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forcer 2010-11-27 20:11

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
I miss fortress in the serb's list ;(

yousseft 2010-11-28 22:16

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 505732)
First you have to download this file. If you use Windows, then use WinRAR to unpack the file, no need to untar it after. If you've downloaded the file directly to your N900 you can also unpack it there.
Type in the following:

cd /home/user/MyDocs/
tar xzvf custom-release.gz


i am new on this forum and have bought the n900
i have download the file , but my question is,where to type this:

cd /home/user/MyDocs/
tar xzvf custom-release.gz

please help me

H3llb0und 2010-11-29 00:02

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by yousseft (Post 885239)

i am new on this forum and have bought the n900
i have download the file , but my question is,where to type this:

cd /home/user/MyDocs/
tar xzvf custom-release.gz

please help me

X Terminal

marceleza 2010-12-06 20:47

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Hi.. i bought angry birds for nokia n8.. i've finished the 5 levels.. ( 2 chapters ) and i'm looking for more levels..

does this custom levels work with my phone ? the angry bird version is 1.2.1


forcer 2010-12-06 21:00

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
I'm afraid that you need at least 1.3.x to play those levels.

marceleza 2010-12-07 13:43

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Hi Forcer.

where can i find this version for nokia ? when i check my version through the phone, i got a message "You already have the newest version." .

Tks again.

forcer 2010-12-07 13:56

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
I would need to change it heavily to be able to make levels on version 1.2.x, please bombard rovio to update the symbian version to 1.3.x

stobbsc 2010-12-20 03:28

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
@cgarvie I think that if you create a new install file it will create more interest.

When we first start doing custom levels back Rovio was first asked if it was allowed, I wrote a tutoral about doing it and to this day it's read a lot on my blog.

I would love to do a follow up post about the editor and then with the installer too.

could you let me know if your installer still works or if you looking at a new one.
I will have a play over xmas with all the new custom levels and send feedback.


stobbsc 2010-12-20 04:09

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Ok I've named all the levels to fit with the old custom level installer, and it still works. The one thing that I have noticed is that packs2 and 3 get locked when you are in custom mode, but at least we can still play multiple customs at the same tiem :-) time for me to test them all now :-)

waisun 2011-01-31 06:11

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
1 Attachment(s)
My first custom level! :-)
Please comment if it's too simple...

forcer 2011-01-31 08:08

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by waisun (Post 932328)
My first custom level! :-)
Please comment if it's too simple...

just an advice:
use wysiwyg editor :)

cgarvie 2011-02-02 20:28

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by waisun (Post 932328)
My first custom level! :-)
Please comment if it's too simple...

Cheers for that, its good to see someone else creating levels.

I quite liked it. Didnt take me too long to do, but was reasonably tricky

famguy10 2011-08-21 21:34

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
1 Attachment(s)
be angry at me for putting in zipped folder but theyre too big to put in here if i dont, and plusim not that good with computers so plz convert it to whatever for me if you need to.levels are in order from when i made them.Enjoy!:D
[EDIT] hey guys when ever i put my levels in to angry birds i always get an error message, do you know what this means? and since ive attached my levels in here too can you see whats wrong. i put the error pic in the zip folder so can you tell me what this means?

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