![]() |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Thanks for trying again! |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Not sure what to do then.. I send a newline; q; newline, newline - anytime I get an error and pianobar's pipe is still open :mad: Maybe I'll have to break them into separate calls instead of all in one string. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
1 Attachment(s)
when I change the station the play button gets moved.
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Are any plans for icon redesigns or are you just bugfixing at this point?
I did a little mock uphttp://imgur.com/1KIa6.png |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Im up for any suggestions.
That's not a bad look there... though it looks like that would be better in portrait (which I plan to add if I ever get bored).. too much wasted space in landscape. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
It doesn't affect functionality but thought you might be interested. BTW I really like the layout the way you have it (no offense to others with layout suggestions) It's finger friendly and I have been told that I have sausage fingers. It's easy to change songs in the car without swerving. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
You already fixed that button issue j-a-k is having, maybe he needs to update or something? Could it possibly be the theme he has on it? I haven't had that issue in weeks.
And like you said, I think for the most part, the UI is fine in landscape mode. I personally prefer the big buttons(for skipping stuff in the car) and the displayed artwork layout, having any other info on the main window would be pretty pointless because it would be non-essential to the apps functions. I personally would like to the see the "Song" - Artist Titlebar moved down for songs and artists with long names. It can prevent you from discovering new artists, so that is the only problem I see with the UI at the moment. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
I was also curious about J-A-K's version; but I thought both the version in Extras and Testing had the fix in it now. J-A-K can you tell me what version you're running? |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
I'll mess with it when I get a chance. I don't work a lot on it when I have a working version in Extras, and a working (different) version in Testing. There's no point; even if I make an update I won't want to push it up because of the lost votes. So I wait until I can promote testing to extras; then make my changes; then let the new one sit in testing for a while. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Hope someone can please advise...
Got pyPianobar installed and while appears to be running OK, it shows my Pandora stations I previously created online, and the 'Play' (?) button (one on top with triangle point pointing to the right..) is showing a light blue color now, I don't hear any music nor see any album art.... What do I need to do to get to hear music and see what's playing, etc?? Also, can I play music through N900 speaker or do I need to use earphones?? Thanks! |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
The album art is strange.. do you see a "No Image Found" graphic there?
As far as sound: The common problem I've seen is people have the silent profile enabled on their phone. The default media player trumps this, but third party sound apps (like pyPianobar) do not. Once you get sound working: You can listen via speakers, headphone, or FM Transmitter. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Meanwhile, before I posted above, I closed pyPianobar and now reopened app....put in password again and clicked done....but it's been over 5 minutes and I don't see any activity or see my stations listed as before.... I am connected to internet now via wifi as before..... Is there something else I should to get my stations to show up and hear music....tried clicking on the 'Play' (?) button but no response to that.... ??? Thanks! |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Did you change to wifi after you opened the app? Restarting the app should fix this. To be totally sure there is no rogue or zombie processes left from opening and closing - I'd recommend you try rebooting the phone; connect to your wireless; then start pyPianobar and see if it starts working. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Ooops.....realized that I'd gone into offline mode...got out of that, connected to internet again, opened Pandora again, got connected and can see stations again...but still no music, triangle is light blue gray again..... Anything else??? Thanks! |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
If you're not in Silent, Volume all the way up, and FM transmitter is disabled - close pyPianobar, open a terminal, and run "pianobar" in the terminal. See if you get any errors. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Obviously pianobar is having issues connecting to Pandora. You can browse the web, and http://www.pandora.com works in your N900 browser? |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
'It's taking longer than expected to figure out the perfect song to play next. The music should be playing soon, but if you get tired of waiting, try switching to one of your other stations.' Tried another station, but again, everything reacting very slowly...odd because I have high speed internet connection here at work.... getting same message as above for this other station ....so, maybe it's connection issue or Pandora site issue or ??? |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Do you have 3G you can try? |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Been loving this app! One quick question, is there anyway to optimise it so the audio doesn't stutter when the screen fades to lock and when unlocking? I know it's minor but just thought I'd mention it.
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
It is a tad annoying, I agree. Don't know how to work around it yet though because I don't know what the OS is interrupting when it dims. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Got home and tried again and voila! Got connected properly to Pandora and quite quickly heard music and saw album art! Great!!! Thanks again for all your help today! |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
I glanced through the thread and didnt stumble this, prly just missed it. I just installed this amazing program and when i go to listen if i have my profile on Silent (which i always do) I get no sound. Has anyone else noticed this? All my other music plays fine though. Its not a huge deal though.
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
The built-in media player has someway around this that I have not found. I suspect it also has to do with the blip when the screen fades in and out. They are able to somehow get around pulseaudio I'm guessing. For example: I just tried watching a movie with KMplayer in Silent Profile.. nada. Opened File manager and watched it in the default player: Full sound. I don't know if anyone has found a way around this yet, but I'll keep my eyes open. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Yeah i just came to edit my post as i just installed kmplayer and noticed it did that also. Im so happy though I got pandora working without going to the website and now with using kmplayer i can finally stream iheartradio stations w/o going to that website since i couldnt find an app =D
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Can anyone help me...I'm trying to install this program and get
Conflict with application packages: python2.5-qt4-gui (4.7-maemo7) Any ideas? |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Do you have PR1.2 ? If not, disable extras-devel before installing.
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Yes I do have PR1.2.
I had to disable extras-devel like you said. Thanks! |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
That's rather strange. Was PyQT updated recently Atilla? Installing worked for me when PR1.2 first came out couple days ago. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Yes, there is a new version, which has been moved to extras-testing. When it gets to Extras, all these issues should be gone.
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Hey fatalsaint,
Thanks for your work on pypianobar, it works rather well and has been one of my most used applications for a while. Quick question: do you know of a way to modify the buffer time length in pianobar? Although I'm a Pandora One member, I get stuttery playback using the "mp3" setting in pianobar's config over my 3G or 3.5G connection when moving (ie, in a car). Contrast to the official Pandora app on my wife's Cliq over 3G, which has no problems. I'm thinking it's just an issue with the buffer size. Thanks! |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
I imagine that since the upstream developer wrote this originally for the more stable connections of full computers (desktops, laptops, etc) that spotty/crappy 3G connections weren't exactly taken too much into account. I will probably talk with PromyLOPH and get his response on the matter, and if it's something he's not concerned with (which I wouldn't blame him given that we're a small market) - then I will have to decide if maintaining my own port of pianobar is actually something I want to get into. |
Re: [application] pyPianobar (with pianobar)
Better, longer buffering would be great. Also, might be there a way to restart the stream other than closing and reopening pyPianobar? Sometimes when I lose 3G coverage, I won't regain 3G for more than 1 minute. This is often way too long for pyPianobar, so I am forced to exit and reopen. |
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