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bjkel 2009-06-11 05:18

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by rogue_ronin (Post 295513)
Somebody care to make me clear on this?

I keep getting the Chinese message + ! (ie: some sort of failure.)

What I've done:

1) On a 1GB SD card (FAT 32), I've placed the mer-0.14testing2.SmartQ7 image.

2) Renamed the image to SmartQ7.

3) Placed into device. While device is off, hold down Menu/Function button and plug in charger. Device shows orange LED (for firmware flash mode, I assume.)

4) I get the "!" message.

5) Remove SD card, rename image to SmartQ5 on my laptop.

6) Repeat (3) above.

7) I get the "!" message.

I'm currently downloading the v2.0 Chinese firmware. I'll try it with that, but the download will take about 4 hours...

I'm doing this from a Xubuntu Linux machine -- could the FAT formatting on the SD card be wrong somehow? I suppose I could have a wonky SD reader in the device...

Do I need to use the SDUpdateTool on the image first?

Thanks for any pointers,

m a r

ps: just trying to get this thing up again -- borked my xorg.conf and it won't boot... any OS will do at this point...

When I fixed mine I had two images on the sdcard, same file but renamed one to SmartQ5. Followed Bezeen instructions precisely.

And yeah, that chinese language to english. I knew of that instruction page, but took me ages to work out where that file was to change. :)

rogue_ronin 2009-06-11 13:56

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Installation problem was the format on the card. Really strange -- I used cfdisk to make a new FAT32 partition, then mkfs.vfat to make a FAT32 file system.

Xubuntu saw the card, automounted it, copied files, etc. But when I redid the cfdisk, partition was missing. No matter how often I remade it, I couldn't keep a partition table.

But the SD card would work, appear in the file manager, mount, unmount etc. It even showed up as an exported Hard Disk when I connected the Q7 to my laptop via USB.


Anyway, can't mount an SD card via my built-in card-reader to my Virtual Machine of Win2k to format it in Windows. What to do?

Answer: format the card in my digital camera, then ditch the folders. Voila.

Anyhow, once that was over with, Mer installed fine.

So far, it's alright. I've never loved Hildon. And Midori hangs on gmail -- just chokes. Probably because there's only 128 MB of RAM, I guess. Looking forward to the Tear browser -- I've heard good things.

I'll keep trying it out though. I'd like to pop more of the GPE environment on there. I assume it's not using GDM or the equivalent -- how is login managed?

Thanks for the suggestions; and thanks for Mer.

m a r

bezeen 2009-06-11 17:17

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 295182)
You can install fbreader with command line


apt-get install fbreader
It installs from ubuntu repositories, so it is not available in application manager. It might be necessary to configure by hand full screen/rotate/next page/prev page, but you get the same functionality as hildonized fbreader. Similar situation is for evince.

For mplayer, it might be best to apt-get install mplayer, but then copy mplayer binary and two modules s3c_mfc.ko and s3c_pp.ko from original image. This version uses hardware video acceleration so it can play higher quality videos.

My apt-get tests
Fbreader works - enter key to fullscreen (i will look into key on this weekend)
cbrpager works - but the icons build a tower in the middle of the screen and leave very little space for the pics -should be fixable...
mplayer - No releases for mplayer in jaunty armel have yet been published.
gxine - error with libglu1-mesa (a think it was) on test build 2 (0.14) a will try again on test b7
vlc - just to big (couldnt -f install vlc) after installing mer was broken - could have been "-f remove gxine" if a cant get xine to work a will try vlc again
evince - installed and opened .cdr (rar comics) i played around and a got a error (perhaps doing a little much at the same time - trying to install things and...)
some small things like unrar was easy to install - only hardware intensive apps like videoplayer gave me problem - so - just look at launchpad

and see if you find something you would like to try to install (sudo apt-get install *apps*)

a question:
has anybody any experience of libswfdec or gnash?
could you get youtube and other flash sites to work - i like to get my swedish tv site to work - it would be great to have this small device to catch up on the news...

bezeen 2009-06-11 19:36

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by bezeen (Post 295686)
My apt-get tests
Fbreader works - enter key to fullscreen (i will look into key on this weekend)
cbrpager works - but the icons build a tower in the middle of the screen and leave very little space for the pics -should be fixable...
mplayer - No releases for mplayer in jaunty armel have yet been published.
gxine - error with libglu1-mesa (a think it was) on test build 2 (0.14) a will try again on test b7
vlc - just to big (couldnt -f install vlc) after installing mer was broken - could have been "-f remove gxine" if a cant get xine to work a will try vlc again
some small things like unrar was easy to install - only hardware intensive apps like videoplayer gave me problem - so - just look at launchpad

and see if you find something you would like to try to install (sudo apt-get install *apps*)

a question:
has anybody any experience of libswfdec or gnash?
could you get youtube and other flash sites to work - i like to get my swedish tv site to work - it would be great to have this small device to catch up on the news...

Gnash also gets a error on libglu1-mesa_7.4-ubuntu3_armel.deb
is this related to the hw drives (whats not optimized yet) or can it be fixed with the right libs?

(vlc seems to break mer - installed vlc-nox and then on reboot i get stuck on login (ubuntu 9.04 * tty1 - * login: )

bezeen 2009-06-11 21:37

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
I've tried;
does anybody knows any other videoplayer i could try...

DannyBiker 2009-06-11 21:37

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
My unofficial SmartQ board will be up this Sunday (beginning of next week if I'm late). If some of you are interested in writing FAQ's and Tutorials, it would be greatly appreciated. For the moment, I'm collecting bits of information wherever I can but as I don't own the device yet (will do at the end of June), it's still a bit blurry for me...:)

geneven 2009-06-11 22:02

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Thank you, O pioneers!

I don't have a SmartQ tablet yet, but it is exciting to read about your struggles and successes.

Is this the best (only) place to read about the new SmartQ developments?

I will certainly check out DannyBiker's site when it is available.

celtica96 2009-06-11 22:07

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 295833)
Thank you, O pioneers!

I don't have a SmartQ tablet yet, but it is exciting to read about your struggles and successes.

Is this the best (only) place to read about the new SmartQ developments?

I will certainly check out DannyBiker's site when it is available.

The thread at is pretty good but targeted at a more general user:

I look forward to having you join the party!:D

Matan 2009-06-11 22:07

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by bezeen (Post 295826)
I've tried;
does anybody knows any other videoplayer i could try...

Try mplayer as follows:

Copy from original firmware three files:

run ldd /usr/bin/mplayer
See what libraries are missing, find to which packages they belong, and apt-ger install them (all are available).
After every boot insmod the two modules, make sure the device files are accessible to the user, and then you can use mplayer.

If those instructions are not enough, I'll add the details in a few days, when I get the chance to do it again.

rogue_ronin 2009-06-12 11:16

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Anyone know how to get a USB keyboard working at the command-line? Mer sometimes crashes out, and I'm left at the console, with no keyboard.

Is it a kernel module?

m a r

Rebski 2009-06-12 13:45

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
The Viliv 7 has been announced and the price of $600 is OK. It looks like it is a superb device but I would rather wait for about 9 months for the second generation Intel hardware to be incorporated and for Windows 7 to be installed.

Furthermore that will also allow time for Mer to show what it is capable of.

In the meantime, a SmartQ 7 for the PayPal amount of $251.80 delivered will see me through nicely. I have ordered one today and look forward to joining the groundswell of Mer support for the device.

Also it is likely to be only a short matter of time before it gets Android support and I suspect that will satisfy me too. WinCE is coming but that doesn’t really interest.

Isn’t it great to have such choice and potential though? This is more like it. And I can finally wave bye bye to Nokia! Exciting times for sure.

Benson 2009-06-12 15:09

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by rogue_ronin (Post 295644)
Installation problem was the format on the card. Really strange -- I used cfdisk to make a new FAT32 partition, then mkfs.vfat to make a FAT32 file system.

Xubuntu saw the card, automounted it, copied files, etc. But when I redid the cfdisk, partition was missing. No matter how often I remade it, I couldn't keep a partition table.

Sounds like you may have been making a filesystem on the whole-disk device, instead of the partition.
SD cards can be formatted with a naked filesystem (like a floppy disk traditionally is) or with a partition table and one or more partitions with filesystems in them (like a hard disk), with only minor usability implications for most purposes, but some special cases depend on having it one way or the other. If you do something like

cfdisk /dev/sdc
mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc

you put a partition table on, but then immediately overwrite the partition table with a whole-disk filesystem.
You should do something more like:

cfdisk /dev/sdc
mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1

to put the filesystem in the partitioned space.

celtica96 2009-06-12 15:27

SmartDevices SmartQ 7

Originally Posted by Rebski (Post 296011)
In the meantime, a SmartQ 7 for the PayPal amount of $251.80 delivered will see me through nicely. I have ordered one today and look forward to joining the groundswell of Mer support for the device.

Thanks for jumping in with your purchase of the SmartQ 7! The more folks who get involved, the stronger the base.

You may want to check this thread for information on hardware, software, and accessories:

I definitely recommend buying the listed 16GB MicroCenter SDHC card as a starter because of the very limited storage on the Q7.
Besides it's only $30 plus shipping.

I can vouch for this 16GB card but I'm not sure about the 32GB cards. Some users are having difficulty with them.

rogue_ronin 2009-06-12 15:27

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by kekegg (Post 294255)
I just realized that other devices have arrow keys but there are no such on Smart Q7. Is it possible to map '+' '-' to arrows or add them on top of soft keyboard?

It's matchbox-keyboard, right? If so, no problem to add arrow buttons...

Matchbox-Keyboard README

In fact, the new Q7 firmware has arrow keys on the keyboard (matchbox).

Rebski 2009-06-12 15:45

Re: SmartDevices SmartQ 7

Originally Posted by celtica96 (Post 296020)
Thanks for jumping in with your purchase of the SmartQ 7! The more folks who get involved, the stronger the base.

You may want to check this thread for information on hardware, software, and accessories:

I definitely recommend buying the listed 16GB MicroCenter SDHC card as a starter because of the very limited storage on the Q7.
Besides it's only $30 plus shipping.

I can vouch for this 16GB card but I'm not sure about the 32GB cards. Some users are having difficulty with them.

yes I take your point. It is probably best to keep this forum for Mer discussion and mobileread for discussion specific to the SmartQ.

See you over there.

B_Lizzard 2009-06-12 20:16

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
The Q5 seems like a very interesting device - considering the price and all. But, I haven't been able to find any conclusive and/or in-depth reviews of the device (especially the hardware), leaving me with a lot of questions.

First of all, what's the status on hardware support under Linux at this point, specifically the audio/video acceleration parts and the 2D/3D acceleration parts? Should we expect good sound quality from this device, similar to dedicated MP3 players (Cowon comes to mind)?

What's the battery life on this thing? What's the runtime when using the Q5 exclusively as an MP3 player?

Does it feel flimsy or not? Any issues with the build?

The Q5 and Q7 would benefit greatly from having a central, english-speaking forum or wiki of some kind, some place where all available information could be gathered.

Also, thanks for working on Mer for the Q5. It certainly looks great!


bezeen 2009-06-12 23:19

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 295835)
Try mplayer as follows:

Copy from original firmware three files:

run ldd /usr/bin/mplayer
See what libraries are missing, find to which packages they belong, and apt-ger install them (all are available).
After every boot insmod the two modules, make sure the device files are accessible to the user, and then you can use mplayer.

If those instructions are not enough, I'll add the details in a few days, when I get the chance to do it again.

Not enough for me - i need graphics :)
libs missing by download pack names (then you use "sudo apt-get install):

libenca0 (last letter is zero)
libmad0 (last letter is zero)

I've done everything and i think mplayer works but i'm not a xterm person (i get the help text then a type mplayer in xterm)...

smplayer and gnome-mplayer doesnt see my mplayer install - so - howto fool ubuntu to accept my handmade install...

geneven 2009-06-12 23:34

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by B_Lizzard (Post 296128)
The Q5 seems like a very interesting device - considering the price and all. But, I haven't been able to find any conclusive and/or in-depth reviews of the device (especially the hardware), leaving me with a lot of questions.

First of all, what's the status on hardware support under Linux at this point, specifically the audio/video acceleration parts and the 2D/3D acceleration parts? Should we expect good sound quality from this device, similar to dedicated MP3 players (Cowon comes to mind)?

What's the battery life on this thing? What's the runtime when using the Q5 exclusively as an MP3 player?

Does it feel flimsy or not? Any issues with the build?

The Q5 and Q7 would benefit greatly from having a central, english-speaking forum or wiki of some kind, some place where all available information could be gathered.

Also, thanks for working on Mer for the Q5. It certainly looks great!


You saw the YouTube presentations, right, and the discussion on the Mobilread forums?

I just wrote to the site that sells 'em, and they were incredibly prompt with a response. I hardly had time to drum my fingers impatiently.

Of course a central english-speaking forum or wiki would be great. (Someone start a site and I will be there!) But if you wait till that happens, you will miss out on some of the fun.

rogue_ronin 2009-06-13 15:13

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 296017)
Sounds like you may have been making a filesystem on the whole-disk device, instead of the partition.
SD cards can be formatted with a naked filesystem (like a floppy disk traditionally is) or with a partition table and one or more partitions with filesystems in them (like a hard disk), with only minor usability implications for most purposes, but some special cases depend on having it one way or the other. If you do something like

cfdisk /dev/sdc
mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc

you put a partition table on, but then immediately overwrite the partition table with a whole-disk filesystem.
You should do something more like:

cfdisk /dev/sdc
mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1

to put the filesystem in the partitioned space.

That sounds like the answer. 'Course, a couple of times, I didn't mkfs.vfat at all, I did it in gparted and trusted it to handle things. It was definitely a pain -- but I'll keep what you say here in mind for the next time. Between this, and the SmartQ5 rename thing, it was a bad couple of hours... :)

m a r

bezeen 2009-06-13 17:40

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by bezeen (Post 296172)
Not enough for me - i need graphics :)
libs missing by download pack names (then you use "sudo apt-get install):

libenca0 (last letter is zero)
libmad0 (last letter is zero)

I've done everything and i think mplayer works but i'm not a xterm person (i get the help text then a type mplayer in xterm)...

smplayer and gnome-mplayer doesnt see my mplayer install - so - howto fool ubuntu to accept my handmade install...

mplayer - no sound - no video
i have the player going on on xterm (video and mp3) - seeing
starting playback...
A:153... and so on...

and yes - i've done insmod...

And i copy smplayer bin from smartq7 firmware and did the ldd - it needed
but as i'm stuck with non working mplayer (and i cant get smplayer to work - the install doesnt see mplayer) i think i could be something missing in your (Matan) install instruction

Matan 2009-06-13 18:21

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
If you are only reporting, OK.

If you ask for help, then "... and so on..." is not enough. Copy all the output text from running mplayer to where it is available and post a link.

No video - did you run mplayer as root, or made sure the user has permission to access (rw) the /dev/s3c-* files?

No audio - by default the speaker is disabled, either use headphones, or insert and remove headphones (which enables the speaker), or enable it by

echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/hhtech_gpio/speaker_en

bezeen 2009-06-13 20:06

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 296352)
If you are only reporting, OK.

If you ask for help, then "... and so on..." is not enough. Copy all the output text from running mplayer to where it is available and post a link.

No video - did you run mplayer as root, or made sure the user has permission to access (rw) the /dev/s3c-* files?

No audio - by default the speaker is disabled, either use headphones, or insert and remove headphones (which enables the speaker), or enable it by

echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/hhtech_gpio/speaker_en

I'm sorry if i gave a impression that i done this before - i have never ever been involved in any kind of linux or anything like code slaving...

I'm a total noob - sorry - i just wanted to help not to sink evolution.

And to the report - installing headphone gave me sound!
on both mp3 and video (no screen yet - just black . complains about some fonts missing (~/.mplayer/subfront.tff) i just found out that xterm has alot to tell after you close the program...

I will try to fix this - and not post anything more before a knows howto
(and i was kind of asking for help)

Barty 2009-06-14 06:25

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by bezeen (Post 295758)
Gnash also gets a error on libglu1-mesa_7.4-ubuntu3_armel.deb
is this related to the hw drives (whats not optimized yet) or can it be fixed with the right libs?

I can second this on my SmartQ7. I tried downloading the .deb from launchpad and same error. dpkg -x is able to extract the files from the .deb, but the install complains. I didn't try installing all the packages manually, which may work. No matching bugs posted in launchpad either.


Unpacking libglu1-mesa (from .../libglu1-mesa_7.4-0ubuntu3_armel.deb) ...
lzma: SetDecoderProperties() error
dpkg-deb: subprocess <decompress> returned error exit status 1
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libglu1-mesa_7.4-0ubuntu3_armel.deb (--unpack):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

rogue_ronin 2009-06-14 07:39

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by DannyBiker (Post 295827)
My unofficial SmartQ board will be up this Sunday (beginning of next week if I'm late). If some of you are interested in writing FAQ's and Tutorials, it would be greatly appreciated. For the moment, I'm collecting bits of information wherever I can but as I don't own the device yet (will do at the end of June), it's still a bit blurry for me...:)

Hey, I'd be glad for such a place. What's the URL?

m a r

DannyBiker 2009-06-14 10:03

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by rogue_ronin (Post 296538)
Hey, I'd be glad for such a place. What's the URL?

m a r

There it is :

It is still in its early age (understand "empty") and well, I have to fill it with all sorts of FAQ's and Tutorials (you guys could be a great help...hem :D) but this could be a great place to gather the spread information that we find daily on the web.
I'm not trying to steal audience from here, I think it's great to still have several places to discuss SmartQ's. If I'll take information from here, I'll always complete it with a direct link to this thread anyway !

I hope you guys will enjoy it...

rogue_ronin 2009-06-14 16:07

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Nice job getting it up and running.

I've just joined.

m a r

DannyBiker 2009-06-14 16:27

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Thanks...I'm starting my "writing FAQ's" period...:D

Rebski 2009-06-14 17:13

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Good work

I am getting dizzy hopping from here to mobileread to mp4nation to J.T’s World to eletroworld.

Having a one stop resource is much better. I shall sign up as soon as my Q7 arrives (can’t be long now).

Stskeeps 2009-06-15 13:49

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
In case you're not following Alternatives forum or the forum outside this thread: - Mer 0.14 released

Geoque 2009-06-15 18:43

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

I hope this is the appropriate place to be asking this question. I am hoping to get peoples insight into whether or not this device would be able to run the dosbox that has been discussed in the software section of this forum. Would that build work on a device other than the Nokias and might it work under mer installed on this device? How might the performance compare on the two different devices? I am aware that this is still a fairly new piece of hardware, but I was wondering if anyone here had some thoughts/ opinions on this matter. I apologize if this is not the right place for this question, but it seemed appropriate to me. Thanks for any help you may provide.


imaredr 2009-06-16 11:26

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by aerod (Post 291574)
Yes that works fine - Thanks for the pointer.

If anyone else is interested this is what I did to get the bluetooth running.

# echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/hhtech_gpio/usbhostpwr_en
# echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/hhtech_gpio/usbotgdrv_en
# modprobe ohci-hcd

# dmsg
ohci_hcd: 2006 August 04 USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
s3c2410-ohci s3c2410-ohci: S3C OHCI
s3c2410-ohci s3c2410-ohci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
s3c2410-ohci s3c2410-ohci: irq 47, io mem 0x74300000
usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using s3c2410-ohci and address 2
usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
Bluetooth: Generic Bluetooth USB driver ver 0.3
usbcore: registered new interface driver btusb

# hciconfig
hci0: Type: USB
BD Address: 00:15:83:15:A3:0C ACL MTU: 672:4 SCO MTU: 48:1
RX bytes:1077 acl:0 sco:0 events:41 errors:0
TX bytes:424 acl:0 sco:0 commands:41 errors:0

Just what I wanted, now I can connect to my bluetooth GPS :)

Hi, I am new at all this and I was wondering if you could explain this a bit more. I can't get my BT to work. Thanks

aerod 2009-06-16 17:48

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 291332)
Wifi is working (not for me, I have a faulty device).

I don't know if anyone used bluetooth, since it is connected to USB, so you need to change to host mode in order to use it. It should work, though, as it is simply a USB bluetooth device, and Linux supports those.

The CPU has video acceleration, and it is supported. It can play a 4000Kb/s encoded 768x576 resolution divx video at full speed.

The CPU has 2D/3D acceleration support, and the details needed to write a driver are available, but no one wrote a driver yet. This I plan to do, but it will probably take a long time.

Of course, LCD, touch, audio, buttons, SD, etc. are working.


You say the details needed to write an accelerated graphics driver are available. Where would one go to find that information? - I need to get the opengl ES on the smart Q5/7 working with QT Embedded Linux. I cannot find any information about the Linux opengl api for the S3C6410 anywhere. Any information or pointers on how to go about this would be much appreciated. I am on a huge learning curve here, but I can normally pick things up pretty quickly once I can get my head around what actually needs to be done.

aerod :confused:

Matan 2009-06-16 18:19

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
Near the start of this thread:

aerod 2009-06-16 18:19

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by imaredr (Post 297114)
Hi, I am new at all this and I was wondering if you could explain this a bit more. I can't get my BT to work. Thanks

Ok, I'll try, I am assuming you are able to get to a command prompt via ssh?

On the Q5, the bluetooth chip is connected internally via USB.
By default the Q5 is configured as a USB device rather than a USB host. This means that as far as the kernel is concerned there is no USB host available and therefore no USB devices can be attached to it. As the bluetooth chip is a USB device, it cannot be found by the kernel at startup and therefore is not available.

To solve this you need to tell the Q5 USB to be a host. This is archived by entering the following two commands:

echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/hhtech_gpio/usbhostpwr_en
echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/hhtech_gpio/usbotgdrv_en

By echoing the number 1 to these two virtual files, you are telling the kernel to enable the usb host. If you were to send 0 you would be telling the kernel to disable host mode.

Once the device is disabled, you need to load in the appropriate kernel module, this would normally happen at boot, but because the USB host did not exist at boot, the module did not get loaded.

To load the module you just need to enter

modprobe ohci-hcd

This loads the ochi-hcd module into the kernel, which will, then register any attached USB devices it finds (i.e the bluetooth chip)

The dmsg command just shows the kernel log, it is not required to make bluetooth work, it just shows what has happened. If you are still having problems, post the last part of dmsg having performed the previous commands, it may give me some indication of what is happening on your system.

The hciconfig command just displaying the bluetooth device information, again, it is not required other than to show it is working.

Once the blue tooth is available, the normal bluetooth commands can be used to manage connection.

aerod 2009-06-16 18:32

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 297232)

Yes, I found that last night but it was not clear what I needed to download. Please could you elaborate?

Matan 2009-06-16 19:12

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
The file

contains the (chip related) information needed to write a 3D driver (chapter 42). Of course, you also need to know how to write OpenGL drivers.

aerod 2009-06-16 19:25

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 297256)
The file

contains the (chip related) information needed to write a 3D driver (chapter 42). Of course, you also need to know how to write OpenGL drivers.

Thanks, that was what I was looking for. I could not find that anywhere. probably looking too hard! Thanks for your help

bezeen 2009-06-18 01:09

Re: Moses SmartQ 5
I can't remember and as this site has a non useful search engine so this could be dubble post:

Both smartq5 and smartq7 have the same stupid setup - with 106 mb unused! (on the device)

And it's easy to get a extra 100mb of swapfile. I used smartq7 v3 (original) and installed gparted (change /etc/apt/sources.list - 192.... to To resize the swapfile - close all programs before you use gparted. Start gparted and highlight swapfile. Under "partition" you chose "swapoff" now resize.

My swap file is now 228 mb and it did make my device much more responsive.

and if you thinking of stay on firmware use this to get a extra big swapfile;

I would like a similar howto on the mer install...

(I'm a noob - not a hacker)
Edit to make it little more understandable - I shouldn't post in the middle of the night TNX Tso - see later post - for my first version see next post

Nation.A.List 2009-06-18 08:05

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by bezeen (Post 297621)
Both smartq5 and smartq7 have the same stupid setup - with 106 mb unused! (on the device)

And it's easy to get a extra 100mb of swapfile. I used smartq7 v3 (original) and installed gparted (change /etc/apt/sources.list - 192.... to I was stupid enough to Resize the swapfile - AND I CAN'T RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE TO TRY IT - you may break your device - use the web address above - and follow it (if you are stupid and want to try to resize - close all programs before you use gparted). If you are willing to try - my swap file is now 228 mb and it did make my device much more responsive. And if you use the web site to make to two swapfiles or make one big swapfile a can say - this really made my smartq much faster...

And i can't understand how any person - Chinese or other can make a linux tablet and don't use all memory on the card to swap file.

I'm confused, you say you were stupid and can't recommend it but then go on to say why don't they use all the memory and how much faster it makes your SmartQ.

Why are you stupid? please explain.

bezeen 2009-06-18 17:18

Re: Moses SmartQ 5

Originally Posted by Nation.A.List (Post 297668)
I'm confused, you say you were stupid and can't recommend it but then go on to say why don't they use all the memory and how much faster it makes your SmartQ.

Why are you stupid? please explain.

I didn't follow the instruction and deleted the swapfile in use and i made a new bigger one - i think gparted shouldn't allow it - but it worked fine for me (i think you should mess with the swapfile you're running on).
As Tso has pointed out - gparted has a swapoff alternative - that i think i came up as a alternative then i tried to delete the partition (i was i little tired).

(And I'm sorry for the stupid post, i shouldn't post in the middle of the night - and my English isn't the best...)

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