning" progress bar and then started reporting "invalid options" errors. I have since re-flashed to the base OS (47-3 ?) and prior to installing anything, I successfully cloned and booted to the SD...:cool: Now to re-install my apps.... Thank You Snoshrk [update] Success |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I have been able to backup after installing Community SSU but I haven't had to clone. If I have time this weekend I'll give it a rip and let you know how I make out if you have no answer by then.
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I just now ordered some batteries for my 810's.
Maybe I can help out in a few weeks once I get them. |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
[Update] Success! I finally got it to work.... between partition clones need to be done from FLASH....missed that part...
Thanks Snoshrk |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Well I ordered two batterys for 17$ and one of them works, the other was the wrong battery.
Anyway, I immediately wiped my 810 and loaded the latest SSU and then the community SSU. I then installed console-tools and attempted a clone. First using pb and I was unable to complete the process, for some reason I was not able to clone from flash as the source, somethings goofy. I also see there has been some change to ps on the busybox and it throughs a few errors. I then ran pbeasy, partitioned, cloned, updated and installed bootmenu. There seems to be some problem with this task too. As well as the swap enablement. Once the clone finished, I rebooted and ran pb, then ran the swap process, then updated and reinstalled bootmenu, it rebooted and all was fine, booting came up with swap enabled. I still think the timeout for bootmenu is not working correctly. Fact is console-tools is not working any longer as it was intended and needs some updating to be used with the latest version of OS. |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I was having the same problem getting KDE to run on community SSU because it looks like "ps -ef" is no longer working in Community SSU. I have filed a bug.
You can work around this ps errors while running console-tools under Community SSU and also make it so KDE will run without issue by creating a script to run ps. Open xterm and become root and run the following commands. echo "/bin/ps" > /usr/bin/ps chmod +x /usr/bin/ps This will fix the ps error and KDE problems starting under community SSU. |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I noticed in the pbeasy partition menu, that the two partitioning questions are exactly the same. That is, it is asking me what to partition for the FAT windows system... however, the outcome does work because the first input maps to the windows system and the second input maps to swap. I downloaded from the first page of this thread. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks!
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
@ Eladon
Concerning swap. When rebuilding my system the NEWBIE FAQ , http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p...&postcount=168 , was a GREAT help, as I had forgotten a lot. But I spent a long time implementing swap. The reason, I am to much of a beginner to remember that " mkswap /dev/mmcblk1p4 " (e.g) has to be executed first. Let me suggest that you add that info to the NEWBIE FAQ ? And thanks for the FAQ ! |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
[ N810, diablo 43-7 ]
Re: Bootmenu, as installed by console tools. My N810:s behave differently, also after upgrade to Fanoush's bootmenu. I have two N810:s , both reflashed, with console tools installed, and with two cloned systems on the internal mmc. On both, at reboot, bootmenu asks me to press "menu". On the newer one, this is necessary within about a second. On the older one, the bootmenu now as always appears waiting for selection WITHOUT "menu" being pressed. ?? |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Maybe few people still interested in the old devices but both links in 1st post to download console-tools.deb are failing :(
Now I am trying to configure a N800 which never was "hacked", in th e same way that I have a N810 years ago, moreover I have backup of many files from my old times as Maemo User but I don't have this file :( |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
You could try the other method which doesn't use that file. http://maemo.qzx.com/#clone
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
your lucky day daperezg...
penguinbait is possibly down again...but...it should be fully accessible via wayback machine at internet archive. The last time he was down and came back I decided... perhaps... a small backup was necessary....pretty much everything with copied text instructions in fact. and just by chance I uploaded it along with a few other tidbits a couple of days ago for those who wished or needed all those eclectic cool stuffs... http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=94729 Update: Penguinbait's blog...Tablethacker.com domain is for sale ...so it appears he is gone for good ...the only options are through wayback machine and it is possible that the links inside for the needed progs will not work...though the text is valuable. Regardless the link above or the same link which is 3rd in my signature will take you to the post with my google drive which has the self same text and programs which have been saved under "penguinbait" |
Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Considering Penguinbait's tablethacker.com is up for sale...it appears it is past the point of no return.
That being said... Already there is an impact . His works that valuable in my opinion. people still need them. People are still buying n800's and n810's and people are still using them. And as long as they do there will always be the need for penguinbait's works I believe. I can host the files and text on my google drive for a while ...but not indefinitely a more permanent solution is needed. Is it at all possible to bring this stuff into the maemo fold if it is ok with penguinbait? Perhaps set up a small corner here at tmo for all this stuff? It isn't a huge amount of text and programs ...but the work is significant, valuable, and is still greatly needed by n800 and n810 users. |
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