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tso 2009-01-14 20:33

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
i dont recall if its been asked but is it possible to hijack youtube urls so that mytube gets it and takes care of the download?

qole 2009-01-14 22:37

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
A related question is: Can mYTube take a YouTube URL as a parameter?

I think it would be good to have a text box in mYTube where you can paste these URLs, too.

luca 2009-01-14 22:59

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by qole (Post 257658)
I think it would be good to have a text box in mYTube where you can paste these URLs, too.

It has a "paste youtube url" menu option.

buhao 2009-01-15 02:24

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I have been using this package for a while now and was really not missing some of the things it lacked. Then yesterday it stopped being faster than the default engine. Has anyone else had this happen? Any ideas as to why it would be wicked fast for a while and then crap out after a week? I have considered reflashing, but i would rather not if i can avoid it.

iskarion 2009-01-15 11:36

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by buhao (Post 257709)
Then yesterday it stopped being faster than the default engine. Has anyone else had this happen?.

Did you double check if you are really still using the Webkit engine? If the Webkit Engine is crashing, the browser is automatically switching back to the default engine
and you have to manually select the Webkit engine again in the Webkit settings tool.

tso 2009-01-15 14:06

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by iskarion (Post 257759)
Did you double check if you are really still using the Webkit engine? If the Webkit Engine is crashing, the browser is automatically switching back to the default engine
and you have to manually select the Webkit engine again in the Webkit settings tool.

a "simple" closing of all browser windows will bring webkit back as default, in my experience.

but yes, if the page takes strangely long to load, then webkit have probably crashed and browserd is bringing microb into action instead.

iirc, was not browser crashing what browserd was supposed to counteract? maybe tell it to damn well bring webkit up if webkit is selected as the engine ;)

vtolkov 2009-01-15 18:37

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I can't make it working. It just says Updating whatever engine I choose. Reboot does not help.

tso 2009-01-15 18:52

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
you sure browserd is running?

mooler 2009-01-15 18:55

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by vtolkov (Post 257849)
I can't make it working. It just says Updating whatever engine I choose. Reboot does not help.

same problem here. I uninstalled webkit and MicroB still doesnt work

mobiledivide 2009-01-15 19:06

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I tried going back to MicroB today and I simply can't, webkit is just too much faster even with the minor annoyances. This browser update has me back to carrying the tablet around every day, great work indeed. Over bluetooth EDGE microB seemed painfully slow, the Webkit engine makes EDGE almost pleasurable to use.

buhao 2009-01-15 20:01

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by iskarion (Post 257759)
Did you double check if you are really still using the Webkit engine? If the Webkit Engine is crashing, the browser is automatically switching back to the default engine
and you have to manually select the Webkit engine again in the Webkit settings tool.

I wish that was my problem then it would be a simple fix. W ebkit is definatly the engine because 1. kinetic scrolling 2. % instead of elements when loading. It looks like i am headed for a reflash. oh well.

vtolkov 2009-01-16 02:40

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by vtolkov (Post 257849)
I can't make it working. It just says Updating whatever engine I choose. Reboot does not help.

Somehow I managed to run it. I've uninstalled and installed it again a couple of times with reboots in between. I do not know why it wasn't working at the first place.

There are some minor and major problems I see:
1. It does not ask for the password when site requires basic authorization. So the only workaround is to specify user/password in URL.
2. After the experiments with webkit I noticed, that tablet now drains battery quickly. In fact, battery is empty after a night in offline sleep, which was not a case before. I can't take it anywhere, it needs charging all the time. Why would that?

buhao 2009-01-16 16:51

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Ended up doing a reflash and it seems to be working again. Just a heads up to pronvit, or whorver is developing it, it would load the page to what seemed like a random percentage, between 50-80, and then sit there at that point for a long time. Then it would load 1% more and sit for a while. I have no clue what it was, but it made the browser slower than the default. Running again and happy to have my browser sans scrollbars back.

tso 2009-01-16 17:47

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
could it be some kind of javascript issue?

was it just a single page, or all pages?

oh, and right now there is no way to stop webkit from loading flash elements. im not sure if that could result in such a issue but still...

luca 2009-01-16 17:51

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
It does it all the time here, I thought it was normal

casper27 2009-01-16 18:04

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Maybe a Newb question but all seems to have gone ok with the install and can choose in the webkit settings which browser to use but when I open the browser all looks the same ie menus shortcuts ect. Seems alot faster loading but is there anyway in the browser to tell that you are actually running webkit instead of micro B?
Thanks again for your work on this :-)

BrentDC 2009-01-16 18:20

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

The way I know which browser I'm using is the loading progress bar: with Microb, the bar loads out of elements/kb's, while Webkit always loads out of percent (so Microb can be x/x while Webkit is always x/100).

Also, with Microb go to : see where the more arrow is? Now check that same page with Webkit (Thank you for webkit, pronvit, that always bothered me w/Microb!).

casper27 2009-01-16 18:41

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Thanks BrentDC I looked at the percentage and could tell the difference. Cheers

jmjanzen 2009-01-16 18:47

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
personally, i'm not seeing much of a speed difference with webkit. just thought i'd put that out there. kinetic scrolling is the only benefit i can see, which is fun, but it's outweighed by the lack of "right-click" functionality for saving images, opening links in new windows, and copying and pasting from the web. i'm sticking with gecko for now.

concerning copy-and-paste: this can be done via the app menu, of course, but when i tried this yesterday i found the "paste" option grayed out in xterm. i guess that qualifies clipboard functionality as a missing feature.

tso 2009-01-16 19:30

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
more like a hit or miss feature, sometimes i have seen selected text loose "focus" when the onscreen keyboard is displayed (my usual way of doing copy, owning a N800) but im unsure if that was only webkit, or if i have seen that behavior in microb as well...

buhao 2009-01-16 20:38

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
OK, i decided to do some data collection after jmjanzen's last comment. I wanted to see if webkit made my bookmarks load faster. In my observation it seemed to render them a lot faster, but I wanted to check it out with a simple test. So i started with microb/gecko and loaded each of my bookmarks one at a time, closing the browser after each instance (i will call this a cold start). Then for my second test I went through them with the browser already open to see how much of it was the browser starting up (warm start). Then I did the same with Webkit enabled. Here is what I found. All observations are in seconds

webpage gecko (cold/warm) Webkit (cold/warm) 50/40 55/50 15/10 17/10 20/12 17/12 50/45 28/21 12/8 12/8 30/20 25/22 55/45 35/26

I was a little shocked at the results. Webkit seemed so much faster in my day to day use. Maybe I was going to engadget and other javascript heavy pages more than my bookmarks, as it does seem to make a difference there.

BrentDC 2009-01-16 22:59

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by buhao (Post 258134)
OK, i decided to do some data collection after jmjanzen's last comment. I wanted to see if webkit made my bookmarks load faster. In my observation it seemed to render them a lot faster, but I wanted to check it out with a simple test. So i started with microb/gecko and loaded each of my bookmarks one at a time, closing the browser after each instance (i will call this a cold start). Then for my second test I went through them with the browser already open to see how much of it was the browser starting up (warm start). Then I did the same with Webkit enabled. Here is what I found. All observations are in seconds

webpage gecko (cold/warm) Webkit (cold/warm) 50/40 55/50 15/10 17/10 20/12 17/12 50/45 28/21 12/8 12/8 30/20 25/22 55/45 35/26

I was a little shocked at the results. Webkit seemed so much faster in my day to day use. Maybe I was going to engadget and other javascript heavy pages more than my bookmarks, as it does seem to make a difference there.

How did you measure this? Did you do it by CPU usage (via something like load-applet) or just by the loading progress bar?

I ask this because Microb often is still loading the page after the progress bar goes away, while webkit on the other hand, removes the progress bar once the webpage has loaded completely. Could this explain things? :)

Edit: I just tested and the CPU was pegged at 100% for 18 seconds after Microb reported the website "Done Loading" by hiding the loading bar. Microb is cheating! :eek:

buhao 2009-01-16 23:33

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I just went until it seemed to stop loading the page. Sometimes this was hard to tell on microb because of the amount of elements constantly increasing. I may redo the test and wait for the status CPU usage to drop down. On some pages (google maps) i went until the "loading" disappeared from the top of the screen. I know it is less than scientific, but i thought it would help me decide which one was worth using.

Bundyo 2009-01-16 23:40

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 258171)
Edit: I just tested and the CPU was pegged at 100% for 18 seconds after Microb reported the website "Done Loading" by hiding the loading bar. Microb is cheating! :eek:

I won't call running javascript cheating - doubt that WebKit counts it too. Its another thing that js in Webkit is much faster than in the more than a year old Gecko engine in MicroB...

migs 2009-01-17 00:20

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Webkit engine is amazing. One thing though, when I try to navigate links with my N800's 5-way or when I have a usb keyboard connected, the links do not highlight like microb does.

BrentDC 2009-01-17 01:04

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 258183)
I won't call running javascript cheating - doubt that WebKit counts it too. Its another thing that js in Webkit is much faster than in the more than a year old Gecko engine in MicroB...

Isn't that the point? Speed of a browser basically involves three things:

1) Downloading the raw data
2) Rendering the page (interpreting the HTML, CSS, etc.)
3) Executing the Javascipt.

Of course, there are probably others, but those are the big ones...

When we crown a champion of the "faster web browser" would it not be unfair to exclude one of the major things that determine "speed"? Maybe MicroB isn't cheating by executing javascipt, but we are cheating webkit by not including this (very important) determinate of speed into the equation.

I tested Webkit on; CPU usage dropped 1-2 seconds after webkit indicated the page was done loading.

Benson 2009-01-18 17:56

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
GMail (AJAX version) is perhaps the ultimate test of ECMAscript-heavy performance. Here come numbers, with two connections: WiFi->cable->internet, ~2Mbit, ~60ms, and DUN->EDGE->internet, ~200kbit, ~450ms. (Pings are to the (nearest, one hopes)

All tests run in portrait, windowed, with no other apps up, and CPU clocked at 400.

00:51 cold to inbox fully displayed.
00:30 home page to inbox fully displayed.
01:43 cold to inbox fully displayed.
01:28 home page to inbox fully displayed.

00:41 cold to inbox fully displayed.
00:35 home page to inbox fully displayed.
01:24 cold to inbox fully displayed.
01:21 home page to inbox fully displayed.

It surprises me that on a high-bandwidth, low-latency link, MicroB can actually win. (I reran that test; it's reproducible.) I can't imagine it's being slicker with the scripting, but that leaves the notion that it's more network-efficient when efficiency doesn't matter, but somehow losing that advantage when it should be more visible. :confused:

Major edit: Just figured out why webkit lost here, and why I like it better; it's using the full, themable, new version of Gmail! (Which has a light-on-dark color scheme, much easier on the (i.e., my, no flamage needed!) eyes, hence my preference.) So... not quite sure how to rope one of them into changing for a head-to-head, but I don't really care; webkit's still thrashing MicroB in 3 of 4 conditions, and that with a heavier load!

luca 2009-01-18 18:20

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
When gmail introduced the new interface, it was unuseable with microb. I guess google found out and now they don't even give the option with microb.
With webkit there's a link to use the old interface.

buhao 2009-01-18 19:36

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I still have not totally figured out what it is i like more about using webkit. I first thought it was the speed, but then my tests kinda killed that. The kinetic scrolling is very good on it, and the % rather than elements is a plus as well, but not being able to download or open in a new window are definately missed. It also seems like it is very good at recognizing where i am tapping. I hate trying to tap a link like 4 times before saying screw it and grabbing the stylus.

qole 2009-01-19 18:48

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 258183)
... Its another thing that [javascript] in Webkit is much faster than in the more than a year old Gecko engine in MicroB...

This of course makes me wonder if someone could do for Gecko what pronvit did for WebKit; basically, replace MicroB's tired old engine with a new Gecko engine.

GeneralAntilles 2009-01-19 18:54

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by qole (Post 258657)
This of course makes me wonder if someone could do for Gecko what pronvit did for WebKit; basically, replace MicroB's tired old engine with a new Gecko engine.

If somebody could harass the MicroB svn into building and running. . . .

jmjanzen 2009-01-19 19:09

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by buhao (Post 258475)
... It also seems like it is very good at recognizing where i am tapping. I hate trying to tap a link like 4 times before saying screw it and grabbing the stylus.

i wasn't sure if i was just imagining it or not, but i agree. webkit does seem to recognize taps better, which is a very good thing.

meizirkki 2009-01-19 20:22

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by buhao (Post 258134)
OK, i decided to do some data collection after jmjanzen's last comment. I wanted to see if webkit made my bookmarks load faster. In my observation it seemed to render them a lot faster, but I wanted to check it out with a simple test. So i started with microb/gecko and loaded each of my bookmarks one at a time, closing the browser after each instance (i will call this a cold start). Then for my second test I went through them with the browser already open to see how much of it was the browser starting up (warm start). Then I did the same with Webkit enabled. Here is what I found. All observations are in seconds

webpage gecko (cold/warm) Webkit (cold/warm) 50/40 55/50 15/10 17/10 20/12 17/12 50/45 28/21 12/8 12/8 30/20 25/22 55/45 35/26

I was a little shocked at the results. Webkit seemed so much faster in my day to day use. Maybe I was going to engadget and other javascript heavy pages more than my bookmarks, as it does seem to make a difference there.

I really think this test does not tell the reality about how fast is the browsing...

Both engines take about same time to download all needed data and "about" same time to get all the elements of the page completely and correctly shown.

But when using WebKit, the page looks complete and itT in classic-theme can be scrolled and used when it's about 70% loaded. Sometimes i found link i was looking for when the page is not fully loaded and i have to wait until it's complete to avoid freezing, that sometimes happens. With Microb, finger-scroll is mostly unusable before the page is fully loaded.

Opening itT main page...

Scales images and puts elements to their places.. the page looks like it's fully loaded when it's really only 70%.

It loads and loads. some of the elements appear at the last second the loading-status thing disappears, like "Custom Google Search". Sometimes i have to wait forever to use that search.

iamthewalrus 2009-01-19 23:24

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I wonder what the difference in speed would be with some speed tweaks enabled for Microb.

buhao 2009-01-24 17:41

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Here is my latest experience with this package. The problem I described before (post 284)started happenig again. This site was one of the worst to visit. It would partially load and then stop with the background of all of the latest posts orange. I thought about timing how long it did it for, but I knew it was over a minute and made for a terrible browsing experience.

I am now back to using microb and the speed seems OK. What I miss most is thewell implemented kinetic scrolling and the ability to remove the scrollbars. If anyone knows of a way to do this on microb, please let me know. It is nice to have the ability to download and "right click" again. Also I noticed that there is an entry remaining in gconf editor for webkit after uninstalling. Is there a way to remove it? When the next version is available I will make sure to give it a go.

iamthewalrus 2009-01-24 18:51

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by buhao (Post 259685)
I am now back to using microb and the speed seems OK. What I miss most is thewell implemented kinetic scrolling and the ability to remove the scrollbars. If anyone knows of a way to do this on microb, please let me know..

The scrollbars can be removed in Microb by tweaking userContent.css. See the ITT wiki. there is no kinetic scrolling afaik.

inoshishi 2009-01-25 14:27

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I'm trying to install webkit-eal (no previous install) but it seems that I just can't get it to work.

As I haven't installed any of the previous versions, I skipped the instructions from

I've downloaded the latest webkit-eal (0.0.10) from the garage project web page and installed it as root, with dpkg

Now I have a webkit setting application that has a dropbox with microb or webkit (none is selected by default, so I'm not sure which one is currently selected), I choose webkit, start my browser but it seems it's still using gecko ( says gecko and acid3 reaches 55/100).

I've tried removing and reinstalling webkit-eal, rebooting my n810 and sometimes, if I do /etc/init.d/tablet-browser-daemon stop, change the settings and then start the daemon again, i get some errors on my console that show that I'm using webkit, but all pages crash so I just can't use the browser. If I relaunch the browser it seems it's using gecko again.

Did I forget to install a package (that would not be listed as a dependency of the webkit-eal package) ?
Is there a sure way to see if we're using microb or webkit (gconf setting, command line parameter to webkit-settings, ...) ?
Any suggestions on how to solve my problem ?

buhao 2009-01-25 16:09

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
@ inoshishi: Only thing i can think of is making sure you have latest os2008 installed. I have installed and uninstalled many times always by installing from file in application manager and never had the problems you are having. There is no need to be root. I always have to reboot to get it to work though.

inoshishi 2009-01-25 17:22

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by buhao (Post 259803)
I have installed and uninstalled many times always by installing from file in application manager

I've just deleted, rebooted, reinstalled, rebooted using the application manager (and not dpkg) and it works flawlessly...

I don't know what the nokia app manager does that dpkg does not do, but that solved my problem, thanks.

meizirkki 2009-01-25 18:45

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
oh, i never use app-manager to install this...

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